Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1191: Witch

Chapter 1191: The Witch Clan Comes

Looking at the thirty-two heritage stone statues in the cemetery, Su Zimo smiled and murmured, "I am back again."

Many of the inherited stone statues seem to have a sense of influence, bursting out a ray of light, straight into the sky, and complement each other, it is spectacular!

Those who can leave the heritage in this cemetery are the most outstanding characters in the past!

Like the ancestral half-ancestor of the Demon Gate, although he has already died, he left the "Daoxin Demon Sutra" and left the second hand. He almost relied on Su Zimo's Taoxin to resurrect the second life!

What does this mean?

Moreover, the inheritance in this cemetery includes the immortal, buddha, and magic three gates.

If he can practice and understand all these thirty or more passages, he will reach an unimaginable level in his perceptions of immortals, Buddhas, and demons.

There is another important reason why Su Zimo is preparing to perform martial arts in this cemetery.

Before taking a few steps, he paused in front of a heritage stone statue.

The monk who left this inherited stone statue was also a half-ancestor at the time, saying "Moment".

Within this moment of the half-ancestor's stone statue, time flow speeds up, one day outside, one year here!

At the beginning, it was only after fifteen years of practice here that he was able to break through to return to the realm, kill many titles, and destroy the emperor!

Su Zimo is very clear that just accepting more than 30 inheritances in the cemetery may take thousands of years.

Not to mention, he has to exhaust his energy to develop martial arts.

That's a long time!

For such a long time, it may not have affected him.

But for the continent, it may be a sea change.

Not to mention the millennium. How many major events have happened in the entire world of cultivation for the past 100 years since his practice?

Scarlet grimace was born.

The appearance of the Protoss, Rakshas, ​​and even the Witches!

All indications indicate that the wild continent will usher in a violent storm and rain, which may reproduce the chaos in ancient times, and everyone is at risk!

At that time, let alone timid mortals, even the most spiritualists may not be able to protect themselves!

If he really spends thousands of years outside, even if he successfully promotes martial arts and returns, I am afraid that it is already a world change, and things are wrong.

Therefore, Su Zimo intends to use this half-foot area under his feet for deduction!

Here, even the past thousand years.

On the continent, only three years have passed.

This is tantamount to stealing secrets!

Of course, when Su Zimo is here, the passage of time on his body will definitely leave traces.

In other words, on the continent, three years later, Su Zimo will be here for thousands of years and consume thousands of years of life!

If you want to steal the secret, you must pay the price!

"let's start."

Su Zimo sat cross-legged, facing the stone statue of the half-ancestor of the moment.

The stone statue's eyes radiated two divine lights, submerged into Su Zimo's eyes, and a long-dusted practice gradually poured into his mind.


late at night.

At the junction of the Northern Territory and Zhongzhou, in the wild forest, fierce beasts are traveling, birds are emptied, there are countless fierce beasts fighting and fighting, and a roar of shouting!

At this moment, thirteen figures came down in this wild forest.

The shouts in the jungle gradually subsided.

After a while, it's already dead!

All the fierce beasts on this earth seemed to be deterred by a treacherous atmosphere, and did not dare to make a slight noise!

Whenever there are some monsters, they have a keen sense of danger.

They know that there is an unimaginable and terrible existence in this jungle!

This is the fear and suppression deep in the blood!

The bright moonlight fell on the bodies of these thirteen figures, faintly shining with faint green light, like a ghost in the night!

Thirteen figures are wearing green robes and large hats covering their faces. Even if someone is here, they can't see the looks of these people.

The headed person carried a Bai Sensen's crutch, a dark under his hat, and two faint green lights twinkling, as if burning ghost fire in the cemetery, captivating!

"Elder Scorpion, we have arrived in the Northern Territory, should we go directly to the Valley of Dragon Skeletons?"

A figure asked in a low voice.

"Not urgent."

The monk who called `` Elder Scorpion '' spoke slowly, his voice hoarse, "The young master died in the Valley of Dragon Skeletons, and there must be a place there. The Dragon race must give us an explanation."

After a pause, Elder Scorpion said, "Now let's go to another place."


"Wan Zize."

The elder Scorpion said: "The young master followed a relic of the Wu tribe, and this relic of the Wu tribe is the person of the Emperor Zong.

Although the tone of the elder scorpion was calm, the words spoken were filled with murderous murder!

These thirteen figures are exactly the Witches of the Taikoo Nine!

The witches were about to leave, and in the jungle under their feet, there was a slight cicada sound.

With a frown on the face under the elder scorpion's hood, he suddenly asked, "You have never left the Ghost-Curse Graveyard.


The Wu clan behind said.

The elder Scorpion said lightly, "The cicadas in this jungle have made a noise for me. You shot, kill all the creatures in this jungle."

"it is good!"

The sorceress behind the elder scorpion was excited and responded loudly.

After half an hour.

Thirteen witches left, and the wild jungle behind him was already full of corpses, blood flowing into the river, and blood was soaring into the sky!

After half a month, Wan Zize.

Thirteen witches are coming!


Everyone looked down at a piece of scorched earth under their feet, and made a soft noise.

This place is where Emperor Zong is, but now it is reduced to a scorched earth ruin, it seems that a fire has burned all living beings to ashes!

"How could this be?"

"Someone killed Ji Zong before us?"

The elder scorpion spread his knowledge and explored for a long time.

There are hundreds of miles in this circle, and there are no signs of life!

The elder scorpion descended, passed through the heavy scorched earth, and came to a dry pool under the ground. He sniffed and squinted, "It is the breath of the **** spring!"

"Unfortunately, it has already been obtained."

A Witch whispered.

"What is going on here?"

"Does the fire here have anything to do with Young Master?"

Several witches frowned.

"Let me see."

Among the wide robe sleeves of the elder Scorpion, he stretched out a withered palm, and continued to pinch the law, and finally lightened his brows and spit out a weird character!

A strange wave of power pervaded.

In front of the elder scorpion, time seems to be going backwards!

These scorched earth ruins disappeared, countless buildings of Daizong were erected again, and Wan Jiuze was revealed again!

This method is truly shocking!

He saw a fire. A monk in a blue shirt pinched the verdict, released a horrible flame, burned thousands of miles, and burned the maggots in Wanzhai Ze to the soul!

He just glanced at the monk.

Because, his mind has been completely attracted to another scene!

He saw a terrible horror that could never exist in the world!

(End of this chapter)

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