Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1201: The second road Shinto!

Chapter 1201 The Second Magical Power!

This move of Zulong is not obvious.

The dragons near the stone pillars all bowed to the ground, bowed slightly, and didn't notice this detail at all.

If the two elders were not staring at this ancestor, they would be hard to detect.

But the two still couldn't believe it.

After all, they were in a cave thousands of miles away, and they didn't really see it. Zu Long's retreat might just be their illusion.

But if Zulong is really afraid, what is it afraid of?

What is there on this dragon candle that will cause Zulong to have a fear, and will there be such a retreat?

Normally, the dragons will not bow their heads to any race!

As an ancestral dragon, let alone face a dragon family who is returning to the realm and with impure blood, even if it is facing the other eight fierce tribes and facing the emperor, the ancestor will never fear to shrink back!

But how to explain this scene?


The two elders looked at each other with surprise and joy in their eyes.

If Zulong is really in fear, then the speculation that flashed in their minds is likely to be true!

Only this guess can explain the fear and retreat of Zu Longfang!

Only this guess can explain why Dragon Candle is not a five-pronged dragon, but it can awaken as much as five-veined dragons!

Of course, this is too scary.

If it is determined, I am afraid that it will cause drastic changes in the entire continent!

By virtue of only a subtle move of Zu Long, the two elders did not dare to judge lightly.

Both of them held their breaths and didn't speak.

Although they were in a cave, they were even more nervous than other dragons, and they did not blink at the dragon's pillar.

At this point, the coercion on Zu Long had completely dissipated.

Others' hostility and anger towards Su Zimo had disappeared without a trace.

For a long time there was no movement, and some Dragons looked up subconsciously.


This ancestor dragon rose into the air, hovering and dancing, dived down, turned into an ancient and pure dragon gas, and got into Su Tianmo's heavenly cover!


The group of dragons were dumbfounded and completely foolish.

Immediately afterwards, Su Zimo's body burst into a powerful breath!

The scars on his body were healing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye, and the skin burned by the magma flowing out of both eyes fell off one after another, giving birth to new muscles.

A crimson hair re-emerged like a flame, flying wildly, and the breath in the body was rising rapidly!

"What happened, Zulong disappeared?"

"Zulong doesn't seem to kill Dragon Candle, but gives him a chance?"

The scene now is completely different from everyone's original imagination!

In the cave, the elder of the Candle Dragon tribe moved in his heart, and there was a stun in his eyes, saying, "I know! That ancestor dragon is actually just a dragon spirit in a stone pillar condensing."


The elder of the Canglong tribe also nodded: "In the ancient books of the tribe, it is clearly recorded that in addition to the five-pulse dragon qi, there is also an ancestor dragon qi in the stone pillar, but it has never appeared since ancient times.

"I didn't expect this to be true!"

The Elder Candle Dragon tribe looked with emotion.

This means that Su Zimo's blood veins not only awakened the five-veined dragon qi, but also awakened the ancestor dragon's qi!

This ancestral dragon spirit is more valuable than the five-pulse dragon spirit together!

Wu Ziqi baptismal scouring, Su Zimo is already scaly.

Had it not been for his perennial class to practice the Secret of the Desolation King, his healing power was amazing, and it would have been destroyed by the five-veined dragon gas!

Later, he stepped into the realm of law, awakened the talented supernatural powers, the hot magma condensed by the supernatural powers, and baptized the physical blood again.

Su Zimo stood under the stone pillar. The half-dragon body looked broken and in ruins.

But now, with the blessing of this ancestor dragon's spirit, this physical body has revived a powerful vitality!

Each dragon scale on his body seems to have undergone countless forgings, born from a fire, shining with crystal red light!

The magical power in Su Zimo's eyes has gradually faded away,

The awakening talent is nearing completion.

His eyes, flashing red and red, truly reached his eyes like a torch, and fell into the void, and the mana in the void was burning!

Just this look is enough to kill!

At this point, Su Zimo had been awake, looked around, looked around, and gave a subconscious glance.

"Why do you ... kneel on the ground?"

Su Zimo frowned.

Just before, Zulong showed anger, and the dragons shivered and fell to their knees.

Even on the stone platform, the four elders of the candle dragon clan, dragon bell, and other people, including the elders of the scorpion elders below, knelt down.

Now, only Su Zimo is standing under the stone pillar,

This scene is like Su Zimo's king came to the world, the dragons bowed down and bowed their heads!

Of course, among the group of dragons, there is a figure standing upright, the whole person is sharp, staring at Su Zimo, exuding a full of war!

Long Cang!

Even the elders of the Dragon clan have bowed down.

He didn't bow his head!

He bears the blood of the five-pronged dragon, and even if he faces the ancestor, he won't worship!


Elder Scorpion's face was a little ugly, and he quickly got up.

It would be a shame if this incident were spread.

He was a mighty powerful person, and he knelt down against a dragon family who had just stepped into the state of law.

The group of dragons also rose up, and their hearts were still full of confusion.

At this moment, Su Zimo was shocked, his expression was a little confused, and a horrible breath spread again inside his body!

"this is……"

"Supernatural power!"

"What's going on, how can there be magical power overflowing in Dragon Candle's body?"

The group of dragons were shocked and exclaimed.

"Nothing, this magical power seems to be stronger than the talented magical power that Dragon Candle just awakened!" A dragon elder condensed.

"Don't ..."

Qunlong thought of a possibility.

"Dragon Candle awakens the second magical power!"

A dragon elder exclaimed.

There was an uproar among the dragons!

Although the five-talented dragon has the opportunity to awaken the five talents, it is not just that he has just stepped into the realm of law and will be able to realize everything.

It is gradually realized as the cultivation progresses.

Even Long Cang, when he first stepped into the realm of law, only awakened a talent.

But now, Su Zimo's situation is clearly awakening the second one!

"How could this be?"

"His blood is impure, and even the complete dragon body cannot be transfigured. How can there be a second magical awakening?"

Qunlong's mind was confused and talked.

"It's the ancestor of that ancestor!"

A elder of the Dragon clan Shen said: "The change of the ancestor's spirit to the dragon candle is not only blood and flesh, but also a second magical power!"

"And what other good things?"

"I see! It must be that Dragon Candle was baptized in the form of a half-long dragon.

The dragons didn't know the reason at all, nor did they notice the dreadful retreat of Zulong, and guessed wildly.


Su Zimo's body suddenly burst into power!

Suddenly, the world shook and the vision came!

The dragons are discolored!

A terrifying coercion fell from the sky. Many dragons could not bear the pressure and wailed. They just got up and just threw a blow again and knelt down again!

(End of this chapter)

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