Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1112: I beat you first!

Chapter 1112: False Curse

Thunder thunder roared on Su Zimo's body, mana wings agitated behind him, his body flickered, and his speed was extremely fast.

Although the Wu tribe is a Taikoo nine, the blood is noble.

But their physical bodies are relatively weak, far worse than the physical bodies of the Protoss and Dragon races.

The witches are good at all-pervasive, invincible, and weird witchcraft!

Although Su Zimo's Qinglian real body is not strong in blood, after all, the physical body is hard, and Tao Jun's magic instruments are difficult to shake.

Therefore, he plans to fight close combat with the blind old man!

In fact, this battle would become much easier if it were replaced by the real dragon race.

As long as you can get closer, whether you use the power of the flesh, blood, or barrenness, you can cause great damage to this blind old man!

"court death!"

Although Su Zimo's speed is fast, the blind old man reacts faster.

Although he was blind, his ears became sharper.

Coupled with the huge consciousness, it was almost Su Zimo's action that he had already noticed!

The blind old man's skinny palm was patted on the storage bag, and there was already a white bone stick in his palm.

Above the head of the staff is a creepy skull.

The blind old man's staff gave a light meal on the ground, a word in his mouth, and a series of weird curses.


In the air, nine skulls suddenly popped up and hit Su Zimo.

Dead bone curse!

The boneless curse released by the blind old man is even more powerful than the witch tribe!

Su Zimo did not dare to carelessly.





Su Zi opened his mouth and spit out four Sanskrit sounds, sounding like a bell, and deafening.

At the same time, he pinched the French seal.


The seals of law descended from the sky, the gold light flickered, and the skulls flying in the air were suppressed.

In the end, Su Zimo condensed a seal of French law, and remained motionless, as if taking root at his feet!

The Daming Mantra, combined with the four Seals of Daming, all burst out in an instant!

In the end, Su Zimo ended with no action at all!

The Daming curse is a mystery of the sound field, without any disadvantage.

But after the Brahma came, the blind old man seemed to be unaware and unaffected.

The skulls flying in mid-air just stopped for a little while and continued to gallop!

Seals of demon magic, descending demon, imprisoned immortal, and three Buddhist monks came, temporarily entangled with the deadlock of three skulls, difficult to distinguish from each other.

The remaining six skulls have already swooped on Su Zimo's body, and opened his mouth and swallowed!

The mana barrier formed by immobile roots is exhausting at a speed that is visible to the naked eye!


Su Zimo grunted, his face pale.

In the face of the witch's strong state of law, his power seemed weak!

At this moment, he missed Qinglian very much.

If there is a creature of Qinglian in hand, these skulls, and any ghostly means of charm, cannot be approached at all!


Su Zimo was screaming in the sky, and suddenly the sound mystery of Lei Yinsha broke out!

Now, after getting the "Xi Xu Lian Shen Pian", the power of this mysterious sound field has also greatly increased!

The skull that had swallowed on Su Zimo was shocked.


Under Su Zimo's body, a huge monster appeared.

The four-legged stand, like a pillar of heaven, cannot be shaken, carrying a huge carapace, with a mysterious pattern on it.

The monster has two heads of turtles and snakes, and the four eyes radiate a bright light, and the sky is long chanting!

Xuanwu sacred animal is coming!

Su Zimo stepped on a tortoise and snake, sending out an extremely powerful mana in his body. He bounced off the six skulls on his body, and exerted his strength again, rushing towards the blind old man!

No match!

Fight directly, he is not an opponent at all!

Just to break away from this dead bone curse, Su Zimo has already played his hole cards!

But in his eyes, he was still not afraid!

All he has to do is to attract the attention of the blind old man as much as possible ...

The real killing trick is not on him!

At this time, the two played against each other and broke out, which attracted everyone's attention.

This is still the case, not to mention the blind old man in the battlefield.

No one noticed at all, and the screams of Long Hu Ge returning to the virtual Taoist suddenly stopped.

Even if someone notices it, they don't think too much.

What can this mean?

Looking at Su Zimo rushing over, the corner of the blind old man's mouth slightly tilted, revealing a sneer.

In his opinion, Su Zimo was already at the end of his crossbow.

This son wants to be close, it's just a crazy dream!

He has countless ways to block this child, so that the distance between the two can never be narrowed!

At this moment, for no reason, the blind old man suddenly throbbed!

This throbbing is extremely slight.

If you changed to someone else, you wouldn't care.

But the blind old man becomes blind, both in the senses and in the perception of the outside world, becoming extremely keen!

He suddenly thought of a possibility.

"not good!"

The blind old man suddenly changed color, and suddenly a dark green light shrouded his body, and his figure became blurred.

I do not know when, behind him, a black figure emerged.

Like a ghost, like a ghost.

Like the **** of killing walking in the night!

Yeling, go and return!

This is the tacit understanding that only Su Zimo and Ye Ling know.

The two did not even have a sense of transmission, nor did they make eye contact.

Because, Ye Ling knew that, by virtue of Su Zimo's own power, he could hardly defeat the witch's power of law.

And without Su Zimo attracting the attention of the blind old man, it would not be easy to get close!

Only when the two of them join forces can it be possible to fight off this witch tribe's prince of law.

The reason for Yeling to hunt down Dragon Tiger Pavilion and return to the virtual Taoist is to paralyze the blind old man!

In fact, their plans have been successful.

But the response of the blind old man is fast enough!

Almost as soon as Ye Ling appeared, he released the life-saving witchcraft of the Wu tribe, false curse!

His body was almost vain, elusive, out of bounds, and obscure.

Ye Ling reached out his hands and grabbed forward.

The figure of the blind old man was scratched, but no trace of blood flowed out.

The shape of the blind old man is right in front of her eyes, but Ye Ling's shot is missed!

Since the war, every time Yeling makes a shot, a monk must die.

But this time, he missed it!

This opportunity is rare.

If you miss it, Su Zimo and Ye Ling will be hard to kill the blind old man!

There are many mysterious spells and weird spells.

If the blind old man wants to escape with all his heart, he may not be able to catch up with Su Zimo and Ye Ling.

At this point, Ye Ling's eyes flashed a cold light.

Behind him, a long, slender purple tail with scales grew suddenly.

The tip of the long tail is extremely sharp, flashing cold light, and stabbed in the direction of the blind old man!


Blood shines!

The tail of the night spirit can actually break the falsehood and stab the blind old man's true body!

(End of this chapter)

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