Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1149: Find someone to settle

Chapter 1149 Find Someone to Settle Accounts

"Look, Feng Yan Taoists are here!"

"Feng Yan Taoist, the glory of the Liuli Palace in this world, its combat power is second only to the Liuli Taoist of that year!"

When referring to the Liuli Taoist people, the expressions of many monks have become a little emotional.

"Unknowingly, ten years have passed since that title robbery."

Someone sighed.

Ten years ago, Su Zimo fought against many apprentices in the preaching area, and set down his heart!

In that battle, a total of eight disciples of the title died, and they were called the title robbers.

The Liuli Taoist fell into it.

A monk suddenly said: "If the deserted army is born, I am afraid that the title of the first person in the Northern Territory will not be the matchless person."

The witch rebellion occurred within the boundaries of the four dynasties.

Su Zimo's two shots in King Zhou City and Wu Feng have not been seen by many people. In the past year alone, the entire Northern Territory did not know that he had returned!

A monk sneered next to him: "You, Arima, was abandoned by the ancestors ten years ago! Even if he reshapes his body, what percentage of his combat power can he have?"

Another monk Shen said: "There are too many offensive forces in the desert, if he continues to be quiet, if he dares to appear, countless enemies will come to you!"

Youlan was overjoyed at the sound of the surrounding discussions.

Although these days of arrogance do not help her return to the country, as long as the deserted martial arts can be resolved, even if the road to the restoration is removed, one of the biggest obstacles!

"Brother Su, did you hear me?"

You Lan gave Su Zimo a white look and proudly said: "The deserted martial arts is not invincible. He has already reached the end. As long as I release the news of his return, there will naturally be countless days of arrogance and suppression!"

Su Zimo smiled indifferently and shook his head: "It's useless, but it's just a bunch of chickens."

It was natural for him to say this, but it seemed too arrogant in You Lan.

Who dares to say that these arrogances of Beiyu are native chickens and dogs?

Who has this qualification?

You Lan frowned slightly, and her impression of Su Zimo was much lowered.

Zheng Bo beside him couldn't help sneering: "It's a big breath! After a while, you can go back to the virtual fighting method in the world. You might as well go up and try and let everyone see what you can do!"

"Not interested in."

Su Zimo shook his head.

When he came here, he came for the unparalleled!

He returned to Xudao and learned how to fight in the world.

"Look at you."

The satire in Zheng Bo's eyes was even heavier, saying: "You can rest assured that in this meeting, we will focus on exchanges. Unless there is any deep hatred before, the monks will not fight each other with their lives."

Su Zimo smiled and didn't argue.

At this moment, Feng Yan Taoist had landed on the stone pillar, his expression was indifferent, and he did not go to see many monks under him.

He came here with only one goal: to defeat the unparalleled!

Liuli Palace is the only fairy gate in Beiyu.

The name of the first person in Beiyu must be on the head of Monk Liuli Palace!

Although Feng Yan Taoist has only one person, he has occupied a stone pillar, and no monk has any objection.

Even the Faxiang Daojun who was present would give him this face!

At this point, the major gate forces, the major Tianjiao, have almost all gathered!

Many monks of the Yuwen family have also arrived.

Only Yuwen Wushuang did not show up.

No monks complained and no one was dissatisfied.

Because this person has a distinguished status, even if he comes later, it is justified!

After a while, a figure appeared in the distant sky.

In an instant, it was already over the sky!

This man is a gigantic figure, wearing a bronze armor, a blood-red cloak flying behind him, and a red-gold lion, with a strong breath all over him!

As soon as this person arrived, the noise of the crowd consciously lowered.

No one seemed to dare to speak loudly, for fear of bumping into this Tianjiao!


After the Wushuangdao appeared, the Fengyan Taoist who had closed his eyes and opened his eyes suddenly opened his eyes, and a gleam of colorful light appeared in his eyes.

At the same time, Wushuangdao people also looked at Fengyan Taoists.

The two glorious eyes, like magic weapons, collided in mid-air, sparks splashed!

The surrounding atmosphere suddenly became extremely dignified.

The void between the two heavenly pride is filled with a strong killing spirit!

Neither of them noticed that in the dense crowd on the street, a group of people were staring at them, looking cold.

"Is he?"

Su Zimo glanced slightly and asked at the golden lion.

The golden lion nodded heavily, and in his eyes he shot a fierce light, gritted his teeth and said, "It's him! Even if he turns gray, I recognize it!"

"The next one, is Coco?"

Su Zimo's eyes fell on Yu Wen's unparalleled mount.

This lion is covered with red gold and does not have any variegated hair, and it looks like he is extremely powerful.


The golden lion swallowed, looking worried, and said, "Brother, if you fight, don't hurt Coco!"


Su Zimo nodded.

At this time, Qun Xiu's attention fell on the two great pride of Wushuang Taoist and Feng Yan Taoist, and no one heard their conversation.

"The self-cultivation of Wushendao seems to have improved a lot."

"Rest assured, Fengyan Taoists inherit the Liuli Palace, and it's not easy to mess with it!"

Group revisions have been discussed.

Yuwen Wushuang looked around and yelled, "Let you wait a long time. Just now I have some insights, and I am a little bit late, so I am late."

Hearing this sentence, a burst of noises broke out in the crowd.

"Unparalleled people had returned to the imaginary world before, and they had improved to a certain extent, didn't they just reach the half-step realm?"

"This is in the same order, who can match!"

"This is under pressure."

"Peerless Taoists are putting pressure on Fengyan Taoists!"

Some monks saw the doorway and said, "While the words of Wushuangdao are being explained, in fact, they are meant to be heard by Fengyan Taoists."

At this moment, the two great battles of Tianjiao have begun!


You Lan looked into the air. The man riding a lion and wearing armor could not help but sigh, saying, "This is the real Tianjiao!"

"This is Tianjiao. It should be the style you deserve!"

While talking, she looked at Su Zimo.

She just wanted to tell Su Zimo that Tianjiao didn't say it by mouth, but just appeared, and she could attract all eyes!

When she looked at Su Zimo, she found that the latter was pushing away from the crowd and walking forward.

"Brother Su, why are you going?"

You Lan asked for a moment.

"Find someone to settle accounts."

Su Zimo's head did not return, and said something.

Yeling, Nianqi, and the Golden Lion followed him behind, aggressive and uncomfortable!

You Lan asked subconsciously: "Who's looking for?"

"Yu Wenshuang!"

Su Zimo's voice came over.

You Lan stared in horror, looking at the distant back, the impression that had gradually become clearer and blurred again.

(End of this chapter)

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