Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1184: Six Powers!

Chapter 1184 Six Powers!


Su Zimo looked dignified and shook his head.

"what happened?"

When everyone saw Su Zimo's face was ugly, they stopped talking and asked out loud.

"Unsurprisingly, the elders who come to the door, such as Dragon Tiger Pavilion and Blood Mist Temple, are all fit and powerful!"

Su Zimo said slowly: "These combined powers, at this point in time, announced that they were leaving Zongmen. It is too weird, I'm afraid they have other plans!"

"My son means, they'll shoot at you?"

Nian Qi sank in her heart and realized that the situation was wrong.

Ji Yaoxue frowned: "Ten years ago, the combination of the super super gates was able to kill Burial Dragon Valley, but came back."

"Zimo, the Mahayana ancestor behind you, has warned the cultivation world that the combination of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion and the Ancestral Master will be good for you, not afraid of the anger of the ancestors, or the involvement of the ancestor?

Speaking of this, Ji Yaoxue's face changed, and she seemed to realize something, saying: "It is precisely because these fits can worry about the involvement of Zongmen, so at this point in time, they chose to leave Zongmen?"

Su Zimo was silent.

The sense of danger was getting closer, and even made him feel a choke!

"They're here."

Suddenly Su Zimo said something.

As soon as the voice fell, in the surrounding mid-air, six figures suddenly flashed, each one exhaling a heartbreaking breath!

This breath has gone far beyond the realm of law.

Five old men and a middle-aged man.

The power of six fits!

"The barrier of consciousness, the blockade of space!"

The six ensembles could speak at the same time, sip softly, and waved their hands, and the whole void appeared with waves visible to the naked eye.

Immediately afterwards, a strange feeling emerged in the hearts of Su Zimo and others.

It's like the space they are in has been completely isolated from the outside world!

The entire old state of Yan Kingdom seemed to be completely closed, not even the power of heaven and earth!

Su Zimo's eyes were cold.

Old Xianhe and others looked ugly and impatient.

Among the crowd, the only one who was indifferent, from the beginning to the end, did not have any change in appearance.

After finishing these arrangements in mid-air, the powerful eyes of the six statues fell on Su Zimo's body.

"Wanwu, you are very clever. You have already guessed our intention to leave Zongmen."

Among them, an old man stood up, smiled slightly, and shook his head: "It's a pity that you noticed too late!"

"who are you?"

Su Zimo asked coldly.

"Oh, it doesn't matter to tell you, you are a mortal anyway."

The old man smiled indifferently, and said, "The elders in Halong Tiger Pavilion, the Taoist spirit."

"Longhu Pavilion, it's fine."

Su Zimo nodded.

Another old man looked pale and yellow, like a sick seedling, exuding a spooky breath, and said, "I am the Evil Ghost and the Elder Evil!"

The third old man was full of murderous spirit, just like the essence, and said simply: "The Seven Killing Sects, Can Yang."

"I am a delusion of blood fog, hehe! Arima, I heard that after you reshape your body, your combat power will not diminish. I want to taste your blood. What is it like!"

The fourth old man stuck out his scarlet tongue and licked his lower lip.

"I'm Yu Wenxiong!"

Needless to say, the fifth old man knew his origins.

After a short pause, Yu Wenxiong looked at Su Zimo, and said lightly: "Yu Wenwushuang is the grandson of the old man."

After saying this, Yu Wenxiong looked calm.

But behind this calm, everyone can feel the turbulent killing power!

The sixth fit is a middle-aged man.

This man smiled evilly and looked arrogant and cynical, saying: "Xuantian Deity, Langyue, you can also call me Master Langyue."

The top ten of Beiyu come to you, five!

Four gate valves, one came.

Such a big battle is only to kill a returnee. Even in ancient times, it never appeared!

"I'm really flattered by the power of the six."

Su Zimo laughed at himself.

"Are you delaying time?"

The Elder Longhuge Bone Spirit suddenly asked, then shook his head and said, "Desolation, give up. Since we are moving, we will join hands to kill you, and we will not allow any accidents!"


Su Zimo raised an eyebrow slightly.

The Elder Bone Spirit proudly said: "Spiritual shield, some of your messenger runes cannot be transmitted."

"Here we have blocked the space together, even if you have treasures like moving symbols, you can't leave!"

This time, they are well prepared!

In the preaching place, the main reason why Su Zimo was able to escape, except for the treasures such as the created Qinglian, was mainly due to the large moving symbols.

So after the six of them appeared, the first thing was to lock the space in this place!

Big moving symbols are difficult to release!


Nian Qi said coldly.

"As strong men in your body, you have teamed up to stifle the returnees. Shameless?"

The little fox couldn't bear it, and said angrily.

"Oh, you are too naive."

Elder Bone Spirit sneered.

Yuwen Xiong said: "You abandon my grandson, I will take revenge, and be righteous. Wilderness, you are wrong, you should not provoke me to the Yuwen family!"

The blood mist view elder elder grinned and said, "What kind of heritage do we, the family members, have inherited for thousands of years? How can you challenge it?

"Since you are going to challenge, you are ready to be destroyed at any time!"

Ji Yaoxue took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice: "Seniors, there is a Mahayana ancestor behind Zimo. You hurt his life. Are you really not afraid of the anger of the ancestor!"

"We have a few birthdays."

Elder Bone Spirit said: "Even if it didn't happen, it wouldn't be more than a few hundred years."

"Well, some of our old lives, in exchange for the life of the first evil in the ancient times, are worthwhile." Elder ghost Zong Heixie laughed with a grin.

Of course, in the power of the six ensembles, in addition to the five elders, Master Langxuan of the Xuantian Deity is at its peak.

Master Langyue didn't care, and said with a smile: "Kill the barbarus, I will leave far away, maybe in Zhongzhou, maybe to the Western Regions."

"Hey, even if Mahayana's ancestors are powerful, as long as I hide carefully, he may not find me!"

"I heard that the old ancestor at the bottom of the Dragon Valley hasn't had a few years to live. Big deal, I'll go to his death and go out again!"

Guru Langyue looked excited and said, "Maybe, under the pressure of Mahayana ancestors' pursuit, I can use this to break through and enter Mahayana territory!"

Those five old men have already seen life and death.

Guru Langyue is obviously a lunatic, fearless, regardless of consequences.

These six fits can come together, there really is no scruples!

"How to do?"

"Kill it out?"

"How to kill? Don't say the power of six fits, one is enough to kill us!"

"That can't wait to die here!"

Monkeys and others frowned, secretly communicating.

Su Zimo was not involved.

He stood still and glanced at Yu Zhen's mother not far away.

At this point, Yuzhen's mother looked indifferent, not annoying, not anxious.

Seeing the expression of Yu Zhen's mother, Su Zimo felt relieved.

The strangulation of Elder Bone Spirit and others was a leak!

If there are any variables, it may only fall on the mother of Yuzhen!

(End of this chapter)

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