Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1202: Four major shrines

Chapter 1202: Four Great Magical Powers

According to legend, in the Archaic era, some blood dragons with amazing bloodlines and amazing talents would awaken the heavens and the earth when they awakened their magical powers and lowered their vision!

Originally, in Qunlong's view, this was just a legend.

After all, Long Cang, who bears the blood of the five-clawed **** dragon, did not make such a big noise when he was awakened with talent.

Now, Qun Long has witnessed this legend with his own eyes!

I saw the clouds cracking above the sky, a huge gigantic dragon head slowly emerged, looking down at the valley of dragon bones, overwhelming!

Although this dragon head is not solid, it is just a ghost image, but every dragon clan can feel powerful oppression!

Some dragons couldn't support it and bowed down.

Only some of the dragon elders present could still stand.

How powerful a supernatural power can be caused by awakening the supernatural power to cause the earth and the earth to shake?

More importantly, awakening the second magical power also means that Su Zimo's physical blood will undergo another transformation!

as expected!

The power of supernatural power permeates, and the blood in Su Zimo's body is roaring, as if he is setting off waves of waves and washing the body!

This transformation, coupled with the awakening talents and the ancestral spirit of the dragon, Su Zimo stepped into the realm of law, the physical blood has been transformed three times!

This transformation can be called a rebirth!

This opportunity makes many dragons envious.

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Long Cang nodded again and again, without the slightest jealousy in his eyes, instead he was more wary!

Until now, he really put aside his contempt and regarded Su Zimo as a strong opponent who could fight himself!

The elder scorpion said nothing, his face was gloomy.

The better Su Zimo's performance, it means that the higher his status in the Dragon race, the more difficult he will be!

Originally, he also planned to watch a hilarious.

In the best case, Su Zimo's failure to receive baptism can also ease him.

Unexpectedly, the development of the situation has completely exceeded his expectations.

In other words, no one could have expected this scene at all!

Step into the state of law and awaken two magical powers in succession. This is rare in the heyday of the ancient times when the nine fierce tribes ruled the sky.

"The luck of the Dragons is too strong!"

The elder scorpion squinted his eyes, and secretly murmured in his heart: "Don't say that a five-clawed dragon is born, but now another evil spirit emerges!"

"Shoot to kill it?"

The cold light flashed in the eyes of the elder Scorpion, moving the killing thoughts!

But he knew clearly that with so many dragon elders present, he wanted to silence Su Zimo without any trace, and it was impossible!

Once shot, I am afraid it will be difficult for him to retreat!

"For a French dragon, take your own life ..."

The elder scorpion's expression was uncertain, and he weighed the pros and cons while thinking about countermeasures.


In the cave in the distance.

The two elders looked at this scene with relief.

The Elder of the Candle Dragon tribe said with emotion: "Awakening magical powers, causing the earth and the earth to shake, and visions to come. Such a situation has not appeared for many years.

"This son has been recognized by the spirit of Zulong. Our speculation is that we are probably inseparable!"

The elder Canglong tribe said with excitement: "In this life, the dragon tribe is booming!"

"What the hell!"

The Elder Candle Dragon tribe stared at the Elder Dragon Clan with a serious look, and corrected: "Let's have a respectful title in the future!"

"Yes Yes Yes."

The elders of the Canglong tribe did not resist at all, and did not refute. Instead, they responded with a smile.

Although Su Zimo has not yet fought with Long Cang, in the hearts of the two elders, there is no suspense for the candidate of the Dragon Master.

Moreover, the status of the young master of the dragon tribe must be above two!

In other words, above the entire dragon race!

The candle dragons are older and have a long age, thinking a little, and admonished: "It is a big matter, you and I know just fine, it is not appropriate to spread it!"

"The young master has not yet reached its peak. If his identity is revealed, he may cause panic among other murderers, which will lead to the killing of people!"


The elder Canglong looked coldly, and said rudely: "The young master is in the valley of my dragon skeleton, who dares to move him!"

"Anyway, it's always right to be careful."

The elder of the candle dragon tribe sighed and said, "Don't forget, the war in the ancient times."

Mentioning that battle, the elders of the Canglong tribe also became silent.

After half a ring, the eyes of the two fell back on the ancestral pillar of Zulong.

At this point, Su Zimo was baptized by the second power of magical power, and was nearing completion.


The Canglong elder frowned slightly, pointing to the distance and asking, "What happened to those witches and how did they come to the valley of our dragon bones?"


The Elder Candle Dragon murmured, "What is he doing?"

As the elders of the five-pulsed dragon tribe, they are almost in retreat all the year round, and they conceive their spirits. Unless it is something big, they will not alarm them at all.

The master of the Wu tribe died in Su Zimo's hands, and the two elders did not know.

Under the Zulong stone pillar.

Su Zimo took a long breath and rejoiced.

Some dragon elders expected that this second magical power of his awakening originated from the ancestor of the dragon!

"Unexpectedly, there is such a benefit to being baptized by the ancestral pillar of Zulong."

Su Zimo said secretly.

If this sentence is heard by other dragon races, I am afraid to vomit blood!

The power of magical powers has been quenched again, and his physical blood has transformed into a new realm, and he is full of powerful power!

Feeling the mystery of the second supernatural power carefully, Su Zimo nodded secretly.

This magical power is called Zulong God Pillar.

Taking the blood of Zulong as the guide, gather the spirit of the dragon family, the advent of the **** column, you can suppress the gas transportation, the suppression of the ten thousand people, the power is amazing!

Just then, Su Zimo's heart moved and thought of something.

Stepping into the state of law, I don't know the Secret of the Desolation King, but what's the follow-up?

He looked subconsciously towards the sea.

as expected!

In the sea of ​​knowledge, something has changed!

Around his primordial god, there are four fist-sized **** of light.

There is nothing in each light sphere that can't be seen at all.

But each ball of light emitted a terrible breath, and even Su Zimo felt a throbbing heartbeat!

At the same time, a familiar voice sounded in Su Zimo's sea of ​​knowledge.

Hearing this voice, Su Zimo froze, a burst of strong thoughts filled his heart, and his expression became tender.

This is Butterfly Moon's voice.

Su Zimo will never forget.

"The Secret Book of the Twelve Demon Kings is followed by the Yangshen chapter, and there is the tenth chapter, which is the magical passage. The magical passage is difficult to record in words, and there is no way to cultivate. It can only leave memory and inheritance."

Butterfly Moon's voice is still as indifferent and calm as water.

"If you can get to this point, you can naturally hear these words. If you can't get there, telling you in advance is useless, it's just a matter of increasing troubles and perseverance."

"There are four supernatural powers in the Supernatural Powers chapter, which correspond to the state of law, the state of integration, the Mahayana state, and the state of crossing the robbery! You can attain a supernatural power only if you attain the realm."

This remark ends here, but Butterfly Yue stayed ahead of schedule.

If Su Zimo couldn't practice Faxiang Realm, he wouldn't even hear these words.

(End of this chapter)

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