Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 998: Fierce (fifth)

Chapter 998 Fierce (Fifth)

"Ruri Hitomi!"

The Liuli Taoists reacted, and the pupil technique broke out at the first time!

A pair of eyes were instantly covered with a layer of mysterious brilliance, like two crystal clear gems, brighter than the stars in the night sky.

His eyes blew out two colorful divine lights, covering the oncoming thirty-six flying swords!

Thirty-six flying swords traveled through the colorful light of God, and the speed became slower and slower.

The power of this glaze is amazing. Even if it is covered by top grade magic instruments, it can be brushed into scrap copper and rotten iron in no time!

Although these thirty-six flying swords are not magical instruments, they are transformed from candlelight.

Not to mention that the returning Taoist casts the glorious **** light, even if the Faxiang Daojun comes, he cannot erode the candlestick stone!

Su Zimo's heart moved.

The thirty-six flying swords stopped moving forward, suddenly backed off, galloping in mid-air, leaving the sword marks condensing a horrible sword formation!


Candlelight Sword Formation is formed, crushing it in front of you fiercely!


The colorful divine light was broken by the candlelight sword array, and the sword was extremely powerful, suddenly erupting, and instantly fell into the eyes of the Liuli Taoist!


Liuli Taoists screamed as a result of this change.

The blood of his pair of eyes was flowing, and both eyes were blinded!

Qun Xiu uproar!

No one had thought that Su Zimo would be suppressed by the Liuli Taoists just now. In such an instant, there would be such a huge flip!

How could Su Zimo miss such an opportunity, and the candlelight sword array continued to crush, beheading towards the head of the Liuli Taoist!

"Liu Li, clear inside and outside, clean and flawless, King Kong is not bad!"

Although Liuli Taoist blinded his eyes, he calmed down for the first time, chanting the quotations from the "Liuli Heart Sutra" in his mouth, and a powerful force suddenly broke out!

On the body of Liuli Taoist, suddenly a layer of mysterious light was cast on it, just like Liuli, flawless and indestructible!


Just after finishing all this, the candlelight sword array has been chopped down, making a sound of Jin Ge collision, extremely harsh!

The head of the Liuli Taoist is still intact under the edge of the candlelight sword array!

What's more terrible is that the candlelight sword array was instantly collapsed by this rebounding power, and it is harder to condense!

Even with blind eyes, the fighting power of Liuli Taoists is still very scary.

But after this fight, the advantages of the Liuli Taoist vanished, and Su Zimo seized the upper hand!

"Ruri, you are defeated!"

Su Zimo yelled loudly, stepped forward, reached out his palm, and patted it towards the head of Liuli Taoist.


The Taoist Taoist man stretched out a finger, and the mana spewed. The whole finger seemed to be condensed into jade. It contained the power of smashing and stabbed towards Su Zimo's chest!

At the same time, Liuli Taoist's eyebrows flickered, and a colorful light of God's knowledge burst out, stabbing towards Su Zimo's eyebrows!

Meta mystery!

Even if Liuli Taoist blinded his eyes, he could fight on God's knowledge!

Now, even the mystery of Yuan Yuan has erupted. It can be seen that Liuli Taoists have fallen into madness, in order to kill Su Zimo, desperately!

"This is the real hole card for Huixu Taoists!"

"It's a bad move. If the Liuli Taoist explodes the metamystic art earlier, I'm afraid it won't land in such a field."

"The metamystic arts have all been sacrificed, and this battle is about to win."

Just as Qun Xiu was discussing, Su Zimo's left wrist suddenly filled with a sacred Buddha light, covering it!

Ming Wang Rosary!

This colorful glazed light directly hit the Buddha light!

Just pause for a moment, the Buddha light shattered!

Of course, most of the power of this element of mysticism is also resisted by the light of the Buddha.

Residual consciousness poured into Su Zimo's consciousness sea, and the created green lotus seeds were easily shredded and invisible.

"It's a magic weapon!"

"What elemental magic weapon can resist a mysterious metaphysics of the disciple of the title?"

"The body of Su Zimo really is a treasure!"

Many monks looked at Su Zimo's left wrist with hot eyes.

At this time, Su Zimo was shocked.

At the time of the Qianhe Tea Party, the five returnees joined forces to erupt the meta-mysticism, which did not hurt him.

Now, just a meta-mysticism, it breaks the barrier formed by the Ming Wang rosary!

If another meta-mystic of the same strength comes again, he can already threaten his primitive god!

This is the disciplinary power of the disciple. If he does not have a magical instrument such as the Ming Dynasty rosary and the green lotus seed, he will be wiped out with one stroke!

This is also his biggest weakness at present.

Without practicing to return to the realm, the mystery of the element cannot be condensed, and only passive defense can be achieved.

Su Zimo was shocked.

At this time, Liuli Taoist was terrified!

This element of mysticism is that the Liuli Palace does not spread the secret method, which is extremely fierce.

Not to mention a Yuanyuan Zhenjun, even a returning Taoist in the same realm can easily wipe it out!

Liuli Taoist blinded his eyes and did not run away immediately. He wanted to rely on this elementary mystery to kill Su Zimo!

Even if you can't fight on the spot, you have to hit it hard.

But he never imagined that Su Zimo would bear his metamystical life like a person who is fine!

At the end of the war, Liulidao resigned.

However, Su Zimo will not give him a chance to escape at all!

The Liu Wan Taoist's "wanjun finger" has been stabbed near, Su Zimo's eyes are bright, his right hand is fist, and Wanjun finger is hard to shake!

At the same time, his left hand was stretched out, and it seemed to be softly placed on the arm of the Liuli Taoist.


First, the fingers collided, such as defeating leather!

Su Zimo's right hand, although it resisted the fingers of Wan Jun, was already blurred in flesh and blood!

If there is no God Phoenix bone, this palm is likely to be broken by a finger!

This is the horror of the disciples!

Hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff.

Even if the Liuli Taoist blinded his eyes, the explosive power was still enough to threaten Su Zimo's life!

Slightly worse, will still disappear!

Punching Wan Jun's finger, Liuli Taoist wanted to turn around and retreat, but did not expect that Su Zimo's left hand had been placed on the arm he had not had time to retract.

An eerie power bursts!

His arm seemed to be constantly twisted and torn by this force.


Flesh and blood burst on his arm, bursting out a mist of blood!


The Liuli Taoist couldn't bear it and screamed again!

He felt that his bones seemed to be broken and torn by this strange power!

Without waiting for him to react, Su Zimo grabbed his arm with both hands, lifted him all up, drew an arc in the air, and slammed into the ground fiercely!


Earth shaking.

The hearts of many monks trembled and their eyes fluttered.


Without waiting for everyone to react, Su Zimo clutched Liuli Taoist's arm and pulled him out of the mud pit again, slamming it to the other side!

Qun Xiu's eyes widened, his expression horrified.

The disciple of the glorious palace title fell into such a situation and was smashed and smashed by people, and there was no fighting back!

(End of this chapter)

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