Eternal Martial Sovereign

Chapter 1357: Into the ancient road

c_t; "Om!" When Xiao Zhantian shot, the ancient road in front trembled, and there was a mighty divine shock. (cotton candy

The kind of mighty, mighty, almost like a mighty sky, seems to represent the will of the world reads ;.

The horror breath swept from within the ancient road and turned into a storm that swept the Quartet.

As soon as this fluctuation came out, the people outside were immediately frightened.

"Rewind!" Exclaimed countless emperors.

Those kings retreated.

However, Xiao Zhantian took a step forward.

All he saw was the movement of the palm of his hand, a haze of heaven and earth evolved.

A roll of heaven and earth is to resist it.

From a distance, it seems as if there is a sky and a sky coming out.

The hazy light pattern squirmed and swallowed up the horrible divine power ahead.

In this way, those retreat practitioners were relieved.

This is so. Everyone still feels terrified when they think of the horrible divine power that burst out just now.

"Is that kind of power really comparable to gods?" Many people murmured in their hearts.

Only to see the mighty divine power was resisted.

Then, Xiao Zhantian continued to pull with both hands.

The mixed Yuantian coffin flashed, and an immense power poured into the ancient road.

Then, the ancient road gradually wobbled.

The void trembled and cracks spread.

Look at it, the void seems to collapse at any time.

Not only that, the ancient road seemed to collapse.

"What is Xiao Zhantian doing? Is he going to stop me from waiting for the ancient road?" Seeing this, the king frowned.

Many people come with dreams.

But what if the ancient road collapsed?

However, the trembling ancient road soon calmed down.

The cracks in the void gradually healed.

"Give me now!" Xiao Zhantian could only see the light of his eyes condensing. With a big movement of his hand, a mighty force spurted out of the mixed coffin in the palm of his hand,

Then, deep in that ancient road, there seemed to be a sky gate pulled out by him.

The gate shivered, and it seemed to collapse at any moment.

On the door that day, there were still divine texts blooming with mighty power, and they were confronting Xiao Zhantian.

"This ... actually has a door in this ancient road?" Some emperor eyes were surprised.

They also saw the ancient gate.

"It's just a ghost, and I also want to struggle?" Xiao Zhantian's eyes flashed, and that mixed Yuantian coffin bloomed with a shinto pattern, like a chain that usually fixed that god's gate.

Then, the glory above the gate of God gradually faded.

"You can go inside!" Seeing this, Xiao Zhantian was slightly relieved.

Then, he turned back and looked at Xiao Yun beside him.

"Yuner, this time as a father is to explore the secret of God's way, you will have to rely on yourself in the future, remember that everything depends on yourself, for the father and the enemy is alive." Xiao Zhantian conveyed a message to Xiao Yun , Indicating that when he left this time, I do not know when it will appear, at the same time, he also said that he still has a great enemy.

His archenemy is also a world figure.

So at this time Xiao Yun must continue to grow himself.

"Father rest assured that the child will work hard to improve his reads;" Xiao Yun said, his eyes glowing.

His childhood dream was to fight alongside his father.

But if you do n’t have enough strength, how can you fight alongside it?

"Um." Xiao Zhantian nodded, and then his eyes narrowed, and he swept towards the four sides. "The world will change, and the road of God will open. I believe that there will be people in the heavens who will step into the half-step spirit realm. In the future, I will not be Xiao Zhantian Tiandu, if someone dares to commit the forces of Xiao, Xuetian, Wuzong, and other forces, when I return, I will sweep the four sides. "

Xiao Zhantian opened his mouth and sounded like a thunder, ringing all over the place.

"The King of War is leaving?" Wen Yan said, many people were surprised.

Of course, the emperor was frightened.

As soon as the King of War said this, the sound of the waves was so loud that everyone's minds would collapse.

Even the two half-step gods were shocked, and their eyes were dreadful.

Based on this, they can clearly feel the gap between themselves and the King of War.

In front of the battle king, they are still like ants, and they will be easily killed.

"The prestige of the King of War is immortal, how dare I rebel!" The two and a half step gods spoke.

This is from the lungs.

They now face the King of War as if they were facing the gods.

"I'll wait for Xiao's ears!" The emperors were all surprised, expressing their meaning.

"I hope you remember what you said at this time!" Xiao Zhantian glanced at the Quartet, and then his eyes moved, a large hand rolled, Xiao Xiao and Xiao Feng Lao Huang were taken to the side.

Then he strode forward.

Just a few flashes, he appeared in front of the ancient road.

There, there was a mighty shock.

There is clearly a repulsive force inside.

It's just that the mixed coffin of heaven and earth hangs down the hazy **** pattern, covering it with reads ;.

Then Xiao Zhantian took Xiao Mu and Xiao Feng, the old emperor, into this ancient road.

"Go in?" Seeing this, countless people were surprised.

You know, according to ancient records, if the emperor stepped in it, he would be crushed by the might of the gods.

Subsequently, Xiao Zhantian went step by step.

He appeared before that gate.

Pulled by his hand, the gate of heaven was rippled.

Then, in the void, they disappeared.

When the light disappeared, Xiao Zhantian and others were no longer seen in the ancient road.

Not only that, but the Heavenly Gate that was led by him also disappeared.

"This ..." Everyone looked wrong.

"Where did my father go?" Even Xiao Yun was shocked.

The emperor must not set foot on the ancient road.

