Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1211: Shinto battle

Chapter 1211

This kind of battle made Qunlong look excited.

The Dragons most respect the physical melee, which is mainly violent and barbaric, and does not pay too much attention to skills.

Now, Su Zimo has brought this violence to the extreme!

Among the dragons, the strong are flattered. Since the war, Su Zimo's revealed methods have conquered many dragons.

Of course, there are still some dragons who do not want to believe the scene in front of them.

Is it possible that the five-pronged dragon that has transformed into a complete dragon body can not match the dragon candle?


At this moment, on the double horns above Long Cang's head, a flash of electric light suddenly flashed, sending out a fierce thunderbolt!


Suddenly, Su Zimo's expression changed, and he felt a numbness in his hands. The unrelenting current poured into the flesh, destroying the vitality in the body!

Su Zimo released his palm subconsciously.

Long Cang took the opportunity to get out of the trap and roared, rising into the air!

"The power of lightning!"

"Oh my God, Long Cang awakened the power of thunder and lightning!"

"It is indeed a five-pronged dragon. I never expected that Long Cang still had such a powerful card!"

Exclaimed from the dragon group.

Among the dragons, in addition to the five powers of Jinmu, Water, Fire, and Earth, there are other powers that can be awakened. The power of lightning is one of them!

The Elder Candle Dragon tribe and others turned their heads and looked around.

The elders of the Canglong tribe smiled a little, and there was some pride in Meiyu.

After all, Long Cang came from the vein of their Cang Long. The stronger the Cang Long, the more he felt the light on his face.

"This was only when Long Cang stepped into the state of law to complete his awakening."

The elder of the Canglong tribe said, "To be precise, Long Cang was in the state of law, and he also awakened two magical powers, and experienced two physical baptisms and transformations!"

The Elder Dragon Dragon nodded and said, "No wonder, without these two transformations, I am afraid that Long Cang would have lost."

On the battlefield.


This is the first time that Long Cang made Su Zimo eat a glutton, and he couldn't help laughing, and said loudly: "Dragon candle, feel uncomfortable with electricity!"

"Scarlet trick!"

Su Zimo also laughed, his eyes were full, and two flames suddenly ignited, emitting two red-red rays, blasting towards Long Cang!

Stepping into the state of law, the eye of the candle dragon has completely transformed into a magical power!

"Thunder Dragon is coming!"

Long Cang didn't dare to care about it. The two horns around his head were surrounded by a thunderbolt, and a thunderous lightning dragon condensed in an instant, hitting two red-red gods.


The two supernatural powers collide, and a huge semicircular wave spreads out, emitting a dazzling light, and the waves are rolling!

Long Cang fell from the air.

And Su Zimo also took a few steps back!

This time the magical match, the two turned out to be equally divided!

"Okay, okay, okay!"

Su Zimo's look remained unchanged, and he stumbled with admiration, saying, "Follow me again!"

He was screaming in the sky, and there was a divine light at the center of his eyebrow, submerged into the sky.


Immediately, a loud noise came from the sky!

The clouds burst, and a huge stout stone pillar slowly descended from the sky.

This stone pillar is gray in color, and the climber has a five-claw dragon, exuding an ancient atmosphere, coercion, and violent fierceness, it seems to be able to suppress the dragons!

"Ancestor of Dragon Dragon!"

There was an exclamation from the dragons.

"Can anyone think of a magical power hidden in this ancestral pillar of God!"

"Yeah, under the influence of this dragon candle, the baptism in the form of a human race has received the inheritance of this supernatural power."

"When I step into the realm of law, I will definitely choose to receive baptism in the form of human race."

Many dragons still do not know the reason, and think that the reason why Su Zimo accepted this supernatural heritage is because he did not transform into a complete dragon body.

This stone pillar looks exactly the same as the ancestral pillar of Zulong.

It's just that, it's dozens of times bigger than Zulong's God's Column, and its breath is also horrible and violent!

Even the tens of feet of Long Cang, under this stone pillar, looked like a slender snake, which seemed to be easily crushed into flesh!

A large shadow shrouded.

As the ancestral pillar of Zulong approached, the sense of oppression became clearer, and even many dragons felt choking and pale!

This is still the case with the Dragon clan watching nearby. On the battlefield, it is conceivable what kind of pressure Long Cang faced against the ancestral dragon **** column.

"Shenlong claws!"

The claws of dragons under Long Cang's belly were flashing with cold light, surging with supernatural power!

This is the awakening talent of Canglong!

Four claws come out, enough to shred everything!


Four dragon claws, grasped fiercely on the suppressed stone pillar!


The dragon's claws swept across the stone pillar, and the stone debris splashed, making a harsh noise!

Long Cang's claws crumbled, blood ran out and stained the stone pillars!

Although the dragon's claws are powerful, they still can't stop the strength of the dragon's pillar!

"Shenlong swings its tail!"

Long Cang once again broke out a mystery of the Dragon Race!

Shaking dozens of feet of dragon body, the strength of the whole body, starting from the dragon head, through the dragon's ridge, and finally passed to the dragon tail, and threw it out fiercely!


The dragon tail collided with the stone pillar!

Cracks finally appeared on the stone pillars, and the power of supernatural power began to collapse.

And Long Cang is miserable.

Blood dripped from the four dragon claws, and most of the scales on the dragon's tail had fallen off, and they fell heavily on the ground, coughing with blood.

Even so, Long Cang's eyes were still shining!

Resist it!

At this point, in his heart, there was no victory or defeat.

He just knew that with the help of this battle, his combat power rose again, made a breakthrough, and even felt the breath of the fit!


It's worth it!

Long Cang's blood was dripping on his body, and he was still laughing, like a madman.

"That's the end of this battle."

The Canglong elder said in a deep voice.

The situation at hand, who is strong and weak, is already clear.

"I haven't lost yet!"

Long Cang shook his head slightly, still staring at Su Zimo not far away, ready to erupt the final blow!

"Can you fight again?"

Su Zimo asked.

"The divine dragon's claws are just a magical power of Canglong's awakening."

Long Cang slowly said: "I am a five-clawed dragon, this magical power of awakening, and the last trick! I can accept this trick, I will recognize you as the master of my clan!"

The elders of the Canglong clan seemed to think of something, and retreated back.

The five-clawed dragon, the most powerful killing technique, is on his fifth paw!


Long Cang swooped up again, regardless of the blood on his body, the fifth dragon claw under his belly protruded out, the skeleton was cricket, the sharp claw tip could penetrate everything!

The fifth dragon claw is filled with extremely terrifying atmosphere!

The entire void is penetrated by this fifth claw!

Long Cang's counterattack!

He took the risk of serious injuries, carried down the Dragon Dragon God's Pillar, and did not use this magical power, just for this final blow!

This is his biggest hole card!

I updated earlier today and everyone went to bed earlier ~

(End of this chapter)

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