Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1183: Restless

Chapter 1183: Uneasy

The grievances of more than a hundred years have finally ended to this day.

Between heaven and earth, there was silence.

The group looked at the figure standing on the ruins, looking complex.

"Wan Wu stands up, Bu Wu Cang is born, so bold!

Suddenly Xingyue Zong shook his head and waved, "No more, no more! From today, my Xingyue Zong and your grievances will be cancelled!"

You must know that on the ruins of Dagan and at the Beiyu Dao, Xingyuezong also had a lot of arrogance and fell into the hands of Su Zimo.

Now, the top ten masters of the Northern Regions say these words, and they are very important!

"In the name of Su Wenhuang Wu, I saw today that the rumors were true."

The owner of the Valley of Fire and Cloud also stood up and yelled, "The barren martial arts, Fire Cloud Valley and your grievances, just stop there!"

In the final analysis, there is no deep hatred between these Zongmen and Su Zimo.

No matter whether it is the ruins of Dagan or the battle-fighting of the Northern Territory Association, no wonder Su Zimo.

The sectarian master sighed softly, and Shen said, "The desolate martial arts man, the sectarian master will never ask you again."

Suddenly, among the top ten doorsteps of the Northern Territory, three main doorstep masters have stood up, saying that they will no longer be hostile to the desert!

"Desolate Wu, my Murong family, and no longer pursue old grudges."

The patriarch of the Murong family is a middle-aged beautiful woman.

After a short pause, the Murong family leader said again: "If you can really create martial arts, so that all beings in the world can practice, I will come to you personally and see Daohe!"

Among the four major cults, one stood out!

Su Zimo's slight nodding to these suzerain and patriarchs was a response.

As for the other families, they didn't say anything.

The two great families of Ouyang and Duanmu have the power in the Northern Territory, second only to the Liuli Palace, but also to many family members!

Their patriarchs have a distinguished status, and for a long time, they will naturally not reconcile to a returnee.

As for other forces, although some suzerains also have a reconciliation, but because of their faces, they are silent.

But there are some suzerains, but they have other thoughts!

The Dragon Tiger Pavilion Sovereign expressionless.

The situation of Longhu Pavilion is different from that of other visiting families.

Because, one year ago, Longhuge participated in the witch misfortune!

Most of the monks in Longhu Pavilion went to attack Fengfeng, and then folded in Su Zimo's hands.

The Sovereign of Dragon Tiger Pavilion is very clear that Su Zimo will never give up on this matter!

And he couldn't swallow the bad breath!

As Elder Li said, the barbarity must die!

Otherwise, when the deserted Wu enters the state of law, not many people will be able to restrain him. At that time, it will be the Dragon Tiger Pavilion!

Elder Li has united the five combined powers of the Ghost Sect, the Seven Killing Sects, the Blood Mist View, the Xuantian Deity, and the Yuwen family.

At this point, Elder Li and others should have arrived.

The Sovereign of Dragon Tiger Court believes that there will never be any accidents when the six fits work together to kill a returnee.

The owner of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion Palace and the Blood Mist Guanzhu looked at each other and nodded without a trace.

At this moment, many monks have left one after another.

The Sovereign of Dragon Tiger Pavilion and others did not stay in place, leaving with the crowd.

In less than half an hour, the monks near the old capital of Yan Guo had already gone seven or eight, only some of Su Zimo's good friends and old people stayed behind.

A few monkeys, Nian Qi, Tao Yan, Xiao Ning, Ji Yaoxue, Lao Xianhe and others gathered together, looking relaxed and chatting casually.

Xiao Ning learned that Tao Xiu, a lovely boy, was transformed by the peach tree in Su Zimo's courtyard, which was even more amazing.

Among the crowd, only Su Zimo frowned slightly, and seemed to have another mind.

Everyone didn't think much.

Only when Su Zimo killed the enemy with his own hands and settled this grudge, his mood was complicated.

"My son!"

At this moment, a soft cry was heard in the crowd.

The monkeys waited for a moment, then looked at each other with joy.

Little Fox!

They have been with the little fox for more than 100 years, and they are naturally most familiar with the sound of the little fox.

The crowd was separated.

I saw a fiery red fox running towards Su Zimo, shaking his big furry tail, his expression was agitated, and his eyes were full of joy after reunion.

Su Zimo cast aside his thoughts, showed a smile, and opened his arms slightly.

The little fox leaped forward, jumped directly into his arms, poked his head, and stiffened on the warm chest.

Sniffing this familiar atmosphere, the little fox felt extremely happy.

Su Zimo rubbed the little fox's head, his heart moved as if he felt something, and he looked forward subconsciously.

I saw not far away, standing is a woman in white, perfect and immaculate, like a fairy in the world!

The women present, Qing Qing, Coco, and Xiao Ning, are all rare beauties, each with their own characteristics.

Ji Yaoxue, as Zhou Tianzi, is noble and glamorous in one, her temperament is outstanding and she is dazzling.

But after the woman in white appeared, the glory of these women seemed to fade for a moment.

Don't say it is Su Zimo, even the monsters such as monkeys and spirit tigers, when they see the woman in white, have a bang in their heads, and they are astounded.

"Yu Fei?"

Su Zimo's heart shook, and he shouted subconsciously.

As soon as the words came out, he was consciously wrong.

Yu Fei was the title of Daqian Tianzi to her. He called Yu Fei in person, which was a bit disrespectful, and his identity was not right.

Sure enough, the woman in white frowned slightly when she heard these two words, and seemed a little unhappy.

"My son, my mother-in-law called Yuzhen."

The little fox said quietly, "Yu Fei is the name of the maiden, so it's long gone!"

Su Zimo nodded.

"I've met Yuzhen."

Su Zimo quickly bowed and saluted.

He looked at the woman in white, and unconsciously emerged in his mind, the stunning figure seen in the crypt was a bit lost.

This is really no wonder he.

It's just that the appearance of Yuzhen's mother-in-law can make it hard to forget, not to mention that it is the ice-muscle jade bone, the flawless body.

Just when Su Zimo was a little lost, he suddenly felt a chill!

He couldn't help hitting a thriller.

I saw not far away, Madam Yuzhen was staring at him fiercely, Han Sheng asked: "What were you thinking about!"

"It's nothing."

Su Zimo's expression was dark and somewhat guilty.

If the maiden of Yuzhen was really angry and wanted to dig his eyes, he could not resist.

"My son, what's wrong with you, but worried after the war?"

Although it was a hundred years apart, the little fox still saw it at a glance. Su Zimo's condition was not right.

"Somehow, I'm a little restless."

Su Zimo frowned.

This is a whim, never for no reason!

Su Zimo glanced at Yu Zhen's mother and then shook her head.

Although Yuzhen's mother-in-law said ruthlessly, Su Zimo could not feel any murder in her body.

But where is the source of this restlessness?

What went wrong?

Su Zimo suddenly asked: "I have been in retreat these days. What is happening in the Northern Territory?"

"It's nothing."

Nianqi shook her head and said, "Many sectarian forces are waiting to see you fight against Xuanyu Daojun."

After a pause, Nianqi thought for a while, and said, "However, there is one thing that is abnormal. There are some senior elders who come to the door, such as Dragon Tiger Pavilion and Blood Mist View, and suddenly claim to leave the gate.

Su Zimo groaned slightly, his face changed greatly!

(End of this chapter)

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