But Father Xiao stepped into it.

And the sky gate he pulled out was mysterious.

"Secret of the Divine Way?" Xiao Yun muttered to himself, his face groaning.

At this point, he felt his father was mysterious.

"It should be the gate of the heavens of God just now!" As Xiao Yun groaned secretly, the voice of Supreme Devourer came.

"The heavenly gate of the **** world?" Xiao Yunmulu asked inquiringly.

"God's Gate, this is a gate to God's World. Any Nether Repairer who wants to ascend to God's World must pass through this gate!"

Swallowed Heaven said.

"Must rise through the heavenly gate?" Wen Yan said, Xiao Yun's eyes lit up. "So this heavenly gate?"

"That's just a projection of the heavenly gate of God's World!" Said Supreme Lord of Heaven. "It seems that the heavenly gate of God's World has also fallen into the dust, and this has caused the heavens and the earth to be imaged, causing the divine path to be cut off and unable to ascend to the kingdom of God. Your father. , Actually drawing this projection out, it seems to be looking for the true heavenly gate of the **** world. "

"That's it." After hearing the words, Xiao Yun looked at the road in vain.

At this time, he also understood why his father said he was looking for the secret of the way of God.

"It seems that your father is really not easy!" Said Supreme King Tun, "I haven't seen that this ancient road contains the projection of Tianmen, and was actually led by him. It is really strange, how can a mortal have such great power? Is he a reincarnation of a certain deity? "He was suspicious, except for other reasons.

Otherwise, how can an ordinary mortal person control the Tianyuan coffin?

"Father ..." Xiao Yun's eyes flashed, and it was foggy.

But soon he left those problems behind.

At this moment, the breath of that ancient road is gradually flattening.

Xiao Zhantian entered just now, making the ancient road ripples and almost collapsed.

Looking at the ancient road where the atmosphere gradually relaxed, the kings of all races were relieved.

The ancient road did not collapse, for them, it was already the best result.

"Why is this king of war entering the ancient road?" After sighing with relief, everyone was suspicious of the road.

Not only them, but those emperors were surprised.

"That door was not easy just now!" Said an old man among the crowd.

This is the old emperor with a dragon's veins, who has stepped into the half-step spirit realm.

"These are blooming on it," said another old man in a half-step divine spirit state. "This kind of fetish, I dare not touch it, this Xiao Zhantian can pull it out and stay still , He really is supernatural, but he doesn't know what he wants to do? What secret does that door have? "


After half an hour, the ancient road in the void was completely stable.

The **** pattern next to it is not exhaling that terrifying breath.

"It's time to enter!" An elder said suddenly.

"Are you finally able to set foot on the ancient road?" Wen Yan said, the kings of all races were fiery.

Just now, Xiao Zhantian's shot made everyone frightened, for fear that the ancient road would break and they could not set foot.

"Go!" Then someone strolled and started walking towards that ancient road.

This is a king who has passed his thirties.

He walked away, passed through the dazzling divine glory, and appeared in Gulu Menlu.

"Nothing?" Seeing this person walk through Shenhui safely, the king at the back was relieved.

After all, the momentum from that ancient road was too strong.

That godly bloom, each one seemed to penetrate the mountains and kill the king.

If no one succeeds, they don't want to rush into it.

Then, the king continued to walk and stepped into the light gate.

Then he appeared in the ancient road.

He walked along the ancient road as if to lead to another world.

At last his figure gradually blurred.

"Enron entered?"

"There seems to be no problem!" Seeing this, the eyes of the kings of all races were bright.

Then the practitioners began to scramble toward the ancient road like the locust.


In the void, silhouettes flickered, one by one into the ancient road.

In the blink of an eye, nearly 10,000 people fell into it.

"Let's start, too!" Xiao Yun rushed to Xiao Feng and others around him.

"Huh!" The crowd nodded, and walked forward.

As for Ren's sisters, Xiao Yun let them stay inside the Tuntian Tower.

The ancient road is dangerous and he does not want the two sisters to be injured.

Even so, they will lose their sharpness.

But who wants to let their loved ones take risks?

He didn't want to bet.

Those dangers are enough for him alone!

Xiao Yun walked away.

At this time, Feng Yuyao also followed.

Liu Hanyan also set foot in the air.

They all seem to want to get together with Xiao Yun.

When they strolled ~ ~ Xiao Yun paused a little.

"I was sorry at the beginning." Feng Yuyao looked helpless, and apologized that Xiao Yun had been scrutinized by the Heavenly Palace, but they hadn't tried to help.

"Oh, this is the situation, you don't have to mind." Xiao Yun smiled.

Liu Hanyan's eyes blinked, and the blue light flickered. She turned to Xiao Yun, and she had a lot to say in her heart.

However, she didn't say a word.

Yao's approach made her feel a little shameless to face this young man.

"Haha, Xiao Zhantian is also in the ancient way. It ’s unexpected. Some people say that Xiao Zhantian is similar to Xie Changqing in the book" The Demon Blood Emperor "written by the old demon. This is indeed the demon blood emperor who wants to write a pair of father and son against the sky. But because the demonic blood emperor's performance was not good, the old demonic was only six or seven hundred dollars a month, he had to finish the book, leaving a regret, so the new book still uses some elements of the demonic blood emperor to make up for the regret, everyone also You can go to see the demon blood emperor, click on the introduction page, and the author's name is demon moon night. ”Lao Yao said.

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