Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1182: Xuan Yu meteorite!

Chapter 1182: Xuan Yu's Fall!

Xuan Magnetic Mountain, in addition to emitting the power of Xuan Magnetic, can control the adsorption of many metal materials, and its weight is also extremely scary!

Moreover, as he climbed, the height and weight of Xuanci Mountain would increase.

Today, the Xuanci Mountain is as high as a dozen feet, which is more than twice as tall as the sky and earth they have cultivated!

Such a huge mountain is all on a monk's body, and it is conceivable how terrible the pressure is.

If Xuanyu Daojun was in his heyday, the pressure from Xuanci Mountain would not threaten him.

But he was just hit by the sickle of the demon, his entire left arm was abolished, his blood was declining, Xuanci Mountain was suppressed, and he almost smashed him into a ball of meat!

Xuan Yu Daojun's face rose purple, holding Xuanci Mountain with one arm, the whole body was shaking.

He knew very well that he was already at the end of his crossbow, and his life was on the line!

If it can't survive, the millennium practice will be ruined once!

On the left arm of Xuan Yu Daojun, a colorful glazed **** light suddenly appeared. His remaining flesh and blood began to crystallize, just like jade.

In this way, the original blood flow stopped instantly!

"Get me up!"

Xuanyu Daojun exploded all the strength in his body, blood and blood surged, and he pushed Xuanci Mountain to the top and opened it fiercely!

Xuanci Mountain was overturned and rolled aside.

Xuanyu Daojun felt only a light body, panting heavily.

But there was a strong **** smell in his breath.

This is a sign that the viscera has been badly hit!

"Can't fight anymore!"

Xuanyu Daojun's mind flashed this thought, and he turned and fled.

But a flower flashed in front of him, and a blue light flashed, slamming into his face door!

Xuan Yu Daojun subconsciously raised his right arm to resist.

With his physical body, even if Su Zimo sacrifice innate Taoist instruments, he can still carry it!


The right arm collided with the blue light, making a muffled sound.

Click! Click!

Immediately afterwards, Xuanyu Daojun's right arm sounded a series of dense bone fractures.


The tear-like pain burst into my heart, Xuanyu Daojun looked pained, and made a hysterical scream!

His right arm was broken by this blue light!

This green light is not a congenital magic weapon.

It is the lotus lotus of the inferior Taojun weapon!

Xuanyu Daojun was hit hard in a row, and he couldn't separate his mind to control the fire hood.

The good fortune Liantai broke through the shackles of the fire hood under the control of Su Zimo and gave Xuan Yu Daojun another hit!

Even the fire hood had fallen into Su Zimo's hands.

At this time, Xuanyu Taojun, his arms were abolished, his blood and blood were declining, and Yuanshen was weak. He had no resistance.


Xuan Yudao Jun defeated.

Everyone looked complicated.

They really did not expect that this battle would reach this level and end with such an ending.

The monkeys and others finally relieved themselves and took a breath.

The little fox burst into tears and smiled, his spirits fluttered, and he clapped, "I knew that my son would win!"

"Yuzhen mother, I also won!"

The little fox glanced proudly at the woman in white and raised her little paw.

The woman in white smiled slightly, but did not refute anything this time.

Su Zimo's victory in this battle was also beyond her expectations.

The scene of Su Zimo condensing the heavens, the earth and the law, also caused her a lot of shock!

"Xuan Yu, more than a hundred years ago, when you took this magic weapon from the hands of a little fox, you thought about it today!"

"When you ordered the slaughter of the living quarters of the 13 cities of Yandi, did you ever think that one day you would pay for blood and blood, and bury the countless dead souls under your ruins!"

Su Zimo looked cold, holding the fire hood in his left hand, and forged green lotus surrounded him, walking towards Xuanyu Daojun slowly.

"Ha ha."

Xuan Yu smiled and gasped, "For mortals and my generation, like ants, kill and kill. What's the matter! I didn't expect that when you cultivate to this step, you still can't see the truth in this, and keep cutting That mortal world! "

"You're wrong!"

At this moment, Xiao Ning stood up and scolded loudly.

"In the archaic era, the human race was weak and weak, and they were enslaved by the nations, and their lives were like a mustard. Later, the nations fought against each other, and the emperors joined together, and they fought against the nine nations and the nations under the leadership of the people. Destiny, usher in the golden age. "

"At that time, many ancestors left their cultivation traditions to protect our lives and protect the weak little creatures! As a heir to Xianmen, you treat mortals like ants and kill them at will!"

"What's your behavior different from the previous Nine Races! Is this the truth inherited from the Liuli Palace!"

These remarks were righteous and irritable, and many monks present were ashamed and bowed their heads.

This is the most ridiculous thing.

Once a strong human race, he drove away the nine fierce races.

The descendants of these powerful men have replaced the nine fierce tribes and become even more terrible!

Whether it was the era of the Taijiu Nine Clan rule, or the era of the later practitioners, it was the most miserable. Those who lived like ants were born in this world, and they were weak and mortal!

In today's world, as a mortal, who has no powerful power, who can settle down?

The practitioners can threaten them.

Monsters can threaten them.

It is even possible that a mortal war among countless mortals will be involved in it, and they will not help themselves.

As soon as Xuanyu Daojun thought, the souls of the 13 cities of Yandi were slaughtered!

There is more than one such thing?

How many lives have been killed a year ago?

"This is the continent of heaven, weak meat and strong food! The mortal world is as vast as the sea of ​​smoke, how many people can you save with wild weapons!"

Xuanyu Daojun stared at Su Zimo and sneered.

"I never thought of anyone to save."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "I want to stand up, Bu Wu Cang Sheng, but just want to give the world a chance to control their own destiny. I want to make everyone in the world able to practice and become immortals!"


Xuan Yu laughed, as if he heard the biggest joke in the world, and said loudly: "This is impossible! Desolate, you are really whimsical! This kind of thing, in ancient times, how many human sages could not do it, why do you! "

"I'll know if I can do it for future generations, but you have no chance to see it."

Su Zimo stopped talking and said lightly, "You, let's meet."


Su Zimo stepped forward, holding the good fortune lotus platform in his right hand, and smashed it down towards the heavenly spirit cover of Xuanyu Daojun!


A light flashed, and escaped from Xuanyu Daojun's body, his expression panicked.

This is Xuanyu Daojun's Yuan Shen!


Su Zimo sang loudly.

Thunder sound kills outbreak!

Continued fighting, and suffered heavy blows again, Xuan Yu Tao Jun's Yuan Shen is already weak.

Now shocked by the art of this sound field, Xuanyu Tao Junyuan's figure shook and almost collapsed on the spot!

The next moment, the goddess of lotus shrouded down.


Rentai landed and shook Xuanyu Daojun's Yuan Shen into dregs!

Xuanyu Daojun falls!

(End of this chapter)

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