Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1148: Taoist start

Chapter 1148: The Dao Meeting Begins

Regardless of who the true murderer is, the two Faxiang Daojun fell by their side, and Zheng Bo and You Lan also felt repression.

Kitakyushu has not yet started.

In the next few days, Zheng Bo and You Lan scarcely dared to rest or relax, for fear of being assassinated by the demon hidden in the dark!

The two of them were still so, and the two princes were even more unbearable.

After a few days, the two princes had been tortured by their inner fears, and they almost collapsed. The whole man quickly lost weight and looked weak.

Sometimes the two princes are still unconscious, whispering repeatedly in their mouths, something like `` must be him ... ''

The only thing that is not different from usual is Su Zimo.

Sometimes, even You Lan admires these four people.

On the day of the death of the two national teachers, she told Su Zimo's speculation.

And tell Su Zimo and others that there is a powerful demon hidden in this dry city, let them be careful!

As a result, Su Zimo and others did not care at all and did not seem to know what fear was.

I don't know if this person is truly fearless or a newborn calf who has not experienced life or death.

You Lan has not been idle these days.

In this Qiantian City, she inquired about many news about Beiyu Taoism.

In this life, the cultivation of civilization is prosperous. It can almost stand shoulder to shoulder in ancient times.

A lot of Tianjiao gathered at this Beiyu Dao meeting!

Has a lot of Tianjiao's reputation, even not inferior to Wushendao!

One of the door-to-doors, the Hundred Ghosts of the Ghost Sect, has cultivated a secret method that no one has cultivated in the Ghost Sect for thousands of years. Their combat power is against the sky, and they have suppressed countless similar ranks.

So far, there have been countless wars and no more than ten defeats!

Another person who comes to the door, the Sunshine Taoist in the Valley of Fire and Clouds, is also fiercely known, and is known as the first person to control the fire in the Northern Territory. In the understanding of the way of the flames, the ancients are more ancient than the ancients.

The purple herdsman who cuts the sky sword sect, the sword genius.

The Northern Territory is very famous. It is said that there was the power of Zhongzhou Jianzong. He saw his potential and wanted to be a disciple, but he refused.

Purple herdsmen are known as one of the Northern Swords!

The Seven Killing Sects and Xuantian Deity in the door-to-door are all born of Tianjiao evil.

Of course, some of the top ten northern gates are weak.

Like Longhu Pavilion, the Zongmen's vitality was seriously injured when he participated in the battles of the four dynasties before.

In addition to the top ten door calls, the four major repair door valves should not be underestimated.

Like the magical Taoist man in the Dugu family, Kendo ’s Tianjiao makes the magic sword in one hand, false and true, true and false.

In the same level, no one can see through his Kendo!

The Phantom Taoist is also another of the Northern Swords!

Zimu Taoist, Phantom Taoist, these two kendo geniuses, in the Northern Territory, are extremely famous and almost invincible!

At this Beiyu Daohui, the two-handed, three-footed Qing Feng, I am afraid to make a difference.

Of course, among these heavenly pride, the most famous is the unparalleled person of the Yuwen family!

There are also some Tianjiao who want to challenge the status of the unparalleled.

In addition to the exchanges between people returning to Xudao, there are also many collisions and killings between Daxiang masters.

Above the Northern Territory Meeting, there must be some dragons fighting!

However, no one realizes that there are four unremarkable people in this dry city, and they are preparing to set off a mighty wave at the Beiyu Road Meeting!


These days, except for the first day, Su Zimo went out for a circle, and has been staying in the inn since then.

You Lan wants to take this opportunity to make Tianjiao as close as possible, to establish contact with some sectarian forces, and to prepare for her reunification.

Su Zimo didn't plan that much.

When he came to this dry city, he only needed to determine two things.

First, where is Yuwen Wushuang.

Second, will Xuanyu Taoists come?

These two messages can be inquired as long as one day.

In these days, Yu Wenwushuang has never appeared, and Su Zimo and others have been doing nothing.

But they have got the exact news that Yuwen Wushuang will definitely show up at Beiyu Road!

As for Xuanyu Taoist, this time should not come.

I heard that this time there was only one returnee from the Liuli Palace who wanted to compete with Yuwen Wushuang and compete for the seat of the first person in the northern region!

As time approaches, the spirit of the Golden Lion becomes more intense.

He was nine years apart from Cocoa.

He didn't even know if Coco was alive!

He was expecting a reunion between the two.

But I was worried about what had happened in the middle, and worried that Su Zimo, Ye Ling, and Nian Qi were in danger because they were in their favor.

You know, this is the Northland Road Association!

One of the biggest events in the Northern Territory!

Not to mention that they only have four people, even if they are the overlords of Kuangshiling, they dare not lead their Majesty tens of thousands of demons to set foot here.

At this meeting, there were not only returnees, but also many princes of law.

How can they cope?

The gold lion's fighting power against the night spirit has no doubt.

But the two fists are hard to defeat the four hands. If they are trapped in the siege, they are probably more ferocious than good!

The monks in the city of Qiantian have become more and more crowded, and they have become more lively.

These days, some news comes out from time to time.

Which Tianjiao appeared will cause a lot of sensation.

On this day, the Northern Territory will officially begin.

Su Zimo went out of the room with Ye Ling, Nian Qi, and the Golden Lion, and then met You Lan and others who were welcoming him.

"Brother Su, finally willing to come out."

You Lan was smiling.

Zheng Bo nodded to Su Zimo, counted as saying hello.

The two princes shrank behind You Lan and Zheng Bo, and did not dare to look up to see Su Zimo.

For these two people, Su Zimo was too lazy to bother.

The Northern Territory Road Meeting was held in the city center.

In the middle of Qiantian City, there is a huge raised stone platform.

At the Beiyu Road meeting, the fighting methods among monks were performed on this stone platform.

Around the stone platform, there were nearly twenty stone pillars.

The stone pillars are extremely spacious and can accommodate at least hundreds of people. There are some seats on it, and there are many lingering fruit teas on the tea table next to it.

Above this stone pillar, only the top Zongmen forces in the Northern Territory are eligible to go up.

Looking down from above, it can be said to be condescending, there is a pattern of small mountains at a glance.

As for some monks from Xiaozongmen, or some casual repairs, they can only squeeze on the ground.

By the time Su Zimo and others arrived, the restaurants and roofs on both sides of the street, near Shitai, were already full of people.

Looking at the stone pillars, some monks eating spiritual fruit, drinking fragrant tea, laughing and laughing, Youlan's eyes showed a touch of envy.

"These are the gates of the sects, the arrogance of the great forces. If you can associate with these people, let alone rebuild Dayou, it is very possible to unify the northern region!"

You Lan said softly.

Su Zimo smiled and asked, "What are the gains these days?"

You Lan looked dark and shook her head: "These days are arrogant and the eyes are higher than the top. There is no benefit. Who will help?"

After a short pause, You Lan said, "But it doesn't matter. If you can see the unparalleled person, I believe that I will surely impress him! As long as he is willing to help, big things can be done!"

(End of this chapter)

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