Eternal Love

Chapter 94: Unexpected (6)

   Chapter 94 Unexpected (6)

  It was the next morning when Lei Yan regained consciousness from the state of fainting. Wang Ye remained in his room because he had something to prove, from Lei Yan's mouth.

   "It really is."

When Wang Ye listened to Lei Yan’s brief description, he fell into deep thought. He didn’t want to know much. Many of the answers came to the surface without Lei Yan’s words. This confirmation made Wang Ye more worried. , Wang Ye was turned towards the other people, looking out the window into the distance.

   "Does this matter have anything to do with what Mr. Wang is going to do?"

  Out of curiosity, Yang Shi asked, he and Lei Yan were the only ones in the room, plus Wang Ye.

   "How can it be irrelevant? Not to mention Lei Yan's opponent, even the assassin who attacked General Jiang Haodong."

  "This...isn’t the emperor in danger?"

The emperor Yang Shi said was not King Xu, but Zhao Ziheng. Yang Shi, Lei Yan and another person were all brought by Wang Ye, that is, Zhao Ziheng’s people. This time he came to [Liancheng] with Wang Ye to help. , On behalf of the purpose of playing is to delay time.

   "Yang Shi, are you underestimating the strength of the people you are loyal to the king?"

   "Yang Shijue had no intention of this, just--"

  Wang Ye slowly turned around, facing the three people on the same front.

"I understand your concerns. Otherwise, we don't have to come here first. Although the time won is not much, it is enough to give the king enough time. So don't worry, the king you are loyal to will not fail your efforts. You have done a good job, Lei Yan, you only need to rest at ease now. Leave the rest to us. We will need you in the future. From now on, let us continue to serve our chosen king with the faith of swearing allegiance to the death. "


  Wang Ye’s words and voice sounded so soft, which moved Lei Yan and Yang Shi.

   "I'm really, sorry, my lord—"

  Lei Yan, who was lying on the bed, spoke slowly, his voice was weak, and his complexion had recovered a little blood compared to before.

"You can’t blame you, and you won, right? You’re better alive than anything else. Neither I, the emperor, or Yang Shi, don’t want to lose you, you know, you or any one of the Griffin, and Or the people of Zhao Kingdom, or even the people of the world, the emperor did not want to see someone sacrificed, so cherish yourself. Since you are a member of the Griffin, you should set an example, and it can be regarded as repaying the emperor’s high hopes for you. I believe you will not It will disappoint us."

"grown ups--"

Lei Yan was touched by Wang Ye’s words. The dignified man was so touched that he wanted to cry; the griffon is a collective name organized by the elite selected by Zhao Ziheng from the elite soldiers. Anyone can act on their own at any time. Little is known about their existence. Wang Ye knows himself. He also made a lot of contributions to the Griffins. The Griffins are a collective that only obeys Zhao Ziheng's orders. Assisting Wang Ye to come, with Wang Ye's special identity and Zhao Ziheng's orders, they were willing to obey Wang Ye's arrangement.

   "That's it, take a good rest, Yang Shi, you stay, and we will go."


Everything that should be known and said is already understood. Wang Ye doesn’t want to, and because he has something to do, he no longer disturbs others to rest. He keeps one person and takes one away. As Wang Ye said before, he needs to be very guarded in extraordinary times. Because of the relationship between Yang Shi and Lei Yan, Wang Ye's choice was also the best.

   half a month later

The news about Wu’s aggression and the annihilation of Xu’s army spread all over the world. This time, Wu sent a total of 500,000 troops. First, the 200,000 troops as a backup were unknowingly blocked by the Zhao army and annihilated; General Su Shuai of the State of Wu, whose real name was Su Cheng’s 300,000 army, was consumed and suffered too many casualties in the battle with [Liancheng]. As the commander-in-chief, Su Shuai was reluctant to retreat, so that he was annihilated by Zhao Jun and Xu Jun, who came later. Let’s not talk about [Liancheng] with a garrison of 100,000 troops. Zhao Jun only annihilated Wu Jun’s 200,000 troops with 80,000 troops. It is unbelievable. Even after the battle, Zhao Jun’s casualties were not many, which is questionable. What kind of battle was that?

Zhao Jun arrived in [Liancheng] to join Xu Jun, and it took less than a day to completely annihilate the Wu army led by the world-renowned Su Shuai. The results of the war were all questionable and shocking. The annihilation of Wu Jun declared aggression. At the end of the battle, the world’s attention was paid to this battle, and many countries talked about it, so that people in the world once again saw the power of Zhao Jun; however, this battle also concealed an unexpected result...

  Zhou King Palace Imperial Study Room

"is this real?"

When Zhou Cheng heard the latest information from Shan Zhen, he was obviously shaken and questioned.

   "It's true."

  Shan Zhen answered Zhou Cheng's question very positively, and Zhou Cheng was stunned.

   "What's going on? Does it mean that even if it's a victory on the surface, it still hides the corresponding price?"

   "The emperor!!"

  Zhou Cheng’s expression made Shan Zhen a little worried, and Zhou Cheng felt so shocked and shocked, showing the seriousness of it.

   "No, I'm fine."

  Stabilize his mentality, Zhou Cheng calmly said, although it is not so easy to stabilize the mentality that is too impactful, Zhou Cheng can only do his best to suppress the throbbing in his heart.

   "Then how is his situation now?"

After adjusting his mentality, Zhou Cheng asked.

   "I don’t know, but I’ve heard that--"

  Seeing Shan Zhen's face showing unspeakable concealment, Zhou Cheng already knew the answer. What should be known from the beginning, once again confirmed that Zhou Cheng's mood is still difficult to calm down.

   "...that is to say, is it impossible to escape?"

  Zhou Cheng inadvertently said, Shan Zhen did not answer.

   "If this is the case, Zhao Guo...what kind of situation will this world become?"

  Zhou Cheng swallowed deeply and slowly said, the tone and expression of the heavy, one can feel his mood at the moment, in addition to the heavy, mixed with a little worry and anxiety?

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