Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1188: Do everything

Chapter 1188

A war broke out between the two sides, but it was necessary to be stunned. There were only two of the six combined powers.

Moreover, the remaining Elders Bone Spirit and Elder Yang are both late elders.

How could this be?

In this desolate ruin, in the dilapidated old capital, how can there be a semi-ancestor strong!

Ancestral land

Even half-ancestors are a barrier difficult for many fits to reach!

Throughout the ages, I don't know how many monks of Tianjiao have stepped into the united state and become a powerful party!

Of these powers, which is not a strong luck, countless chances!

Which is not a prestigious existence!

But a long time passed, waves and sands, these combined powers, and several people can take that step and step into Mahayana!

Don't say a step, even a half step, stumped countless powers!

These powers, means, reach the sky, deter the Quartet, there are few rivals across the world, Shou Yuan has a full 20,000 years, but ...

Most of them stopped before their ancestors and died of their life.

The ancestral realm, understanding the supernatural power, Shouyuan can reach 100,000 years!

From 20,000 years of Shou Yuan to 100,000 years of Shou Yuan, you can see the huge gap between the two realms!

Elder Bone Spirit stood in place, motionless, with complex emotions flashing in his eyes.

There are panic, unwillingness, fear, remorse ...

The elders of Canyang reacted very quickly, and there were not so many thoughts in his heart.

"Why waste nothing, you can't escape it."

Yuzhen's mother smiled indifferently and stepped forward, as if she had crossed the limit of space, and in the blink of an eye, she had already chased behind the elder Canyang!

"Old man fights with you!"

Seeing that he could not escape, Elder Yang of Yang suddenly turned around, his eyes were red, his hands changed continuously, and he yelled, "Eighth kill, kill yourself!"

The Seven Killing Sects originally had seven kinds of killing techniques.

But in fact, only a few people in Zongmen knew that on top of the seventh kill, there was the eighth kill, which is the technique of killing the body!

The so-called killing technique is to abandon one's life and erupt one of the most terrifying attacks!

This mystery is released, and the first one to die is myself!

The physical body of the Elder Sun is expanding at a speed that is visible to the naked eye. Each drop of flesh and blood is permeated with powerful mana and is almost going to burst!


Yu Zhen's mother gently waved her sleeves, and a frost directly enveloped the elders of the sun.

The mana that had boiled in the elders of Canary Sun calmed down instantly, and layers of ice condensed on the body, chilling and biting!

"If you want to die, stay away from me and don't spill blood on me."

Yuzhen mother frowned.

She has always been clean. Even after a big war, she is still clean, and she hates such dirty things as blood.

This layer of ice has frozen all the blood and mana of the elder Zanyang, and even his sea of ​​knowledge has been invaded by cold air, and has gradually condensed into ice!

Elder Can Yang could only stare.

His eyes couldn't move when the chill invaded.

Gradually, the frost covered the entire sea of ​​knowledge, and his Yuanshen was also covered with ice crystals, and the vitality was cut off!

Elder Can Sun has frozen into a humanoid ice cube!

Yu Zhenniang waved it and patted it.

The elders of Canyang shattered into many ice cubes, without any trace of blood splashing and scattered all over the place.

Poor and powerful, 10,000 years ago, was also a well-known strong man on the ground of the Northern Territory, invincible, and unexpectedly ended today with a dead soul and a dead body!

The power of six fits, only one remains.

Elder Bone Spirit did not escape.

He was very clear that in front of Banzu, with his ability, he could not escape at all!

Looking at the white woman who was walking slowly, there was still a strong unwillingness in the heart of the Elder Bone Spirit.

Finally, he couldn't help asking: "I don't know how to call friends, what kind of school?"

"What do you ask these things?" Yu Zhenniang asked no.

"I just want to die to understand!"

Elder Bone Spirit slightly fists and slowly said, "As a ancestor, I will never be an unknown person! I have been practicing in this world for more than 20,000 years, but I have never seen you!"

Yu Zhenniang said lightly: "Ten years ago, I lived in the palace all the year round, and I hardly walked in the cultivation world. Naturally you have never seen me."

"A thousand years ago? In the palace?"

Bone Spirit elders froze.

Soon, he realized what was happening, and he lost his voice: "You, you are from the Dagan Empire!"

After a short pause, Elder Bone Spirit thought of a legendary character and exclaimed: "You are the Jade Concubine of the Dagan Empire!"

"it's me."

Yuzhen mother nodded and said, "You can rest assured on the road."

Looking at the jade fingers stabbed by Yuzhen's mother, the bone elder's mouth was bitter, and he sighed, "After all the calculations, I can't afford to die!"


The fingers of Yuzhen's mother-in-law point on the eyebrow of Elder Bone Spirit.

The Elder Bone Spirit was shaken, the Yuanshen was gone, and the whole person fell from the air, disappearing!

Looking at this scene, Su Zimo and others felt a little emotional.

The cultivation world is so cruel.

The power of fit almost stands at the pinnacle of the cultivation world.

But these people, taking the wrong step, still end up in a dead end.

Normally, this time the six ensembles could come out of the mountain and work together to kill Su Zimo.

They counted almost everything that could happen.

Unfortunately, people are not as good as the sky.

How could they never have imagined that the awakening of the 10,000-year-old woman in the Dagan Empire has become the only variable in this killing situation!

And this variable killed them!

"Thank you, Yuzhen, for your help. Thank you very much."

Su Zimo bowed and saluted in front of Yu Zhen's mother-in-law.

This time, if there was no Yuzhen mother-in-law's shot, all of them would be more ferocious!

Yu Zhen's mother gave Su Zimo a white look and said lightly, "I didn't want to save you, I just didn't want to hurt the little fox."

The monkeys and others were careless, and didn't think much, just secretly fortunately.

The women present were extremely sensitive.

The eyes of Ji Yaoxue, Xiao Ning, and others turned around on the bodies of Yu Zhen's mother and Su Zimo, and murmured in her heart.

If you are worried that the little fox will be injured, take it away, why bother to fight?

They always felt that there seemed to be something unknown between Su Zimo and this Yuzhen mother-in-law!

Yu Zhen's mother's eyes fell in Su Zimo's arms and asked, "Little fox, will you follow me or stay?"

"Ma'am, aren't you staying well?"

The little fox blinked his eyes and asked timidly.

Yuzhen mother shook her head and said, "I'm leaving."

After a pause, Madam Yuzhen said, "If you want to follow me, I will take you, naturally you will not be wronged. But if you want to stay, I will not force you any more."

"Madam, I can't bear you too, but ... but ..."

The little fox was in a dilemma.

In her heart, she wanted to stay beside Su Zimo and be with the monkeys and others.

In a day like Wanyao Valley, she was carefree and happy.

But Yuzhen's mother had been sleeping for thousands of years and woke up. There was no old man around her. She stood and was really pathetic.

Yu Zhen's mother smiled and said, "I understand."

After speaking, she turned and left, only one voice came slowly: "Su Zimo, take good care of her, otherwise I will find you!"

(End of this chapter)

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