Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 999: Slaying Liuli (sixth)

Chapter 999 Slaying the Glass (Sixth)

boom! boom! boom!

Su Zimo moved the body of the Liuli Taoist and smashed it, and every time he hit a huge humanoid pit on the ground!

Sand and stones splashed and mud swelled.

Many monks saw a period of bitterness.

Instead, they were smashed a few times, and the whole body had been smashed into flesh!

Today, the body of the Liuli Taoist is still intact, but his body is smashed to pieces and scarred.

Su Zimo threw the Liuli Taoist to the ground, stepped forward, and stepped down towards his chest!


The Liuli Taoist's chest collapsed slightly and his bones were broken!

In other words, the returning Taoist of the refining body, Su Zimo's foot is enough to trample his chest!

However, the Liuli Taoist was still not fatally injured, but his body was cracked and his bones were almost smashed by Su Zimo.

"It's nothing like this!"

Su Zimo looked down at the Liuli Taoist and said coldly, "The disciples under the title, I still have to be stepped on by my feet!"

"Hehe ... keke!"

The Liuli Taoist coughed his blood, his blind eyes, and gasped at Su Zimo, "Su Zimo, let me go, the grudges between us, and room for maneuver."

This is the end, Liuli Taoists have no regard for their faces.

Even if he knew that there were countless monks watching this moment, in order to survive, he could only choose to bow for mercy!

Su Zimo's eyes were cold and unmoved. He shook his head and said, "The grudges between us have no room for turning back."

When the Liuli Palace was angry at the mortals of Yandi Thirteen City, Su Zimo and the Liuli Palace were inexorable!

What's more, because of this matter, Su Hong succumbed to his heart and left.

Xuanyu Taoists also abolished Su Zimo and forced him to bury him in Dragon Valley!

After this, the Liuli Palace never gave up and pursued Su Zimo.

Today, Su Zimo has come to Zhongzhou, and the Liuli Palace has also sent apprentices to hunt them down. How do these things turn around?

How can I turn around!

Su Zimo and the Liuli Palace are bound to exist only on one side!

Of course, even Su Zimo is still not qualified to compete with the Liuli Palace.

But this does not prevent him from stepping on the face of Liuli Palace and killing Liuli Taoren in front of him!

Feeling Su Zimo's determination, the Liuli Taoist suddenly became a little flustered, biting his teeth and said, "Su Zimo, I am a disciple of Liuli Palace!"

"Dare to kill the disciples, you just made a terrible disaster, you can't afford it!"

"Damn disaster?"

There was a mockery in Su Zimo's eyes, and he sneered, "Just breaking the sky, I have no fear! I Su Zimo dare to come here and kill him as a disciple!"

Cultivation of minds shocked!

Kill the disciple!

Such words, heaven and earth, from ancient times to the present, I am afraid that no one dared to say it, everyone dare not think!

As soon as the voice fell, Su Zimo's palm was wiped on the storage bag, and a gray-black mountain peak was directly moved out.

One of the seven ancient treasures, Xuanci Mountain!

"Your physical strength?"

Su Zimo said aggressively: "I want to see how strong it can be!"

Xuanci Mountain swelled in Su Zimo's palm, covering the sky and covering the sky. On the head of the Liuli Taoist, a large shadow condensed and fell suddenly!


Xuanci Mountain slammed heavily on Liuli Taoist!

Click! Click!

The sound of cracking bones continued to creep up.

Don't have to go and see, all the monks know that this body of Liuli Taoist has been completely abolished!


A golden villain, before the Xuanci Mountain came down, escaped from the Tianli Gai of the Liuli Taoist, very fast!

Yuanshen comes out!

Only as a last resort, the monk will not abandon his physical body, not to mention, it is such a powerful physical body of Liuli Taoist!

But now, he has been forced into despair!

"Su Zimo, today's revenge, will report tomorrow!"

The Yuanshen of the Liuli Taoist galloped away.

Losing the flesh and bones, Yuan Shen's speed is extremely fast. He believes that with Su Zimo's body speed, he can't catch up.

Su Zimo stood still, motionless.

It is only by virtue of electromagnetism and misty wings that he really cannot catch up with the Yuanshen of the Liuli Taoist.

But he doesn't have to chase!

Su Zimo squeezed his hands with both hands to determine the law and looked at the Yuan Shen of the Liuli Taoist. Two eyes seemed to ignite two flames, his eyes were like a torch, and he sipped softly, "Get up!"

On the ground in the distance, a wall of flames suddenly rose, emitting hot air waves, blocking the way of Liuli Taoists instantly!


The priest of the Liuli Taoist screamed and quickly stopped.

He escaped so fast that he almost ran into it!

If he had a physical body, he would be able to break into it directly. The power of this flame wall would not hurt him at all!

But now, he only has Yuanshen.

Just being a bit smoked by the air waves of the flame wall, his primordial **** felt a burst of burning pain, the light was much dim!

Once hit, it will burn to ashes instantly!

The Yuan Shen of the Liuli Taoist stopped his figure and wanted to escape backwards, but Su Zimo would never give him another chance.


Su Zimo scolded lightly.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the flames of the flame wall continually condensed, and in a blink of an eye, turned into a huge python, with wings growing, burning flames, fierce and fierce!

Archaic beast, snake!

This change makes people suddenly feel amazing.

"In the legend, Jiuhuo Daojun was the first person to control the fire. It seems that Su Zimo has got his true biography!"

"It should be extremely powerful now! This person's fire-controlling technique has reached the point of being incomprehensible and innocent!"

There was a horror in the crowd.

Taikoteng snake flapped its wings and fluttered forward. The huge body was shrouded above the head of Yuanli, the Taoist Taoist god, with a glimmer of light!

The Liuli Taoist screamed and turned and fled.

The Taigu Teng snake opened its mouth wide and spewed a blazing flame. Countless fires and rains descended from the sky, directly drowning the Yuanshen of the Liuli Taoist!


On the Yuanshen of the Liuli Taoist, a blazing flame was burning.

He was constantly struggling in mid-air, but the flame on his body would never go out!

Taiko Teng snake glided, opened the blood basin, and directly swallowed the Yuan Shen of the Liuli Taoist!

The screams came to an abrupt end!

The disciple named Liuli Palace fell to the preaching place!

Seeing this scene, Qun Xiu did not speak for a long time, and his eyes were hard to hide.

Title disciple!

It can be regarded as the strongest disciple among the super super gates, and can be leapfrogged, and the future has unlimited potential!

Each one is the existence that everyone looks up to.

But now, the disciples are still being mercilessly killed by another monk!

Moreover, it was still beheaded by a Yuanying Zhenjun!

"Is this the first evil in all ages ..."

"If this person grows up, who can control it in the future?"

"He should not have a chance to grow up."

"You know, in this place of preaching, there are still several great disciples waiting for him! In addition, don't forget that there is a prince of the Yuan Dynasty!"

(End of this chapter)

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