Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1220: Dorothy

1220 return

"Brother Qian!"

Another returning to Taoism was furious. He sacrificed the magic weapon from the storage bag for the first time, and raised the giant axe with one hand.

Tao Yan's figure shook a bit, and soon came to the person who returned to Xudao.

It's too fast!

At this moment, the giant axe of the returning to the Taoist has just picked up and has not fallen yet!

Tao Yan stretched out her arm, and the pink palm that looked so tender fell directly on this person's chest.


The person's chest collapsed slightly and at least seven or eight bones were broken!


The returnee population vomited blood and fell out of shape.

"Everyone, this demon is a little bit good!"

Tianzhe closed her contempt, looked dignified, shouted, sacrificed her own destiny, a wicked sword, and chopped it down toward Taotao.

His long sword is the blood sword of more than 10,000 monsters, condensed, and is called the blood sword of thousands of beasts.

Cut it out with one sword, and even dimly create a ghost image of a beast, powerful and matchless!

Moreover, this sword is extremely evil, with the grievances and evil spirits of the beasts hidden in the sword body. If the monk pays no attention, he will be easily affected by his mind!

He can be the first person to return to the realm of Dragon Tiger Pavilion. This sword occupies most of the role!

At the same time, the remaining eight Dragon Tiger Court monks also shot.

Someone pinched the decree.

Someone sacrificed a magic weapon, stepped at a strange pace, and approached Taoyan quickly, preparing to fight with him and restrain him.

They all belong to the same door, and this cooperation is naturally tacit understanding!

Tao Yan's look remained unchanged, and his palm was scratched in the chest.

A small mahogany sword as small as a needle appeared.

This small peach sword was originally hung around his neck.

"go with!"

Tao Yan gave a light sigh.

This small peach-wood sword fell into the void and instantly swelled into a three-foot-long peach-wood sword with a faint flash of thunder on its body, colliding with the blood beast of the beast!


Tian Zhe sneered, showing fierce glances, scolding: "Little wooden sword, dare to take it out and humiliate, give me a break!"

Under this million beast blood sword, I don't know how many instruments have been broken.

This peach sword is inconspicuous, there is no magic pattern on it, and it has limited power.

Not to mention the peach sword, even if it is a metal sword made by Tiancaidibao, it may not be able to resist the edge of the blood beast!


The blood beast of Wanshou collided with the peach sword.

No Mars.

There is no situation in Tianzhe's imagination!

On the contrary, the blood beast of Wanshou was severely damaged. The ghost of Wanzun's monster just appeared, and was directly scattered!

Not only that, the fierce blood on the sword was suppressed by death, and was not released at all!


Tianzhe was stunned.

Where did he know that Taomu was named Xianmu in the legend? He can drive away ghosts and evil spirits, and most of all restrained him.

Two swords fight to fight.

Wanshou Blood Sword completely fell into the wind!

At the same time, many spells came.

Tao Tao was not surprised, with a small face, waving his hands, and his fingertips were smart, condensing a bunch of pink flowers, which looked extremely charming.

This pink peach blossom floated and collided with many spells.

Although the spells of Dragon Tiger Pavilion are terrifying, they are all broken and the mana is broken when they are gently hit by this peach blossom!


Tao Yan flickered, stretched out her palm, and drew heavily on the cheek of a returnee.

This slap shredded the bones on half of his cheek!

"Bad guy!"

Tao snorted.

boom! boom! boom!

Tao Yan's body flickered continuously, passing by everyone in Long Hu Ge, her shots were decisive, and all the figures fell and flew out.

You know, even when the monkeys and others came, they planted a follower under Tao Yan's hands!

Except for Ye Ling, a few monkeys were suppressed by Tao Yan!

Longhu Pavilion is good at refining the body. Although the physical blood of these returning Taoists is strong, it is still far worse than Tao Tao.

However, in the time of half a column incense, ten returnees have been defeated by Tao Tao!

Everyone's body was cracked and screamed again and again.

If the Tianzhe Taoist did not see the situation well and fled in time, he would be suppressed by Tao Yan!

"You must not yell!"

For fear that these monks would make Su Zimo's retreat, he gave a soft whistle, squeezed his hands with both hands, and pointed forward.


On the peach trees on both sides of the road, many peach branches grew wildly, forming prisons one by one, and all ten returnees were imprisoned in them!

Then, the peach blossom on the branch suddenly filled with a fragrance.

These monks were lethargic, and the pain on their body alleviated instantly. The whole person became a little unconscious and confused.

"Putting you bad guys here is a punishment for you!"

Tao Yan said swollenly.

These returning Taoists are in Longhu Pavilion, they are all Tianjiao in Zongmen.

Even in the realm of the Northern Territory, they are all famous figures!

Today, these monks are slumped one by one, trapped in cages, and hung on the peach trees by the road, looking miserable.

Tianzhe Taoists fled far away, watching this scene from afar, fortunately in their hearts.

Fortunately, he escaped fast, otherwise his ending would be hung on the peach tree like these same friends, and he could not help himself.

"This town is too evil!"

Tian Zhe said that his face was ugly, and he muttered, "I don't know where a peach tree sprout comes out, it is so powerful!"

After groaning for a while, the philosopher turned and left.

The situation has exceeded his capacity and expectations.


Dragon Tiger Court.

"what did you say?"

The Longhuge suzerain rose up and said, "The eleven of you were defeated by a peach tree spirit who returned to the realm?"

"That peach tree is too hard. We are not opponents at all."

Tianzhe said that people's hearts are bitter.

The Lord of the Tigers and Tigers looked cold, thought a little, and gritted his teeth: "It seems that Brother Feiming has to take a trip!"

"French Prime Minister?"

The elder of Zongmen next to him frowned, and said, "Sect Lord, you let Faxiang Daojun take action against the deserted martial arts? Are you afraid of annoying the Mahayana ancestor who buried Longgu and implicate Zongmen?"

"What are you afraid of!"

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Court said coldly: "This time, let Master Feiming take someone over, not to deal with the deserted martial arts, but to kill the peach tree essence first!"

"That peach tree is perfect, and to harm one side, I'm on the right path. It is only natural to cut off demons and remove demons. Who can question!"

The Sovereign of the Dragon Tiger Pavilion had a clear mind, and by killing Taoyu, he could naturally see Su Zimo. By then, there were naturally many ways to deal with him.

"That being said ..."

Elder Zongmen was about to persuade him, but was interrupted by the lord of Dragon Tiger Pavilion.

"The elders don't have to say much, I'm done."

The Lord of the Tigers and Tigers groaned: "This matter must be speeded up. Your battle has been defeated. The news will soon spread, and Chi will change!"

as expected!

It didn't take long for the major players in the Northern Territory, the family gatekeepers, Xifeng, the Da Zhou Dynasty and other forces to have received news.

Huang Wu left Burial Dragon Valley and has returned to Pingyang Town, the situation is unknown!

(End of this chapter)

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