Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1189: Martial arts

Chapter 1189 Deductive Martial Art

"It's here, the Northern Territory should be calm for a while."

Old Xianhe sighed.

After the battle between Su Zimo and Xuan Yu Daojun, some visiting families such as Xingyuezong and Huoyungu have already stated that they no longer care about their past grievances.

Nowadays, the six ensembles and powerful bodies have disappeared, or they will spread throughout the northern region, and the major families should be quiet.

"Over the years, the Northern Territory has been turbulent, the princes have risen, and the fighting has continued."

Su Zimo said: "Later, I experienced the witch scourge, and the three dynasties capsized. The Northern Territory is already full of sores. I hope there can be a period of calm and a good rest."

"Zimo, what are your plans for the future?"

Ji Yaoxue asked.

"Yeah, Xuan Yu is dead, Yandi's thirteen cities have reported revenge, but it is a matter of mind. Brother, where are you going in the future?" Xiao Ning asked in unison.

The old Xianhe smiled: "It's better to follow me back to Jiufeng. You were afraid of being involved in the ancestral gate more than a hundred years ago, and you were forced to leave. Now you can come back."


Nian Qi nodded quickly.

Su Zimo groaned silently.

"Will you follow us to the Demon Realm!"

The monkey grinned: "This time, the spirit tiger used the demon seal to bring almost all the fights in Xiaoyue Mountain! Let's go to the demon domain of the Northern Territory, Lion Rock, and we can take the mountain as the king and be the leader ! "

"One lord?"

The spirit tiger shook his head, licked his mouth, and said arrogantly: "This time our brothers get together, how can we be a hegemon!"


This time, the monkey did not hit the tiger.

Ji Yaoxue laughed and said nothing.

Whether it's in Crazy Lion Ridge or Jiufeng, it's always in the Northern Territory.

As long as they are in the Northern Territory, there will always be some opportunities for them to meet.

Su Zimo never answered, looking at the place, thinking.

After a long time, he apologized and smiled, "I have to go to another place and leave for a while."

"Ah! Where are you going? Is it dangerous?"

Xiao Ning looked worried and asked quickly.

"It's all right."

Su Zimo laughed: "There are no people there, it is very safe."

After a short pause, Su Zimo took a deep breath, firm eyes, and said slowly: "There is something, it's time to finish!"


The crowd asked subconsciously.

"Demonstrate martial arts!"

Su Zimo said word by word.

Everyone was shocked.

They all knew Su Zimo's heart.

The deserted arrogance, Bu Wu Cang Sheng, these eight words, the entire world of self-cultivation is clear!

But everyone knew more clearly how difficult this road was!

This is creating a path that no one has ever gone before!

Deducing your own Tao and Fa!

"It's too difficult."

Ye Ling said a word rare, shaking his head slightly.

Throughout the ages, how many sages have tried this, exhausted Shou Yuan, and still get nothing!

Su Zimo just returned to the virtual world.


Su Zimo smiled and said, "So, I don't know when I will be back."

"Where are you going?"

Nian Qi asked.

"Place of Preaching!"

Su Zimo chanted: "I want to enter the preaching place again, there are many ancient traditions, and I haven't comprehended them. With these inheritances, combining this life, seeing, hearing, learning, feeling, understanding I will do my best to develop martial arts! "

This is the result of Su Zimo's thoughtfulness.

His practice today is already a return to the virtual world.

The preaching place has its own space, with many seals. If he steps into the realm of law, he cannot enter it.

Now is the last chance!

This time, no one persuaded or blocked.

This is Su Zimo's heart.

What he has to accomplish!

"Our brothers finally got together, this is going to be separated again."

The tiger is a little depressed.

"It's not a dangerous place to go, you can see it sooner or later."

The monkey was free and easy, saying: "Then we will go to Kuangshiling. If we are in a good mood, we will take the mountain as king and live for a while. When you come out, go to Kuangshiling to find us and directly mention our name, Sure it works! "


Su Zimo smiled, turned his head and asked, "What is Xiao Ning's plan?"

"Stay in Beiyu for a while and see if the witch scourge will return."

Xiao Ning took Ji Yaoxue's arm and said, "Just happened to accompany Sister Yao Xue. If there is nothing in Beiyu, I will return to Danyangmen to see."

"Counting it out, you haven't gone back for more than a hundred years. It's time to go back and see."

Su Zimo nodded.

Da Zhou merged the three dynasties and there were many political affairs. Ji Yaoxue naturally stayed in Da Zhou.

Nian Qi returned to Wu Feng.

Everyone's whereabouts have been set, and in a blink of an eye, it's almost immediately.

"My son."

Just then, a timid voice sounded.

The crowd looked around.

I saw a wee boy looking at Su Zimo, his cheeks flushed, seeming a little nervous, holding the corner of his clothes, and whispering, "I, where am I going?"

"Little peach, of course, follow us!"

Qingqing squeezed the peach tender cheeks and said with a smile, "You are enchanting, follow us and bring you delicious and spicy!"

Tao Yan's face turned redder, but there was no snoring.

Su Zimo Waner asked, "Where do you want to go?"

"Me, can I follow the boy to the preaching place?" Tao Yan blinked Shui Lingling's eyes and asked with anticipation.

"No way."

Su Zimo shook his head.

Not that he was cruel, but the place where he preached, with a mighty will to imprison.

Tao Yan went in, and the blood and mana were suppressed, which was not good for this child.

Moreover, the place where he was going was still a forbidden place among the preaching places, and no one else could enter at all!


Dorothy was a little disappointed.

Su Zimo said: "Will you follow Qingqing to Kuangshiling?"

Tao Yan slightly tilted her head and seemed to be thinking hard.

After a while, he asked, "If I leave, who will protect the grandparents, uncles and uncles in Pingyang Town?"

Hearing this question, Su Zimo looked at Tao Yan's eyes with a touch of softness.


Su Zimo shook his head.

"Then I will stay here! Stay in Pingyang!"

Tao Yan said seriously.

Qing Qing said, "How lonely are you, only you are a demon."


Tao Yan smiled innocently, and said, "The grandparents in the town are kind to me, and they are not afraid of me, and they told me many things about my sons before!"

The elderly in Pingyang Town are very grateful to the Su family and the second son of the Su family.

When Su Hong was king, he guarded Pingyang town from the flames of war.

Later, after a three-dynasty coalition invasion, the second son of the Su family appeared and buried the three-dynasty coalition in the Canglang Mountains. In the town, he killed many Yuanying Zhenjun who chased over!

Many people saw that scene.

Some of these young children, who live to this day, are also more than a hundred years old. These are the elderly in Pingyang Town.

They even vaguely knew that Pingyang Town could be safe and sound in this troubled world, and it was also related to the second son of the Su family.

The story about the Su family, the legend that the two sons became immortals, was passed down from word to word from their predecessors.

"it is good."

Su Zimo caressed Tao Tao's forehead and said softly, "You stay in Pingyang Town until I return."


Tao Yan's eyes lightened, and she nodded strongly.

(End of this chapter)

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