Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1210: Crushing power!

Chapter 1210 Crushing Strength!

As a dragon with five claws, a **** butterfly gently flapped its wings and flew out, spitting blood!

What blood vision is this?

This dragon candle has impure blood, how can it cultivate such a terrible vision?

Could it be said that his blood is more powerful and noble than the five-clawed dragon?

The scene in front of me completely exceeded the expectations of Qun Long.

Even the Dragon Clan, who was initially optimistic about Su Zimo, never thought that Long Cang would be defeated so thoroughly that he would be hit hard by Dragon Candle's blood vision vision!

"We have so many secrets in this young master."

The elders of the Canglong tribe couldn't help hearing the sounds and sounded.

The Elder Candle Dragon tribe nodded and said, "Yes, at least this bloodline vision is so powerful that it is far beyond our expectations."

On the battlefield of Dragon Blood, Su Zimo took a breath to calm his blood, and the blood-colored butterfly behind him gradually dissipated.

He is ready to leave.

No one can resist the shock of the Scarlet Butterfly.

Of course, he did not continue to pursue, although Long Cang was badly hit, but with his physical blood, it will be healed soon.

"Is the battle already divided?"

"Probably, Long Cang didn't move, it looked like he passed out."

The dragons still did not want to believe, staring at the battlefield, the figure lying on the ground.


Suddenly, a light cough sounded.

This figure, slowly rising from the ground, looked very miserable, unkempt, and his clothes were broken. Only those eyes, the brighter, the war will not diminish!

There was a cheer from the dragons.

In the hearts of the dragons, they still did not want to see the only five-clawed dragon in the clan, and they were so defeated.

Long Cang wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked at Su Zimo in the distance, and grinned, and said, "You don't think that you can beat me with just a blood vision, right?"

Suzi Morton lived in shape, with a hint of appreciation in his eyes.

There are not many people who can use the flesh to carry the blood butterfly.

Those who are able to stand up are even rarer!

As a five-pronged dragon, Long Cang shows the horrific defense and the power of physical healing. This is the power of blood!

"Any way you have it, use it all, I will go along."

Su Zimo had great respect for Long Cang and smiled slightly.

"The battle has just begun!"

Long Cang drank softly, and there was a sound of crackling bones in his body. Under the gaze of countless eyes, the entire body suddenly stretched and expanded!

In a blink of an eye, where he stood, there was an extra tens of feet long, covered with cyan scales, flashing cold and cold light.

A pair of dragon horns are on top of the dragon's head, and a bone spur on the back is sharp and sharp. There are five claws under the belly!

Complete Dragon Race!

Long Cang hovered in the air, looking down at Su Zimo on the battlefield.

Compared with his huge dragon body, Su Zimo is tiny like an ant!

However, it was this cricket ant who looked up and looked at the five-clawed dragon, but it did not fall into the wind at all!

Moreover, in front of Su Zimo, his bloodline was even suppressed!

This feeling can't be felt by others, only he can feel it clearly!

This phenomenon is extremely unusual.

Normally, the five-clawed dragon is the king of the dragon family, the blood is strong, and it can never be suppressed by the blood of another dragon!

However, now the battle between the two is not over, Long Cang didn't think much.

At the same time, some changes have taken place in Su Zimo's body.

His body was climbing rapidly, reaching a height of three feet, and a patch of red scales had grown on his skin. The temperature in the sky suddenly rose!

In the face of Dragon Cang who transformed into a complete dragon body, Su Zimo did not dare to carelessly and directly transformed into a half-dragon form.

This is the only dragon form he can illusionize so far.

Almost at the same time.

Long Cang descended from the sky, rushed down fiercely, Su Zimo leaped up against the sky!


The two dragon claws slammed together, and a loud noise broke out!

Su Zimo's body fell quickly, as if a meteorite fell on the ground, and immediately rose up at a faster speed, and rushed up again!

boom! boom! boom!

The two kept colliding and killing each other, and a series of loud noises erupted. The void trembled, the dust was flying, and the situation was appalling!

"His! This dragon candle is really strong!"

"Yeah, he is only in the form of a half dragon, and he can smash the dragon with the complete dragon body. If he can transform the complete dragon body, what will happen?"

"Well, why is this dragon candle's right hand still the same as the human palm?"

At this moment, some dragons discovered this anomaly and were confused.

In midair, the five elders looked at each other and nodded.

"It's not wrong. There is only one possibility to compete with the five-pronged dragon in the half-dragon form!"

"Well, it seems that the young master can't imitate the complete true body, but also because of his blood, he has not yet perfectly integrated with the God Phoenix bone."

"I don't know where this opportunity is."

The five elders communicated secretly.

Over the battlefield, Long Cang rushed up again, raised the dragon horn above his head, and hit Su Zimo's chest severely!

Among the dragons, the minions are the sharpest.

But the hardest dragons are the dragon horns above them!

With Long Cang's blood power, not to mention flesh and blood, even some low-level powerful instruments, can not carry his dragon horns to impact!

Moreover, once the talents of the dragon horns are awakened, the pair of dragon horns has many mysteries.

Su Zimo didn't evade, he directly reached out his hands, and pinched Long Cang's two horns.

However, Long Cang's impact was too strong.

Su Zimo is in the air, without focus, and his body is constantly receding!

"Get me up!"

Su Zimo's body swelled with blood and yelled, holding Long Cang's horns in both hands, and under the red scales of his arms, there were bulging muscles and muscles!

Powerful and unmatched power burst out suddenly!

Under the attention of the group of dragons, Su Zimo actually turned the huge body of Long Cang dozens of feet into a circle, crossed an arc in the air, and fell heavily on the ground on the other side!


Loud deafening noise!

The ground of the dragon blood battlefield was smashed by life, a gully with a length of dozens of feet emerged, and Long Cang's body fell deeply into it!

The dragons looked horrified, grinned, and felt sore for a while.


Long Cang made a roar, struggling to stand up.

If they were to change to other dragons, they would have been unable to move because of such severe damage.

But the five-clawed dragon is too strong!

After such a blow, he was still able to stand up, his breath became more brutal and violent, shaking the dragon head, and trying to get rid of Su Zimo.

However, Su Zimo did not give him this opportunity at all!

While Long Cang was still not fully awake, Su Zimo's arms re-strengthened, and a hot breath was sprayed between his mouth and nose, and his blood was surging.

Su Zimo actually turned Long Cang's body round again and smashed it to the other side!


Another loud noise!

The corners of Qunlong's mouth twitched.

The whole valley of Dragon Skeletons shook with it!

This is exactly crushing power!

(End of this chapter)

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