Eternal Love

Chapter 94: Unexpected (5)

   Chapter 94 Unexpected (5)

Next, Wang Ye first pushed aside the herbal medicine applied to the wound. After clearly seeing the wound, his brows wrinkled slightly, and then he took out a roll of cloth bag from his arms and unfolded it, showing a row of silver of different sizes and lengths. The needle appeared, and the silver needle was taken out. Wang Ye began to pierce Lei Yan’s body. Wang Ye’s method was not something that an elderly doctor had never done before. It was just that the acupuncture points where the acupuncture was applied made people very puzzled and surprised...

   "You are—"

The elderly doctor was surprised that Wang Ye was also a famous doctor, and Wang Ye’s behavior confused him. He was stopped by one hand just as he wanted to say something. He signaled him not to speak. The person who stopped him was Jiang Haodong. Although Jiang Haodong did not understand , But they knew that Wang Ye was saving people, and Yang Shi, who was standing on the other side, frowned and couldn't see why, but they didn't say anything. They didn't say nothing, but had nothing to say. At this time.

  Not long after, when a lot of silver needles were pierced in Lei Yan's body, everyone was surprised to find that the blood in Lei Yan's wound had stopped unknowingly? This could not help shocking everyone.

   "Excuse me, General, can I borrow needles and threads?"

  Wang Ye turned his head to look at Jiang Haodong, and asked him.

  "Needle and thread?"

  Jiang Haodong is a little puzzled, why do we need needlework at this time?

   "Yes, normal sewing is fine."

   "...Well, I'm going to have someone bring it, please wait a moment."

Even if Jiang Haodong was puzzled, he could only obey and immediately turned around to do it; Jiang Haodong left, Wang Ye's eyes fell on the round table in the room, and he walked to the table without saying anything. The table was full. Wang Ye picked a few herbs and put them into the container to start rolling...

   "...sir, Lei Yan he—"

  Looking at Wang Ye’s reaction as usual, and looking at the weak Lei Yan lying on the bed, Yang Shi turned his gaze back to Wang Ye, eager to get the answer.

   "It's okay. The wound was really serious and the bleeding was too much, but fortunately, it didn't hurt the heart, so it didn't matter. With his physique, as long as he took care of him, he would be alive again."

  Wang Ye came to the conclusion calmly, the movements in his hands were not hurried or slow.


  I heard the ruthless sentence from the best doctor in the city just a moment ago. Hearing Wang Ye’s answer at this moment, Yang Shi couldn’t believe his ears. He didn’t know which one to believe is true.

   "This, this is impossible!!"

Wang Ye’s answer also made the elderly doctor unable to believe that he had been practicing medicine for more than 30 years, and Lei Yan’s injuries were too severe to recover. Wang Ye in front of him was just a few silver needles, which just stopped the blood. There is nothing wrong with presumptuous propaganda? Of course, elderly doctors cannot accept this shocking answer.

"It's not impossible. It's a fact, but you can't blame you for saying that. His injury is very serious. When I see it, the blood cannot be stopped. It can be seen that he has already lost a lot of blood. It’s a miracle to be alive. Since you’re alive, you just need to stop the bleeding in time."

  Wang Ye didn't stop the movement in his hand, and explained with his back to the crowd. This kind of behavior seemed extremely rude, but he can't be blamed. He was busy dispensing the medicine.

  "But, but, your needles are not acupuncture points for hemostasis, and a few of them are clearly dead spots!!!"

As a doctor, an elderly doctor who has more than 30 years of experience would never approve of this practice, and from the standpoint of a doctor, he cannot admit that Wang Ye's common sense approach can judge him as helpless people. Rescue.

   Hearing what the elderly doctor said, Yang Shihe and his companions could not help but startled. The two hurriedly looked back at Lei Yan. How would they know where the deadly spots were if they didn’t understand medical skills? But since it is a dead spot, how can you survive with a silver needle?

At this time, Wang Ye was holding the prepared medicinal materials, and even the container with the herbal medicine came over: "The dead spot is a dead spot, but he used extraordinary methods in extraordinary times. Although he did not hurt the heart, he still wears it from the side. However, at this point, I admire that you can take out the arrow without hurting the heart. The size of the arrow leads to the enlargement of the wound. Even if the needle is applied to stop the bleeding, the impact of the injured location will not be completely stopped. How can the bleeding be stopped unless the operation around the wound is stopped by extraordinary means? So stop the part that should be stopped, and then use it to support the operation and stop the bleeding."

After listening to Wang Ye’s words, the elderly doctor immediately took a breath. Even though he has practiced medicine for more than 30 years, Wang Ye’s rhetoric is as unreliable as a joke. Part of it stopped working, and it was necessary to support the stopped part to complete the impossible through other places. This kind of words sounded so illusory and unreal, but he saw it with his own eyes, and saw what was almost dying in front of him. Lei Yan, his breathing slowly began to grow stronger, his frowning brows were already stretched out, the pain seemed to have disappeared from his body, and the whole person looked a little more angry than the previous moment.

Not to mention that the elderly doctor sounded supernatural, Yang Shi and the others also looked like they were listening to the fairy tale. The three of them looked at Wang Ye with wide-eyed eyes, and Wang Ye would still put his usual face in the bedside tray The medicine was opened one by one and smelled, and the selected one was poured into the crushed herbal medicine. None of the four were talking.

When Jiang Haodong came back with the needle and thread, Wang Ye used needle and thread to sew Lei Yan’s wounds like clothes. What he saw was that the hearts of several other people jumped to their throats, because there was nothing to stitch up the wounds with needles and threads. People have heard of it, and no one has done it. Wang Ye's precedent really shocked them.

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