Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1147: Demon

Chapter 1147: Demon God

"How could this be?"

You Lan frowned, couldn't help asking.

"I do not know either."

Zheng Bo shook his head and looked at the two princes who were still in shock in the corner and said, "Perhaps only they know the answer."

"I don't know. I don't know anything."

Daxia's voice was still trembling.

Zheng Bo's eyes were sharp and he shouted, "Your Highness, calm down! If you don't say anything, the two national masters' unexplained fall, we may die tomorrow!"

"Leave this."

Prince Dashang seems to have caught some life-saving straw, and said quickly: "Yes, leave Qiantian City, leave you, I will never return to the country!"

With that said, Prince Dashang rushed towards the door.

Prince Daxia also responded, followed closely.

Just when the two princes ran to the door, Su Zimo walked in just outside the door. With a gentle expression, he asked with a smile, "Where are your two lords?"

The two princes changed their looks and shivered subconsciously.

The smile of this blue shirt monk fell into their eyes at this moment, like a devil from hell!

"We, we want to go back."

The prince of Daxia looked fearful, and there was a hint of pleading in his voice.

Su Zimo said: "Don't, we didn't say yes yesterday, do we want to visit this dry city together today?"

The two princes were so scared that they were about to cry.

The two of them knew that they asked the two teachers to assassinate the Su Zimo.

Now, the two masters are dying, and this Su Zimo is safe and sound. This matter can't be clearer!

The smile in front of me is gentle and elegant, like a monk who is a weak scholar, is a demon!

Today, the demon is standing at the door, inviting the two of them to go along, and the two of them want to cry without tears.

Su Zimo's eyes turned and fell on the two corpses in the room, and he sighed softly: "It's a pity that the two masters died like this."

The eyes of Zheng Bo and You Lan were staring at Su Zimo.

But the two did not see any information on Su Zimo's face!

The only thing that is doubtful is that this person behaves too calmly.

But to say that with the calm expression, it is unreasonable and unreasonable to judge the death of the two state teachers, which is related to this person.

You know, the two state teachers are in the state of law.

And Su Zimo and others are returning to the virtual world!

How can it be possible that the two sides are in a big realm and want to silently obliterate two princes of law?

"His Royal Highness!"

Zheng Bo's attention fell on the two princes again, and Shen Sheng asked: "Did the two masters go out last night?"


They nodded honestly.

"Where did you go?" Zheng Bo asked.

The two princes looked hesitant, and glanced at Su Zimo secretly.

Zheng Bo narrowed his eyes and Shen Shen asked, "Did you go to Su Zimo's room!"

"I, I don't know."

Prince Daxia shook her head quickly, and said, "I slept last night. I didn't know anything. As soon as I woke up, I saw that the teacher died!"

"me too."

Prince Dashang also quickly said.

"Why go to my room?"

Su Zimo looked at the two princes and asked with a smile: "Two Chinese teachers, wouldn't you want to kill me?"

"No, it's not!"

The two princes quickly rejected.

Su Zimo nodded, and said casually: "That's good, people who want to kill me will die very badly."

The speaker is unintentional, and the listener is attentive.

Su Zimo said casually, but the two princes were frightened, pale, and felt that their legs were weak, and they almost fell to the ground.

You Lan also moved in his heart.

This sentence was almost exactly the same when she reminded Su Zimo of the catastrophe last night.

Unexpectedly, in the early hours of this morning, the two national teachers had already died here!

Does this matter really have nothing to do with him?

"I'm going out first. You take care of it. You have to go around the city later."

Su Zimo just turned around, but he stopped his body, looked slightly, and asked, "The two highnesses will walk with me, won't they leave?"

"Absolutely not!"

The two princes hurriedly said.

"That's good."

Su Zimo smiled with satisfaction and turned away.

When Su Zimo's figure completely disappeared, the two princes could no longer support it, and they sat on the ground paralyzed, without realizing that they were already sweating.

"It's him, it must be him!"

The body of Prince Daxia shuddered slightly and murmured repeatedly in her mouth.

"who is it?"

You Lan could not help asking: "What do you mean, the death of the two masters was caused by Brother Su?"

Prince Dashang nodded constantly and said, "Yes, this is the devil!"

You Lan looked at Zheng Bo subconsciously. The words of the two princes were ridiculous, but she still wanted to hear Zheng Bo's speculation.

"My first reaction was also Su Zimo."

Zheng Bo groaned: "But this thing can never be done by them."

"How to say?"

You Lan asked.

Zheng Bo pointed to the fatal wounds on the heads of the two national divisions and said, "Two wounds killed one blow, which means that they have little resistance. In other words, the murderer's fighting power crushed the two countries. division!"

You Lan nodded and said, "Yes, even if Su Zimo and others have the strength to cross the great realm and kill the Faxiang Daojun, they cannot kill him."

"This is just one of them."

Zheng Bodao: "Looking at the traces of the two wounds, it is obviously not artificial or left by any weapon."

As he said, Zheng Bo placed his palm on the top cover of a spiritual master and said in a deep voice, "What kind of devil's paw is this? There is still a ray of demon on it!"

"And Su Zimo and his team of four, only the lion is a demon, but his strength cannot reach this level. Moreover, the claw of the lion is completely different from the wound trace."

You Lan nodded, this is almost proof!

However, one thing she didn't expect was that there was a horrible existence among Su Zimo's four people, and she could even hide the impression of the mirror!

It is impossible for Zheng Bo to see the reality of Yeling!

You Lan looked at the two princes and said, "Did you hear that, it's impossible for Brother Su to do this."

"it's him!"

Prince Daxia seems to have fallen into the magic wand, and the fear in his eyes has not disappeared. He keeps saying, "It must be him! His smile and his eyes are telling me that he killed the master!"


You Lan sighed.

After this fright, the consciousness of the two was also abnormal.

When the two princes fell to this point, they may have to live in fear every day, which is even more painful than killing them.

The two princes were really frightened.

But the speculation of the two is very close to the truth!

They are not as calm and rational as Zheng Bo and You Lan, and they can infer many conclusions based on some clues.

They only have one tendon.

The two masters killed Su Zimo, the master died, and Su Zimo was alive.

This is what Su Zimo did!

(End of this chapter)

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