Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1356: Gulu Tianmen

On the ancient road, Xiao Zhantian promoted Tianmen in it.

Then he began to arrange to leave Tiandu Yu.

Since then, the emperor Xiao Feng also arranged for posterity.

In fact, it is the gift of some weapons, just martial arts.

Xiao Yun also gave the old emperor Xiaoxiong some elixir, and so on.

He also gave gifts to Xiao Yuanqing and some other pseudo-heroes.

These people were kind to him at the beginning.

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So some useless booty, Xiao Yun simply gave them.

For enemies, Xiao Yun is hard-hearted.

But for friends and brothers, he was very generous.

In a world where everyone is chasing martial arts, and there are still people who are willing to treat others with affection, how can he not repay them?

"An ancient road is about to open, I want to set foot on the ancient road!" At this time, Xiao Yun summoned the sisters Ren from the Tower of Heaven.

The sisters have been penetrating in it.

In the past few years, Xiao Yun did not inform them.

After hearing the ancient road opened, Xiao Yun wanted to break into the ancient road, and Ren Keying's eyes brightened when he entered the sanctuary.

"I naturally want to follow you into the sanctuary!" Ren Keying said, she didn't even think about it.

Now that her father is in the hands of the shadow gate, her goal in this life is to rescue her father.

And at this moment, she also set foot on the royal road.

Ren Kexin's talents are different, and she has already stepped into the Six Realms of Supernatural Power.

They had once walked out of the tower several times and robbed outside.

However, at that time Xiao Yun did not inform what happened outside.

About these things, Xiao Yun didn't want them to know.

Even if I knew it, it would only be the annoyance of the two sisters.

"Where you go, I'll go." Xiao Shimei's blue hair, although she was a little playful and lovely at this time, but a little more weak and helpless.

Her eyelashes blinked, and the light flashed in Xiao Yun's blue eyes when she looked at Xiao Yun, looking pitiful.

"OK." Xiao Yun nodded. "At that time, I will rescue the suzerain and reunite you."

"Um." The two women nodded.

Then they stayed outside.

These years of hard work, they are also very bored.

Ren Keying crossed the blaze and directly set foot in the Three Realms of Supernatural Powers.

Although her blood is not as good as that of her sister, she is worse than many others.

Had it not been for a low starting point, she would have entered the miraculous realm a few years ago.

Later, they summoned and communicated with Wu Zong's brothers.

At this time, Ren Shaofeng wrote back.

He had already decided to stick to Wuzong and wait for Xiao Yun to rescue his suzerain.

When he wanted Ren Zeng to return, he saw a strong Wu Zong.

Seeing this brother so, Xiao Yun didn't sigh.

Later, he asked Xiao Yuanqing and others to take a lot of spirit soldiers to Wu Zong.

This can be regarded as giving some support to Wu Zong when leaving Tiandu Yu.

Five days later, Xiao Zhantian and others left together to the place where the ancient road opened.

Before leaving, he warned the Xiao clan not to be proud and arrogant, so as not to enter the footsteps of the Heavenly Palace, and must adhere to the principle that people do not commit me, I do not commit, and at the same time, he also indicated that if there is an opportunity, he will In the capital, this is a deterrent, to those who try to attack Xiao after they leave.

Of course, Xiao Feng, the emperor, also stayed behind.

Xiao Zhantian is the same.

They then traveled to Dongzhou as a teleportation formation.

Not only Xiao Zhantian, but at this time almost all the powerful men in Tianduyu rushed there.

There is even a half-step god.

This is the old emperor who broke recently.

But even when they set foot in this realm, these clans have not gone wild.

When Xiao Zhantian is here, no one dares to be arrogant.

Haitian City!

This is an ancient city, which is the closest ancient city in Dongzhou to the sea.

And the vision of the ancient road evolved out of the void outside this ancient city.

At this moment, the entire ancient city is shrouded in dazzling gods.

The monks of all ethnic groups gathered in Haitian City.

This makes this already crowded ancient city, at this time already crowded.

Of course, Xiao people have been here for a long time, and Xiao Yun is naturally not afraid of having no place to stay when they arrive.

"That's the king of battle!"

"That's Xiao Yun!"

"Is Xiao Yun ready to set foot on the ancient road? Isn't he already qualified to enter the sanctuary?"

When Xiao's father and son appeared in this ancient city, they immediately caused an uproar.

Countless practitioners are talking.

"Is this the King of War?"

"The King of War is so young and heroic!" Someone was impressed by the King of War's temperament.

Even some young disciples are full of admiration.

Of course, the most amazing thing is Xiao Yun.

Qingyun Holy Palace originally issued an invitation.

It stands to reason that he should be able to enter the sanctuary directly.

"It is estimated that Qingyun Holy Palace did not come again. After all, the cost of opening the gate of the domain is very high. Unless they are really talented, how can such great forces as them have exhausted themselves again for a disciple who has not yet started? More resources? "Someone said, speculating that Qingyun Temple did not come.

"This too." The crowd nodded.

