Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1125: Flesh Marsh

Chapter 1125: Flesh Marsh

Su Zimo looked closely, this turned out to be a black-blooded urn!

It's just that this black blood salamander is completely different from what I saw before.

This one has become the climate!

The breath emanating from him is not weaker than returning to the realm!

If you change to a normal monk, in the face of such a change, I am afraid it has become a mess.

It's a pity that this black blood urn is facing Yeling.

Ye Ling's eyes were cold, there was no slight fluctuation between the looks, the palm fell down, and the black blood maggot just drilled out was directly crushed!


Black blood splash.

A black blood salamander returning to the realm has fallen!

In fact, this monk in white robes has already fallen, and the one who really controls the body is the black blood cricket inside him!

Because of this, the face of this monk in white robes looks a little stiff, his eyes are dull, and there is a big gap between the action and the true practitioner.

Suddenly Su Zimo thought of a possibility.


At this moment, the sound of bursts of clothing rang out.

Immediately afterwards, many monks poured into the hall and surrounded Su Zimo and Ye Ling, one by one with a bad face and murderous.

Su Zimo looked around.

The faces of these monks are a little stiff, just like the white monks in the genius!

Not surprisingly, these monks have already fallen.

They can rush here because the tapeworms in their body are controlling their flesh!

Ye Lingwang asked Su Zimo with a hint of inquiry in his eyes.

"All killed!"

Su Zimo said coldly: "Zong Zong has changed!"

Yeling's body flickered and plunged into the crowd. Wherever he passed, people turned back and there must have been a monk's body!

To be precise, it was the maggots in these monks!

As Su Zimo expected, the monks had hidden tapeworms in their bodies, not only the black blood maggots, but also many other rumors that they had never heard of!

These maggots are strong one by one.

Many of them have reached the Yuanying Realm and returned to the virtual realm.

Among them, there are even some maggots with a breath of law!

However, in the face of Ye Ling's killing, these maggots still looked vulnerable!

Su Zimo also rushed into the crowd.

He did not use any other spells, but just turned the red flame spinning lights, the three flames of immortal, buddha, and magic, spinning around.

As long as you touch this flame maggot, if you are returning to the virtual world, it will not be long before you will be burned to death!

If the maggots of Yuanying Realm were contaminated with a bit of fire, they would be burned to ashes in an instant!

Xiao Ning once said to Su Zimo that the most feared force of roundworms is flame!

And the flame that Su Zimo cultivated through the "Red Flame Heart Sutra" possesses extremely terrible lethality. Even some extinct maggots cannot bear it!

Ye Ling's killing methods, although severe.

But in this battle, his killing of roundworms was not as good as three fires!

Relying on the red flame spinning lights, Su Zimo rushed directly into the crowd and rushed out of a blank area. There was no maggot that could block his way!

Only the roundworms in the state of law can resist one or two.

But without waiting for these maggots to threaten Su Zimo, they were already beheaded and killed by Ye Ling!

The temperature in the hall kept rising.

After a while, the continuous burning of the three-door fire has melted many stone pillars supporting the hall into hot lava.

The hall collapsed!

The dust cleared, and Su Zimo and Ye Ling stood in the ruins, and were not affected at all.

Su Zimo looked around, and couldn't help but slightly change color.

Around the hall, there are countless puppet masters gathered, at a glance, there are at least hundreds of thousands!

Among these puppet masters, the cultivation is different.

There are practitioners, there are monks who build foundations, Jin Dan is a real person, and Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, who returns to Xudao.

It is not surprising that Xi Zong's lineage has such heritage and scale!

What really surprised Su Zimo was that they couldn't see a little change in their faces.

Every puppet master has a stiff face and a dull look!

These puppet divisions have fallen, and are controlled by the maggots, becoming a walking dead!

Raising tadpoles, rearing tadpoles, was eventually bitten by the tapeworms, occupied by the tapeworms, and became slaves of the tapeworms!

This is really ironic.

puff! puff! puff!

Suddenly, the flesh of these puppet masters burst apart, crawling out of them a maggot, different colors and colorful!

Each maggot looks horrifying, twisting its ugly body and exuding a stench!

The flesh of hundreds of thousands of puppet masters shattered, the blood flowed into the river, and the mountains and the mountains almost formed a large swamp of flesh and blood.


Under this shroud of blood, the evil spirit permeated, and even the three-door fire became a little bit stunned, suddenly dim.

Hundreds of thousands of maggots are looming in this flesh bog, and people's scalp is numb!

Su Zimo finally understood what the so-called 'Wan Zheze' meant.

It is hard to imagine what kind of disaster this hundreds of thousands of tapeworms would have if it flooded into the northern region.

At that time, I am afraid that the entire continent would be reduced to a world of purgatory!

Su Zimo's eyes were cold, his figure rose slowly, he urged Yuanshen, the three fires surrounding him, and the temperature kept rising!

It's just the black-blooded maggot that has caused a disaster in the northern region. He can't let these maggots survive!

Kill all!

This is the only way Su Zimo can think of!

"Burn me!"

Su Zimo united the Immortal Fire, the Immortal Fire, and the Demon Fire together to form the Samadhi Fire, which was thrown directly into the Flesh Marsh!


The flames are rising!

Even if the power of the Flesh Marsh is strong, it will not destroy the fire of Samadhi!

Su Zimo urged Yuanshen to the limit!

The scope of the Samadhi Road fire continues to spread and burn around!


Where the Samadhi fire was burned, the flesh and blood swamp had dried up and turned into cracked soil.

Countless roundworms, under the fire of Samadhi, issued a burst of screams, burned to the bones, and died!

Su Zimo did not keep his hands, constantly urged the Yuanshen to make the fire of Samadhi Dao more vigorous and prosperous!

The fire covered the whole mountain gate!

Under the power of the Samadhi Road, even the maggots in the state of law can't support it for long!

Over time, the fire of Samadhi has not stopped and is still spreading.

Su Zimo's face also became a little pale.

The release of the Samadhi Dao fire has already consumed the Primordial God.

After such a long release, even Su Zimo's Yuan Shen felt a huge burden, and the power of Yuan Shen quickly passed away!

Yeling no longer shoots, but guards Su Zimo's side.

In this scene, even if he shot, he could not achieve the killing of San Mei Dao Huo!

Moreover, Su Zimo is now casting all his energy and has no time to be distracted. It is when he is weakest that he must guard nearby to prevent accidents.

After all, this is Xi Zong, one of the top five left.

Yeling felt faintly, deep down here, there seemed to be a more powerful existence, and he was waking up!

(End of this chapter)

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