Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1209: But so?

Chapter 1209

Nine demon kings came, one by one, fierce gods and evil spirits, staring at the five-pronged dragons not far away, murderous!

This blood vision of Long Cang has completely fallen into the downwind in momentum!

"Okay, I'll take a look. Which of your visions can resist my five-pronged dragon!"

Long Cang shouted, and the five-clawed **** dragon behind him groaned in the air, rising into the air, and slaying towards Su Zimo, the momentum was amazing!

Before Su Zimo ordered, the nine demon kings around him had already rushed up!

Ten monsters with huge bodies slaughtered together in mid-air.

Although they are all visions derived from qi and blood, every time there is a collision, there will be a burst of loud noises, the trembling in the void, and the color changing!

Almost at the moment of the fight, the five-clawed dragon fell into the downwind.

The five-pronged dragon is very powerful. It can kill three or four monster king visions, but there are as many as nine monster kings surrounding it!

Moreover, among these nine demon kings, the fighting power of Zhenhai Ling Turtle is almost equal to that of five-clawed dragons!


With a roar of the five-clawed dragon, he protruded the dragon's claws and scratched the body of the demon cow demon king. This vision collapsed instantly.

Nine demon kings, eight left!

The back of the five-pronged dragon was also severely scratched by a wind leopard demon king.

If there is no indestructible dragon scale protection, this time, it is possible to tear the body of the five-pronged **** dragon in half!

The vision is very horrible!

But in just a dozen breaths, on the side of Su Zimo, three visions of the demon king collapsed.

The body of the five-pronged dragon is already scaly and in a miserable condition!


"How could this be?"

"Is the five-clawed dragon of my dragon clan so inferior to these low-blooded monsters?"

The dragons were stunned.

No one expected that this bloodline fight would be like this!

The group of dragons can see that although the nine demon kings have gone to the third, the five-clawed dragon is already physically weak, the breath is fading, and the light on his body is much dim.

Continue, the five-pronged dragon will definitely lose!

Long Cang looked dignified, and his fingertips were gently swiped at the wrist to reveal a faint stream of pure dragon blood.

There was a whisper of dragons in his mouth, and he pinched the Fa-decision to guide this ray of dragon blood and directly sprinkle it on the vision of the five-clawed dragon.

The five-pronged dragon is trembling all over and the breath soars!


The five-clawed dragon shouted, regained its power, and shot again. It showed great power and tore the wind leopard demon king into pieces!

Don't look at this is just a ray of blood, which can contain extremely terrifying power.

That's the bloodline of the five-clawed dragon!

Long Cang sacrificed his blood by secret methods, and merged into the vision of the five-pronged **** dragon, which is equivalent to giving him a rebirth of this vision!

However, even so, the gap between the two sides is still not small.

On Su Zimo's side, there are still five visions of the demon king!

It didn't take long for one of them to be broken, but the five-clawed dragon had also begun to crack, and it was about to collapse.

Finally, the Zhenhai spirit turtle collided with the five-clawed dragon.

These two visions collapse at the same time!

On Su Zimo's side, there are three visions of the Blood Ape Demon King, the Under Tiger Demon King, and the Wild Dragon King!

The three visions did not stay, and killed the past directly towards Long Cang, not far away.

"it is good!"

Long Cang didn't have the slightest fear, but instead sighed with admiration, facing the three behemoths, standing up!

boom! boom! boom!

Long Cang unexpectedly shook the blood veins of Su Zimo with his flesh and blood!

The two sides slammed together fiercely!

After a short pause, an image was meteor-like, crashing on the ground, smashing a large human-shaped pit, arousing countless dust and gravel!

But soon, this figure turned over and leaped, it was Long Cang.

Long Cang looked a little embarrassed, but apparently did not suffer much damage.

And the three visions in the air have been transformed into light spots scattered in the void!

Long Cang actually broke Su Zimo's three blood visions with his flesh!

What a terrifying power!

"I knew that Long Cang would never be defeated like this."

"Longcang seems fine, but the momentum is getting stronger!"

"Wait and see, Long Cang's counterattack is about to begin! How has he been so embarrassed so far since he practiced! The greater the impact he suffers today, the more severe his counterattack!"

Many dragons breathed a sigh of relief.

Unlike these dragons, many elders look calm.

They can see that Long Cang was able to break Su Zimo's three blood visions. Although his strength is strong enough, there is a more important reason. The three monster king visions have also been consumed.


Long Cang laughed and said loudly: "This is also true of your bloodline vision. Although there are many monsters and beasts, they are just some chickens and dogs!"

"Is it?"

Su Zimo smiled indifferently, without refuting.

I have to say, Long Cang is really strong!

The last time I saw the existence of a vision that could shake the body with flesh and blood, was still the leader of the Protoss encountered in Vientiane City.

But the real terror of Su Zimo's bloodline vision is not the first nine demon kings!


Behind Su Zimo, between the surging spirits, a blood-colored butterfly gradually emerged.

On the spread wings, there are two rounds of bright full moon, like a pair of eyes.

This blood-colored butterfly, however small in size, is too small compared to the previous nine monster king visions.

But after this blood-colored butterfly came, it made the whole Valley of Dragon Skeletons deadly dead!

A breath of terror permeated.

Qunlong felt a throbbing heartbeat!

Even when the vision of the nine demon kings came and the vision of the five-pronged dragon came, they only felt shocked and shocked.

And this **** butterfly made them feel fear!

Not to mention the dragon clan below, even the elders of many dragon clan watching in the air took a breath of air!

"Here, what kind of monster is this?"

The tone of a dragon elder had a trace of trill.

The five elders of the Dragon tribe also looked dignified, staring intently at the **** butterfly.

From their knowledge, they can't recognize the origin of this **** butterfly!

"A bloodline vision?"

Long Cang also changed his look and he was alert!

This butterfly looks weak and unconsolidated, but only in a semi-illusive state. Compared with the torrential weather of the previous nine demon kings, it is very small.

But even so, Long Cang still felt a strong crisis!

Even though he and the Scarlet Butterfly are tens of feet apart.

"But my bloodline vision is nothing like this?"

Su Zimo smiled.


The **** butterfly winged slightly.

The movements are subtle and almost imperceptible.

But it was this slight tremor that triggered a storm of terror!

The void around Long Cang is twisting, deforming, collapsing, collapsing!

Long Cang stared round his eyes, but only supported for a moment, as if struck by lightning.

The audience was uproar!

(End of this chapter)

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