"Hehe, Brother Xiao Yun is here!" When Xiao Yun entered the city, some people were excited.

This is Zhao Zheng.

Now he has also set foot in the magical realm.

Although the realm is not high, it is also in the quadruple level of magical powers.

Silence was right next to him, reaching the Fivefold of Supernatural Powers.

In addition, Chen Haolong, Li Changsheng and others also came here.

They also set foot on the royal road.

Of course, other people, such as Feng Yixue and Feng Yuyao, also came to this ancient city.

However, many people made the meeting a little awkward because of the original Tiangong's crusade against Xiao Yun.

But Chen Haolong and Li Changsheng are not the same.

Seeing Xiao Yun, Zhao Zheng welcomed him.

They came out of Tian Yuanzong together, and the feeling was beyond words.

"Brother Zhao!" Seeing Zhao Zheng coming, Xiao Yun was also slightly surprised.

Then everyone gathered.

Xiao's father settled in Xiaoyuan with Xiao's mother.

Tianduyu, many young juniors come together.

"It is gratifying for you to set foot on the royal road, but the ancient road is opened, and it is said that people from various regions will gather, so there is still great risk in it."

Xiao Yun said to everyone.

"The ancient road is dangerous, but there is only one chance in life. Since you have encountered it, you have to fight once."

Chen Haolong said.

"It is said that there are ancient relics in the ancient road, and it is enough to set foot in it, even if the battle is dead!"

Many people are fiery.

They have long been ready.

If today's situation will change, if you cannot become a strong one, how will you be king in that era?

"So, then I wish you all to find great achievements, turn cocoons into butterflies!" Xiao Yun toasted to everyone.

Everyone toasted and drank.

This time, everyone's idea is very simple, that is, they want the practitioners in Tianduyu to support each other and take care of them.

However, Xiao Yun didn't care much about it.

Today, he is like a dragon flying for nine days.

Here the kings have long been with him not a level.

Of course, he will take care of those old people.


Within the ancient city, more and more people are growing up.

Xiao Yun shuddered with everyone, and returned to his place of stay.

Time passed quietly.

At this time, the glory blooming in that vision became more and more fierce.

Not only that, the divine power contained in that ancient breath has also grown stronger.

Many elders looked out of the city and felt the breath.

"The power caused by the Divine Path seems to be the strongest in the history!"

"Is this related to the opening of the Divine Way?" Many emperors secretly murmured.

Ancient books in their clan record the momentum of ancient roads.

But no one has been so strong.


That day, the void shuddered and rippled.

Then, everyone saw that the cyclone was not stirred, and a light gate began to emerge.

Behind the light gate is an ancient road.

This ancient road is shrouded by Shenhui, I do not know where to lead.

Look away.

This is like an ancient road to the starry sky.

"An ancient road has opened!" When the light gate emerged and the ancient road appeared, the exclaiming sound also rang through the world.

Almost all the monks in Haitian City were shocked.

Xiao Yun also went out, standing on top of a mountain, looking at the void in the distance.

Beside him, Father Xiao stood proud.

Along with this, there is also Mother Xiao, Emperor Xiao Feng.

"Are you going to open it?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes narrowed slightly, the hair fluttered, and a faint smile came to the corner of his mouth.

Seeing this, he seems to be waiting for this day too long.

At this moment, the glory in the void bloomed into a light door.

A mighty divine power shook from it.

"Is it possible to step into the ancient road now?" Some juniors were eagerly looking at the road and couldn't wait to enter it.

"Now that the might of God is still there, stepping into it inevitably, it will be shattered by Shenhui." Said an emperor.

"Don't worry!" Many elders warned their elders.

Otherwise, if you haven't set foot on the ancient road, you will fall under the might of the god, then it is really a joke.

In this way, many people hold their temper.


In the void, the momentum released by the light gate gradually calmed down.

The light streaks in that ancient road are not agitated like a cyclone.

This is a sign that the ancient road is about to stabilize.

"It is now!" At this moment, Xiao Zhantian stepped forward.

A powerful momentum burst out from him.

When Xiao Zhantian stepped forward, the practitioners across the city cast their eyes on him.

I saw Xiao Zhantian's palm, and then there was an ancient coffin in his palm.

But he saw his palm move, a dim light pattern swept out.

This light pattern is mysterious, turned into a chain, and like a long river, is drawn into the light gate.

"What is Xiao Zhantian doing?" Seeing this ~ ~ Many people are thinking the wrong way.

"Isn't this ancient road inaccessible beyond the sky? Does he want to enter the ancient road?" Someone was suspicious.

Even those emperors were surprised.

There are also two half-step spiritual masters frowning.

You know, the divine power emanating from the light gate just made them feel daunted.

In the face of this might, I am afraid to avoid it.

But Xiao Zhantian dared to attack the ancient road?

"What the **** is this for?" Countless people were surprised, looking at Xiao Zhantian.

Including the old emperor Xiao Feng.

"Does my father also want to step into the ancient road?" Xiao Yun was also suspicious.

But what did he do on the ancient road?

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