Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1124: you are not human

Chapter 1124: You Are Not Human

"Go in and see."

Su Zi Mo Yi is bold, but just staying outside for a moment, he broke into radon and headed forward.

Yeling naturally has no objections.

As soon as he entered this suffocating area, Su Zimo felt his breath stagnation.

If it was the blood of the dragons, he would not feel any discomfort at all.

But nowadays, the strength of Qinglian's true body is comparable to that of the inborn Tao Junqi, but her resistance to qi and poison is much weaker.

Su Zimo's heart moved.

Beside him, two flames emerged.

A ball of gold, a ball of red.

Two flames resemble two bright lights, slowly rotating around his body, dissipating the radon around him.

Red flame spinning lights!

The spells in the Red Flame Heart Sutra can be attacked and defended.

Yeling enters the radon gas, and he looks as usual, as if he is okay, and feels his breath, these radon gas escapes automatically.

Unexpectedly, the two went along without any obstacles.

Not long after, not far from the front, the thick radon enveloped, and a group of buildings appeared faintly.

No accident, this is Xi Zong!

Before coming to this mountain gate, put away the red flame spinning lights, Su Zimo stopped a bit and did not rush into it.

This witch misfortune was brought about by a lone spirit Taoist, but what role Zong Zong played behind this, he was still uncertain.

"There are people in the wasteland who want to come to visit the suzerainty lord in advance!"

Su Zimo was out of luck, said loudly.

His voice was clear and steady, and he passed into every corner of the mountain gate!

The whole mountain gate was silent, without any response.

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

This mountain gate is nestled in radon and weird everywhere!

There was no monk guarding the mountain gate, so he shouted outside the gate, and no monk appeared in the gate. The quiet one was a little scary!

Ye Ling sniffed a few times and suddenly said, "Not very popular."


Su Zimo didn't quite understand, and was about to inquire. A monk suddenly appeared in the gate and rushed towards this place.

Soon, the monk came forward, dressed in a white robe, and his repairs had stepped back into the void!

The monk in white robe looked up and down Su Zimo, leaned slightly, and said, "Please come with me, two people."

Then, the monk in white robe should go first.

Su Zimo raised a brow and was even more confused.

It's weird that the Emperor Zong sent a returnee to greet him.

What's even more strange is that the white robe monk didn't ask them about their origin and identity, but directly invited the two to enter the Zongmen!

This is really counterintuitive.

Of course, Zong Zong never escaped the world all year round, and some strange etiquette can be understood.

Su Zimo and Ye Ling followed the monk behind the white robe and went all the way.

It didn't take long for them to enter a hall.

On the way, the two didn't even see the other puppet masters!

It seems that the puppet masters of Xi Zong are all hiding.

"Sit down, please, wait a moment."

The white-robed monk pointed to the seat next to him, and said softly, "I'll make a pot of tea for the two."

Ye Ling glanced at the chair beside him, pouting without a word, and sat up directly.

The look of the monk in white robe moved slightly.

Su Zimo remained motionless, still standing still, squinting his eyes and staring at the face of the monk in white robes, as if trying to see something.

"Why doesn't this Taoist sit?"

Monk White Robe seemed to ask casually.


Su Zimo replied.

Although he couldn't see any hall of fame on this seat, as soon as he wanted to sit up, the consciousness had warned in advance!

Su Zimo did not block Yeling because he knew that Yeling could feel it.

This method has no threat to Yeling!

Su Zimo is now Qinglian's true body, so you need to pay attention.

The monk in white robes didn't persuade any more and turned to make tea.

Soon, two cups of hot tea were made, exuding a strong aroma of tea, and set them on the table.

Su Zimo glanced.

The tea is green and clear, the aroma is tangy, and the spleen and lungs are refreshing. A few slices of tea floating on it are indeed a good cup of tea.

He couldn't see any name.

But he knew that this tea could not be drunk!

Ye Ling glanced, seemingly unaware, took the tea cup, drank it, and then pursed his lips, seemingly exhausted.

Seeing this scene, the monk of the white robe slightly tilted his lips and seemed to smile.

Su Zimo finally realized that there was something wrong.

The face of this monk in white robes looked stiff and dull.

Even the smile just now seems extremely unnatural, giving people a weird feeling!

"We came to visit, why did you harm us?"

Su Zimo stared at the monk in the white robe, his expression gradually getting cold.

Although there are no sword lightsabers, monks in white robes have shot twice in a row, which has made Su Zimo kill!

"You are smart and cautious."

The monk in white robe leaned his head, his cheek almost against his shoulder, and looked very weird.

"Unfortunately, your friend is too bad."

The monk in white robe turned to Yeling, and there was a hint of irony in his eyes, and he continued, "On the chair where you sit, there is a ossified bone."

"This tapeworm enters the body and can turn all the bones in your body into a pool of pus!"


Ye Ling was unmoved. He didn't even look at the monk in white robes, just playing with the tea cup in his hand.

The monk in the eyes of monk White Robe was more prosperous, saying: "There are no tapeworms in this cup of tea, but there are a few tablets of tapeworms on this cup of tea, which is hard to distinguish with the naked eye!"

"The moment you pick up the teacup, the maggot is already in your body!"

The look of monk in white robe was very proud, and he tried hard to smile.

But his face was stiff, and he looked indecent.

"so smart?"

Ye Ling grinned slightly and smiled.

Not to mention that these maggots cannot enter Yeling's body at all.

Even if he could get in, he would be instantly killed by the horrifying blood of Yeling, and he would not cause any harm to him!


The monk in a white robe gave a soft sigh and finally realized that something was wrong. He looked at Yeling side by side and frowned and asked, "Why aren't you dead?"

At this moment, Su Zimo's eyes were bright, he stared at the monk in white robe, and shook his head, "You are not human!"

The voice didn't fall, Ye Ling's body flickered, and he immediately came to the monk in the white robe, patted it down, and directly shook the monk in the white robe!

If you change to a normal monk, your head will be shattered by this palm, and the Yuanshen will die.

However, although the head of the monk in white robes was broken, a stronger vitality burst out from within his body!


At the broken neck of the monk in white robes, a black shadow suddenly emerged, and the body was smelling stinky, his face was wide, his mouth opened wide, and he swallowed towards the night spirit!

(End of this chapter)

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