Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1190: Reentry cemetery

Chapter 1190 Reentry To The Cemetery

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion and other people gathered together, but did not go far, looking at the direction of the old capital of Yan Kingdom hundreds of miles away, waiting for the final result.

Before long, there was a violent fluctuation in the direction of the old capital!

Peripheral shields and blockades of space have been lifted, revealing the dilapidated outline of the city.


Dragon Tiger Pavilion Sovereign breathed a sigh of relief.

When he wanted to come, the six combined powers had beheaded Su Zimo and others to unlock the space blockade.

"What kind of barbarity stands, what eternal evil, still can't escape the end of being strangled!"

The ghostly suzerain sneered.

"The deserted body is dead, but it's a deal, but I'm waiting for something."

The subject of the Blood Mist concept laughed and shook his head: "It is really difficult to imagine the talent of this child. If he were allowed to grow, what level would he reach."

"Yeah, if he stepped into the realm of law, I am afraid that these six combined powers might not be able to kill him!" The Xuantian Deity leader deeply believed.

"Unfortunately, this generation of evildoers has been strangled."

Xingyue Sovereign sighed.

The head of the Murong family also shook his head to regret.

In fact, after seeing Huang Wu this time, they have been impressed by the spirit of Huang Wu, and they do not want to be their enemy.

However, I did not expect that Bad Wu still could not escape the misfortune and ended in such a miserable end.

"Let's go."

The Sovereign of the Xingyue Sect said: "The deserted Wushen body dies, the ancestor of the Dragon Valley was buried, I am afraid that it is about to go out of the mountain. The northern region does not know what kind of turmoil will happen."


The Murong family nodded and turned to leave.

At this moment, the corners of her eyes swept away, and she couldn't help but make a flick, paused, looked at the direction of the old capital of Yan Kingdom, and showed confusion.

The rest of the ancestors and family leaders also noticed this.

I saw a spirit boat rising from the old capital, galloping towards this side.


The Lord of Dragon Tiger Pavilion frowned slightly.

On the spiritual boat, it is certainly not the elders such as bone spirits.

With the power of fit, there is no need to ride on a spiritual boat, and the speed of this spiritual boat will not be so slow.

Is it that Elder Bone Spirit and others still keep their hands, and did not rush to kill them, leaving some insignificant people?

As everyone thought, the spirit boat was getting closer.

There was a figure standing on the bow of the spirit boat.

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion and others took a deep look, and could not help but be shocked, and opened their mouths subconsciously, with incredible colors in their eyes!

The person headed on the spirit boat, wearing a blue shirt, black hair like a waterfall, and beautiful eyes, is exactly the deserted man who should have fallen!

How could this be?

Elder Bone Spirit What are they doing?

Barbara died, why did Elder Bone Spirits remove the barrier of consciousness, unlock the space blockade, and leave Barbara and others away?

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion, the Lord of the Blood Mist Concept and others stared at their eyes, staring at the figure on the spirit boat.

A guess flashed through their minds.

But this speculation is too shocking and simply impossible!

At this moment, the figure on the Lingzhou bowed his head slightly, looked over, and there was a hint of mockery in those dark and deep eyes.

Longhuge Sovereign and others panicked.

They didn't even dare to look at Su Zimo's eyes!

The spirit boat quickly shuttled from above their heads without stopping for a moment.

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion and others looked at each other, and quickly set off to go to the old state of Yan Guo.

They have to go over and see what happened there!

Xingyue Zongzong and others were curious in their hearts and followed.

Not long after, many on-site lords and family heads descended once again over the old capital. Looking down, they saw several corpses in the ruins.

The Lord of the Tigers and Tigers looked pale and shook his body.


The power of the six ensembles, all of which fell, none of them were spared!

Recalling the eyes of the deserted Wu Fang, the Lord of the Tigers and Tigers and other people's backs, there was a chill!

They don't know what happened in the old capital China.

But they knew it was a stupid decision to stifle this time!


On the spiritual boat.

Su Zimo did not take action against the Dragon Tiger Pavilion Sovereign and others.

At one point, he had just fought a battle with Xuan Yu Daojun, which was extremely costly and didn't want to start fighting again.

Secondly, the power of the six ensembles fell, which was already a great loss to these visiting families.

What's more, the six powers have been disassociated from the Zongmen, and it is impossible for him to open the killing ring because of the six powers.

Of course, this matter will not end like this.

Write down this account for the time being, and count it in the next day.

Monkeys and others were reluctant to leave, and they did not leave first. They insisted that Su Zimo be sent to Funeral Dragon Valley, and then they would separate.

The people were not in a hurry to hurry, talking and laughing on the spirit boat.

Although the Lingzhou was slow, it reached the edge of Burial Dragon Valley smoothly after ten days.

"Okay, no need to send it anymore."

Su Zimo turned to look at the crowd, smiled slightly, and arched, "I haven't known the return period, so take care."

"My son."

The little fox called, his eyes flushed, and he was about to cry as soon as he parted.

Su Zimo patted his forehead, took out a black iron cover from the storage bag, shoved it into the hand of the little fox, and smiled, "I almost forgot that this fire was taken back from the fire hood, and I haven't returned it to you. "

After a pause, Su Zimo pinched the little fox's nose and said jokingly: "Are you worried that I will take away your treasure, you can't bear it?"

"certainly not."

The little fox laughed and snorted.

"Zimo, be careful. If nothing can be done, don't force it."

Ji Yaoxue looked tender and yelled.


Su Zimo nodded, turned around, waved his hand, and jumped down to bury Dragon Valley.

If you want to enter the preaching place, you must have the strength of the body to break the barriers of space.

Yu Zhenniang's whereabouts are rampant and she has already left.

Those who can do this in the Northern Territory can only return to Funeral Dragon Valley.

Su Zimo entered the ancient temple and went straight to the backyard.

Old sad monk is sitting there.

The red hairy ghost is also not far away.

Beside the two, there was a huge black vortex, dark and deep inside, blowing the cold and cold wind, I do not know where to go.

It seems that the two have been waiting for a long time!


Asked the old monk.


Su Zimo nodded and said, "The best opportunity is now."

The old monk of sorrow pointed at the black vortex beside him, and smiled with a bowed head: "Go, I hope to see the coming of martial arts before I sit down!"

"must be able to!"

Su Zimo said goodbye to old monks and red hair ghosts, and jumped into the black vortex.

After a whirlwind, he descended into a space, filled with wild air around him, a region not far away from the cold, and the wind was piercing.

Su Zimo took a deep breath and walked directly into it.

He has passed the test of the Three Robbery Realms, and now passes through it again without any rejection.

But a moment later, he had already reached the center of the Three Caledrons-Stone Statue Cemetery!

There is only one change today. Let's go to bed. Let me sort out the subsequent plot. It is so difficult to deduct martial arts o (o) o

(End of this chapter)

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