Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1187: Half-ancestor!

Chapter 1187: Half Ancestor!

Facing the heavy iron gun stabbed, Yuzhen's mother-in-law didn't change her look, she stretched out her hand, and directly held the tip of the iron gun!


Yu Wenxiong's expression changed, and he wanted to burst his blood and smashed Yuzhen's mother.

But no matter how hard he worked, his old face turned red, and he couldn't let Yuzhen's mother move!

Even Yuzhen's mother's wrist showed no signs of trembling!

Until this time, Yu Wenxiong realized the gap between him and Yu Zhen's mother.

It's a pity that he noticed too late.

"Old but not dead!"

Yuzhen's mother suddenly spoke, holding the iron gun in her right hand, stepped forward, stretched out her left hand, and looked at Yu Wenxiong's chest softly.

"A thief!"

The seven words fell, and Yu Zhenxiong's palm was also pressed on Yu Wenxiong's chest!


Yu Wenxiong's chest collapsed quickly, almost sticking to the spine, and it looked as if it had been made into pieces by Yuzhen's mother!

The powerful physical body integrates the heavens, the earth, and the law, into which the mana is poured, the sword is inaccessible, the fire and water are not invaded, and the age is not rot.

Unexpectedly, the seemingly fragile palm of Yuzhen's mother-in-law directly cut off the vitality!

Yu Wenxiong's Yuan Shen flew out of the Tianling Cover, panicking, and fled away.

Even if he didn't have many birthdays, he didn't want to be so confused and killed by a woman who didn't know where to come out!

Yuzhen's mother didn't even look at him, turned around, and walked towards the master of the waves, walking like a fairy.

The so-called Lingbo micro-step, Luo socks dust, but that is the case.

Yu Wenxiong was happy.

It's better to survive a disaster than to disappear.

However, before the joy in his eyes had dissipated, he felt a strong crisis, and he saw a turquoise brilliance in the corner of his eyes!

"It's that jade ..."

The last thought flashed in Yu Wenxiong's mind.


Jade Rin passed through his Yuan Shen without stopping.

Yu Wenxiong falls!

Yuzhen's mother-in-law's method was so powerful and terrible. In a blink of an eye, the power of six fits was already half off!

Su Zimo's spirits rose.

Of course, there is still the power of the triad, which is even more difficult to deal with.

Among them, Master Langyue of Xuantian Deity is at the peak of his age and strong in blood and blood, which is far from being comparable to those in the other five combined realms.

as expected.

Master Langyue looked dignified, continuously changing magical decisions, and blasted out a number of mana into the ancient mirror in front of him.

Although Master Langyue kept his mouth shut, his combat power really exceeded that of Elder Hei Xie and many others!

"Xuantianbaojian-Qianlong goes to sea!"

As Master Langyue shouted, the raging sea of ​​bitterness suddenly collapsed, forming a huge vortex.

A terrifying **** dragon actually got out of the sea, his head horned, his eyes sharpened, and he opened his mouth, and burst into a terrifying dragon yin towards the mother of Yuzhen!

Su Zimo's heart stunned.

Although this Shenlong is only condensed by Master Langyue's mana, it is already alive, Long Wei is pervasive, and Long Yin is shaking!

Looking down at this Shenlong, Yuzhen's mother-in-law stood above the water waves, seemingly insignificant, and seemed to be swallowed at any time.

"Sculpted worms, but Seoul!"

Yu Zhen's mother snorted coldly, and her soles of her feet softly froze.

The original raging sea of ​​bitterness, after this footfall, seemed to have been hit hard, but it calmed down in an instant!

Click! Click!

Immediately after, above the sea of ​​bitterness, there was a frost filled with frost, centered on Yuzhen's mother-in-law, and quickly frozen to the surroundings!

This dragon that just jumped out of the sea, just roared, and before it had any action, it was shrouded in cold air and condensed into ice!


Master Langyue looked a little flustered.

This spell is regarded as his most powerful hole card.

But I did not expect that in front of Yuzhen's mother, she was totally vulnerable!

At this time, Yuzhen's mother had come to him, looking indifferent, and said, "They are old thieves, and they die when they die, and you are different."

"I originally thought that it was not easy for you to practice. I want to save your life. Unfortunately, you have nothing to hide, you are brave, and dare to fight my idea.

Before the words fell, Yuzhen Niangniang had stretched out her palms and shot down towards the Master Ling Ling's Tian Ling Gai.

Master Langyue didn't dare to carelessly, and quickly hung this ancient mirror in front of her head, sending out a fiery beam!

This beam of light is so powerful that it can even pierce the physical body of the fit!

But the light beam fell on Yu Zhen's mother's delicate palm, but did not cause any ripples.


A scorching flame emerged from the palm of Yuzhen's mother-in-law, directly covering the ancient mirror, burning!


Master Langyue took a breath of air.

This ancient mirror is his innate instrument, inherited from the Xuantian Deity, and combined with the Zongmen Gongxuan Xuantianbaojian, it is extremely powerful!

However, under the burning of the flames in Yuzhen's mother's palm, the ancient mirror actually trembled and was burnt red, almost transparent!


Master Langyue's eyes were red, he bit his tongue slightly, spit out a spit of blood, and spilled it on the ancient mirror.

This is his destiny, he must not give up!

After receiving the blessing of essence and blood, the ancient mirror shined brightly and was still struggling to resist.

There was a mockery in Yuzhen Niangniang's eyes, and the flame in her palm was closed. In its place, a chill chilled over her, instantly covered with ancient mirrors!

Stab it!

The two forces of ice and fire, all acting on the ancient mirror, permeated a terrible atmosphere!

Under this breath, not only the Master Langyue directly opposite him, but even the elders Bone Spirit and Elder Zunyang who rushed up were also dismayed and exclaimed:

"Supernatural power!"

Extreme cold and extreme heat, acting on the ancient mirror, erupted into a horrific force beyond the existence of mana.


There are many levels of magical power, small magical power, great magical power, or peerless magical power.

But no matter what, the power of supernatural power is a power that can only be controlled by strong ancestors!

This power is already above the combined realm!

Until this time, the three elders of Bone Spirit realized that the woman in front of her was not a fit, but a majestic step!

In other words, she is the legendary half-ancestor!

This turn of events really scared the three souls.


The ancient mirror burst directly under the power of this supernatural power!

Many fragments flew to Yuzhen's mother-in-law, and before they got close, they fell.

Master Langyue was not so lucky.

The destiny was destroyed and Yuanshen was implicated in it. If he was struck by lightning, his whole body was shaken, and his mind was confused.

At this time, the pieces of the magic weapon rushed towards him, and he could not hide at all!

You know, these artifact fragments are also mixed with the remaining supernatural power, the power is amazing!

Many pieces of magical instruments dipped into his body instantly, punched through his flesh, and blood splattered.

His knowledge of the sea was pierced by at least three fragments, and Yuanshen was beaten to death.

Master Langyue's body fell to the ruins and died!

Yuzhen's mother seems to be extremely disgusted with Master Langyue. From start to finish, he has not even encountered his clothes.

But Master Langyue is already a dead man!

(End of this chapter)

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