Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1186: Hostel

Chapter 1186 Jade Crest


Elder Bone Spirits and others look greatly changed!

This change of events can completely exceed their expectations.

Even though they had vaguely felt something wrong, but did not expect that this seemingly fragile woman with a national attitude was so terrible at the first shot!

Elder Black Evil has not held up two moves in the hands of this woman!

Su Zimo and others were taken aback.

Others need not say more, except for the little fox, they don't know who this Yuzhen mother is.

Su Zimo knew the origins of Yuzhen's mother, and she had heard the old monk of Yuan Bei mentioned that Yuzhen's mother had entered the corporal realm after practicing for two thousand years.

Only then, the Dagan Empire suffered an annihilation, and Yufei disappeared.

According to inference, Yuzhen's mother-in-law should have slept in the volcano under the ruins, and did not wake up until this lifetime.

In other words, the practice of Yuzhen's mother-in-law is at least a fit!

Su Zimo thought again.

It is reasonable that Yu Zhen's mother could kill the Elder Evil Black so easily.

According to calculations, the age of Yuzhen's mother-in-law should be about 12,000 years old. For the combination of 20,000 years of life, it is at the peak and the blood is strong.

However, the Elder Black Evil has entered the twilight, with only a few hundred years to live, the blood and blood declining, and the combat power diminishing, naturally it is not the opponent of Yuzhen's mother.

What's more, the Elder Hei Xie has a slight enemy.

What to expect, in the ruins, hide such a terrible variable!

"Everyone be careful!"

Elder Bone Spirit quickly reminded.

The remaining five combined powers are also extremely fast. They took the initiative and almost shot at the same time, besieging Yuzhen Niangniang!

Suddenly, a huge bone knife was added to the Elder Bone Spirit's hands, burning with a white flame, exuding a horror.


Elder Bone Spirit held the knife and rushed towards Yuzhen's mother.

Long Hu Ge is good at refining, even if he has entered the twilight, the best method is still melee fight!

Yu Wenxiong pulled out a huge heavy iron gun from the storage bag, dragged a mark in the void, strode a meteor, and also approached Yu Zhenniang!

The Seven Killing Sects, Sun Elder, Blood Mist Elder Demon Elder, and Xuantian Deity Elder Langyue, powerful spells broke out in the periphery!

"Blood mist!"

The elder elder deflected the law and pointed forward.

Around his body, a heavy blood mist permeated, quickly condensing into a **** head, terrifying and devouring towards the mother of Yuzhen.

"Seven Swords!"

The elder Canyang looked cold and stern, drew a sharp stab, and chopped forward.

On the top of Yuzhen's mother, seven murderous swords suddenly appeared, and the cold was pressing, and she was severely chopped down towards Yuzhen's mother!

Master Langyue's brows flickered, and an ancient mirror emerged.

"Xuan Tian Bao Jian-Bitter Sea!"

Master Langyue held a powerful magic weapon and squeezed the magic weapon to radiate a mana into the ancient mirror.

The ancient mirror suddenly filled with a touch of brilliance, falling in the void, where Yuzhen's mother-in-law settled.


An amazing scene is coming!

Su Zimo and others looked up, and saw a sea of ​​oceans appearing in the air, covering the sky and the sun, and the waves were turbulent, as if they could devour all living beings!

They felt clearly that every drop of this bitter sea was agglomerated by pure mana.

With a drop of seawater, the mountains can collapse and the Faxiang Daojun can be easily killed!

Everyone was shocked.

The power of combination is really capable of shaking the earth and reclaiming the mountains!

Long range melee.

Although it is the first time that the five combined powers have joined forces, they are experienced and cooperate very well.

The five men's offensive horror almost drowned Yuzhen's mother!

Although I have seen the means of Yuzhen Niangniang, Su Zimo and others are still worried.

The sharp sword hangs, the bitter sea under his feet, the blood mist hits his face, the bone knife and the iron gun strike!

Facing such a fierce and intensive offensive, Yuzhen's mother still looked indifferent.

I saw her stepping gently, rushing towards Yu Wenxiong on one side, leaving behind her a series of graceful shadows.

Even in the battle, Yu Zhen's maiden's posture is extremely beautiful and touching, but no worries.

What's even more rare is that under this wonderful dancing posture, Yuzhen Niangniang avoided most of the offensive!

The Seven Kill Swords all failed.

Yuzhen's mother-in-law stretched out her jade hand, and among the blue silk clouds on her head, suddenly pulled out a turquoise jade, only the length of her fingers.

The green silk fell down and fluttered with the wind, making Yuzhen's mother-in-law look more elegant.

Yu Zhen's mother raised her palm.


The turquoise light flickered, puncturing the **** head that hit it in an instant!

The scarlet skull paused a little in mid-air and suddenly burst!

With a flash of light, Jade stabbed towards the eyebrows of the elder ego!


The elder elder demon was shocked.

He didn't expect that Yuzhen's mother was caught in the siege, and she had enough strength to fight back.

What's more, he stood in the distance to launch an offensive, not to mention that Yu Zhenniang would choose the first one to hit him!

Jade is coming soon.

Between the light and the flint, the delusion elder directly found a huge turtle shell from the storage bag, raised his hand and blocked the jade.

The origin of this turtle shell is not simple.

It was in the East China Sea that he killed a demon who killed a pure blood black turtle!

You know, the most indestructible part of this black turtle is the carapace on his back, which may be harder than the perfect powerful weapon!


Jade slammed into the shell of the mysterious turtle, making a crisp sound.

Immediately afterwards, in the ears of the delusive elder, a sound of infiltration was heard!

It was like something, shattered in front of him!

"Don't ..."

A thought flashed in the mind of the delusive elder.

This is impossible!

That little jade was so fragile, how could it possibly pierce the carapace of a mysterious tortoise!

"Unless, unless that jade is a magic weapon!"

Magic weapon, but it is a weapon that incorporates the power of magical powers, and only the strongest in the ancestral realm can control it!

The ego elder stared at the tortoise shell in the palm of his hand, his pupils contracted violently!


The center of the turtle shell suddenly shattered, and a turquoise light pierced through instantly, piercing his palm, without hindrance!


In pain, the elder elder screamed.

But then, the screams came to an abrupt end!

There was an extra blood hole in the eyebrow of the elder elder.

Behind his head, a turquoise jade jade slowly pierced the skull and probed out. There was no blood stain on the jade jade!

Elder Evil Demon dies on the spot!

Facing the powerful siege of five fits, Yuzhen's mother-in-law shot strongly and killed one person at the first time!

And her movements have not stopped.

She set foot on the bitter sea and waved away from Elder Bone Spirit, avoiding the Seven Killing Swords, and had arrived in front of Yu Wenxiong!


Yu Wenxiong was always strong and strong, roaring, holding his iron gun with both hands, and stabbed violently towards Yuzhen's mother!

The strength of this gun is fast and it even stirs ripples around the gun body.

The spear broke through and stabbed directly at Yuzhen's face!

Today, on June 1st, some readers and friends have children. I wish the children a happy holiday and always happy.

(End of this chapter)

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