Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1113: False Curse

Chapter 1113: God's Curse

Even so, the blind old man still avoided the deadly key, his right chest was pierced by the tail of the night spirit, blood dripping!


The blind old man screamed.

Although practicing to the state of law, even if the lungs are damaged, it still won't hurt lives, but for the age of the blind old man, this kind of injury and blood loss, the combat power will be affected!

Not to mention, he has been approached by Ye Ling.

Suffering heavy losses again, is already a lifeline!

"Get away from me!"

The blind old man responded very quickly. When he stabbed him at the tail of the night spirit, he gave a backhand palm, condensed a dark green palm print, and patted the night spirit heavily.

The night spirit's tail fell on the blind old man, unable to dodge, and could only raise his arms.


Yeling trembled and was blown away by the blind old man.

However, his physical strength is amazing, and his body is amazing. Even if he receives a full blow from the blind old man, only a little blood spills from the corner of his mouth, and his body is not big.

Ye Ling turned over in the air, his body was shaking, and he lost his trace again.

The six skulls that had been entangled with Su Zimo immediately disappeared.

Su Zimo's eyes were bright and he was ready to rush up and join hands with Yeling to completely kill the blind old man!

At this moment, Witch shot in time.

"Cursed spear!"

There was a word in Wu Li's mouth. As the bone-bone staff in his hand waved, mana surged, and a dark green spear condensed in the air!

The body of this spear exudes an extreme evil power.

Not to mention that Su Zimo is on the battlefield. Even if he is watching from the distance, Xifeng Qunxiu, just looking at it, feels dizzy and ill-fated.

It's really hard to imagine how such a terrible spear can stab humans, and how terrible the lethality will erupt!

Suzi Morton lived in cold, cold face.

Originally, he planned to wait for a while to deal with this witch master.

Now, since this man can't wait to die, he will complete this man!

Su Zimo put his fingers together and pinched the sword.

Suddenly, huge stars emerged from the sky.

Su Zimo's body burst into a terrible killing, and this killing went away, and the stars in the sky began to become chaotic!

The sky is killing, and the stars are changing!

Damn sword trick!

Looking at the cursing spear that stabbed, Su Zimo's eyes were slightly condensed, waving his sword, and beheaded three times in a row toward the front!


Three white sword spirits broke through.

The whole void was like a huge piece of cloth, and three gaps were torn out!

At the time of Yuan Ying, Su Zimo's Yuan Shen Xiu was only able to release a sword.

And stepping back into the virtual world, he can breathe out and release three swords!

Of course, in the past ten years, with the comprehension of "Sword of Heavenly Sword", the power of this sword has been continuously rising!

The three sword qi are superimposed together, and the power of killing is brought to the extreme!

Don't say what the cursed spear is.

Su Zimo believes that even the blind old man in the state of law may not be able to retreat from this!

You know, this is the three great swords of ancient times, the best to kill!

Although the blind old man can't look at it, the moment he felt the three sword qi lasing, his look changed greatly!

He suddenly yelled, "Master, go!"

The voice did not fall.

Heavenly sword energy hits the cursed spear.

There was almost no pause, this spear exuding an evil breath was cut into pieces by three swords and broken instantly!

The witch's pupils contracted violently.

Even without the reminder of the blind old man, he can feel the horror of these three swords!


The witch face turned pale and fled.

It's just that no matter how fast he is, he can't be faster than Heaven Sword!

Just in an instant, the three sword qi had already fallen on the witch's body!


Blood flashed.

A figure rushed to the past with a slow pace, turning into a dark green streamer, galloping towards the distance, the speed was amazing!


Su Zimo frowned: "Not dead?"

Although the three heavenly swordsmanships were struck by the cursed spear, the power was reduced.

But Su Zimo can see clearly that the three sword qis really fell firmly on the witch's body!

Don't say, this person is just the blood of a witch tribe.

Even if it is the blood of the protoss, the blood of the dragons, chopped on the body by these three swords, they must cross the body on the spot!

The killing power in it can smash its Yuanshen in a blink of an eye, and there is no chance for Yuanshen to come out!

How could this young master of the Wu tribe escape?

Suddenly, Su Zimo didn't think about it. When he was in shape, he wanted to hunt this person down.

Before the witches fled, the pace was obviously a bit daunting.

It can be seen that even if this person escaped from the dead, he had already suffered a minor injury!

At his speed, if he pursues with all his strength, Witch will certainly not escape his pursuit!

This witch master must die!

With the experience of the owner of the Blood Raven Palace, Su Zimo can no longer let the tiger return to the mountain.

Even if Shangqianbi falls to Huangquan, he will also kill Wuzhen!

But just as he was about to leave, the warning flashed in his heart!

A strong sense of crisis is coming!

"God curse!"

The blind old man's voice suddenly sounded behind Su Zimo.


Su Zimo did not look back.

However, in the void, there was a sudden wave of consciousness, which was unnoticeable.

It's like a calm lake with ripples at the starting point.

Without any hesitation, Su Zimo immediately urged Ming Wang to raise rosary beads!


On his left wrist, the rosary of the Ming dynasty shined brightly, condensing a barrier emitting golden light, and mysterious Sanskrit texts emerged above it, containing great divine power.

This barrier has been formed, but it has not been hit!


Su Zimo frowned slightly.

How could this be?

Is it not metamystic?

Just as he was bewildered, suddenly, in his sea of ​​knowledge, an evil and strange power was added.

This power quickly condensed, and in his sea of ​​knowledge, set off a dark green storm, sweeping towards Su Zimo's Yuanshen!


Su Zimo's expression changed slightly.

This primitive mystery of the blind old man can even ignore the defense of Ming Wang Rongzhu and land in the sea of ​​knowledge from the air!

This weird attack is really chilling!

Metamysticism is invincible.

In addition to confronting with meta-mysticism, it can only be resisted with meta-spells.

But now, this blind mantra of the blind old man can even ignore the magic weapon of the gods and directly descend on the monk's sea of ​​knowledge!

This killing trick, even if the combined power of the human race comes, you must drink hate on the spot!

At the beginning, in the battle of ancient times, there were countless people who fell under the curse of this **** of descent.

Unfortunately, the blind old man is facing Su Zimo.

On Su Zimo's body, in addition to Ming Wang rosary, there is another treasure.

This treasure is in his sea of ​​knowledge.

(End of this chapter)

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