Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1000: Self-throwing network (seventh)

Chapter 1000 Self-introduction (Seventh)

After Su Zimo Zhen killed the Liuli Taoist, he looked dignified, and his heart also caused a lot of waves!

This battle, although short, was extremely dangerous and even more difficult than he imagined!

The Liuli Taoist has almost forced out all his hole cards!

With the mystery of range, pupil, including top-notch instruments such as Qinghua Qinglian and Mingwang Rosary, he won the first hand!

Su Zimo took out some externally applied elixir and spilled it on his fuzzy hand.

Had it not been for the God Phoenix bone, his right hand would have been broken!

At that time, it is still unknown if the two of them won or lost!

Normally, the injury on the right hand, with Su Zimo's physical healing ability, will not be long before he can recover as before.

However, Qi and blood were suppressed, and this self-healing power was also reduced a lot. He had to use some elixir to help.

He has been affected too much in this ministry!

Although after the Vientiane City, Su Zimo never met the emperor.

But he believes that the strength of Emperor Li is definitely above the Liuli Taoist!

Including the physical body of the most self-believing battle of the Liuli Taoists, the power of melee is not as good as that of the emperor!

Thinking of it this way, he was so bad at God that he had almost no chance of winning!

Not to mention the emperor.

The combat power of the title disciples is similar. If there is one more title disciple, it will fall, it is most likely him!

"Must arrive in Sanjie Realm as soon as possible!"

Su Zimo felt a crisis, like a sudden whim, uneasy!

He put away the storage bags of the Liuli Taoist, and recalled Qinglian, while holding the colorful glazed tower in his palm for a moment.

The colorful glazed tower can hardly shake the green lotus with Wupin, and it is a rare treasure without falling into the wind!

Unfortunately, this is the instinct of Liuli Taoist.

Although he had already disappeared, the godly mark on this destiny device was still there. Su Zimo tried to manipulate it, but did not respond.

You must first erase the imprint on the gods before you can turn the colorful glazed tower into your own.

It takes a long time.

In the preaching place, Su Zimo didn't have that time at first, so he put the colorful glazed tower into the storage bag, passed through the crowd, and galloped away.


The monks who had originally gathered here gradually dispersed.

Not long after, a ray of light flashed in the distance, followed by the wind, almost here in an instant.

The man was wearing a robe, and his body was flashing with a crackling blue thunderbolt. The whole person's appearance was drowned by the thunderbolt and blurred!

He wears a certain crown on the top of his head, boots on clouds, and a belt of purple gold, with a majestic look, his eyes are like electricity, and he looks around.

The cuff of this man's robe is emblazoned with the logo of the Temple of Wind and Thunder!


At this moment, a strange noise suddenly sounded in the distance, as if it could disrupt the mind and blood of the monk!

On the horizon in the distance, a figure suddenly appeared, holding a wooden fish in his hand, stepped towards this side step by step.


The sound of wooden fish sounds again!

This person's speed seems extremely slow, but the second time the wooden fish sounds, this person has come forward!

Bald head, monk robe!

"Monk without phase, you are also here."

The monk flashing Qing Lei greeted the monks approaching and said hello.

"Wind-thunder donor, don't come here."

The monk with a wooden fish in his hands lowered his eyes and looked calm.

If these two conversations are heard by other monks, I am afraid it will cause a huge shock!

The two great disciples of Wuxiang Temple and Fenglei Hall are gathered here!

Suddenly, the two looked awkward, looking intently.

At this time, it is daylight.

But in the distant sky, stars appeared, dazzling!

Under this starry sky, a figure came pacing, wearing a dark golden robe, bathed in starlight, a pair of eyes, brighter than the stars in the sky, and a faint smile on his face.

Looking at the comer, Feng Lei Taoist said lightly: "I did not expect the battle between Liuli and Su Zimo, which shocked your Tiandao Taoist."

The comer is the title disciple of the God of Heaven!

"Unfortunately, you are all late, haha ​​... giggles!"

There was a burst of laughter in the void, and the voice was erratic.

Strangely, this place is vast and spacious, with an unobstructed view, except for the three of them, no other figure can be seen!

The three disciples present at the scene did not change their looks and seemed to have noticed it for a long time.

"You came for him too?"

Fenglei asked, frowning.

"Why don't you want me to intervene?"

The voice asked in a rhetorical way, mockingly saying, "Liu Li is the only one who can't stop himself and intercept Su Zimo by himself, but ends up in a dead end!"

"Is this person so strong?"

In the eyes of the Taoist Taoist, there was a trace of playfulness, and he smiled and asked, "I heard that he is just Yuanying."

"He is strong."

The phaseless monk suddenly said, "If it were not in the preaching area, his demon tactics were suppressed, none of us would be his opponent!"

"That may not be so."

Teanao shook his head and smiled.

As a title disciple, which is not arrogant.

What's more, he had fought with Shu Luo Yan Beichen at the beginning, regardless of victory or defeat!

"There is no reason to say nothing."

Feng Leidao said, "If not, why did the Emperor choose the battlefield here?"

This problem calmed down the scene instantly.

There is only one explanation for Emperor Xi's choice.

Even he is afraid of Su Zimo in its heyday!

He chose the battlefield in the preaching place, in order to restrict Su Zimo and suppress Su Zimo's fighting power!

After being silent for a long time, the Taoist Taoist smiled slightly and said to the void: "Even if I, Feng Lei and Wu Xiang are all together, it is enough that even if Su Zimo is strong, he will not escape!"

"Is it?"

The erratic voice sounded again: "I got the news that there are three disciples in the magic gate entering the preaching place, and one of them is exactly Su Zimo's best friend!"

"If she teamed up with Su Zimo, it wouldn't be difficult to help him escape even if the three of you are not."

The three Taoist people were silent.

If there is Su Zimo's side, an additional disciple is indeed a bit tricky.

Their purpose is to kill Su Zimo, not to defeat Su Zimo.

"Please rest assured, I don't want the treasures on Su Zimo. What I want is his life!" The voice in the void sounded, with Morin's bitter killing, shuddering!

"it is good!"

The three Taoist men looked at each other and nodded.


At this moment, a deep laughter came from deep underground!


There was a loud noise, a pale palm deep in the ground, sand and stones scattered, mud tumbling, and a figure emerged from the ground!

"That being the case, wouldn't it be safer to have one more of me?"

The man in a black robe was as skinny as a wood, his face pale, and his eyes sunken deep, like a ghost in hell.


The wind and thunder frowned.

The Taoist Taoist smiled and said, "So many apprentices have been sieged. It seems that Su Zimo is definitely dead."

"Where is this person now, and how do I draw him in?" Feng Leidao asked frowning.

The voice in the void sounded again, saying, "This person misses the old feelings most. I have a plan to let this person catch the net!"

(End of this chapter)

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