Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1221: Come back

Chapter 1221

Although Su Zimo is a returnee, his every move will attract the attention of the major forces in the northern region!

"Desolation is late, half-length body has been buried in the ground, but he still has many treasures, these treasures can not be brought into the soil by him."

"The deserted Wushen body, these treasures on his body are things without a master, and then there will be a **** storm!"

In the world, who doesn't want to be the second wild martial artist!

When Su Zimo was strong, there were countless monks, and countless sectarian forces remembered the treasures on him.

Today, he is late, and there are countless monks in the Northern Territory.

"I heard that there is still fifty years left in Sakumoto Shomoto. He won't really be able to step into the realm of law?"

"It's impossible!"

"If he is self-cultivation and less selfish, he may still be able to live this fifty-year Yangshou. If he deliberately breaks through and enters the state of law, he can only live for one year!"

"Yes, if you want to break through the big realm and expend hard work, how difficult and dangerous it is, even at the peak, whether it will be successful or not. Not to mention, he is exhausted and dying!"

For a while, the cultivation community in the Northern Territory was discussing the matter.

Ghost Sect.

"Sect, should we go to that Pingyang town and fight for the relics left by the deserted Wu?" A monk of Zongmen asked.

"Sure to go!"

The Sovereign of the Ghost Sovereign Shen said, "Master Black Leather, you will lead the ten princes of the Zongmen School, and fifty returnees to Xudao to Pingyang Town!"

After a short pause, the Sovereign Sovereign said again, "But if the desert is not dead, don't act lightly."

"Why is this?"

Hei Gedao's heart was puzzled.

"A hundred-footed worm, dead but not stiff."

The Sect of the Ghost Sect said: "Who knows what the deserted warrior still has, and you can defend it nearby. If the deserted warrior falls, then you don't have to hesitate to take the deserted warrior relics directly!"


Heihe Daojun answered with a deep voice.

Almost at the same time, there were monks rushing to Pingyang Town, such as the Seven Killing Sect, the Blood Mist View, and the Yuwen Family.

For a while, Fengyun will be!

This small town of Pingyang was actually spotted by countless sectarian forces, monk Tianjiao!

Murong family.

The owner of Murong slightly shook his head and looked with emotion, saying: "Unexpectedly, a generation of evils, founded martial arts, set up such an immortal feat, and ended up in such a field."

"Homeowner, one after another has heard the news, a large number of monks have come to the door, wanting to compete for the waste relics, shall we ..."

Asked a monk.


The owner of Murong shook his head and said, "I have promised Wu Wu. If he can establish martial arts so that all the people in the world can practice, I will visit Dao in person."

"Desolate military twilight, Daohe is no longer necessary and meaningless. His evening scene is so desolate that we can't fall into ruins anymore!"


An elder of the Murong family said, "This is due respect for the deserted Wu."

Among the top ten doorsteps, Xingyuezong, Valley of Fire Clouds, and Heavenly Sect did nothing.

The three main monks are also strictly prohibited from participating in this event!

Great Zhou King City.

The two women stood side by side, one was gentle and beautiful, and one was a distinguished grace. It was Su Xiaoning and Zhou Tianzi Ji Yaoxue.

"Brother ..."

Xiao Ning looked at the direction of Pingyang Town, looking worried, and said, "I have to go to Pingyang Town and see the last side of my brother!"

"I stay with you."

Ji Yao Snow Road.

"Sister Yao Xue, don't go. Pingyang Town must be extremely dangerous at this time. You are a prince, and you can't take risks by yourself." Xiao Ning said.

"Even though it is dangerous, I have to go and see Zimo."

Ji Yaoxue's tone was calm, but she was extremely firm.

Xiao Ning was silent for a long time, after all, he did not advise again.

After making some arrangements for the Da Zhou Dynasty, Ji Yaoxue set out with Xiao Ning and went to Pingyang Town.

Ye Feng.

Old Xianhe and Nianqi also left Zongmen for the first time and rushed to Pingyang Town.

Crazy Lion Ridge.

The monkeys and others gathered together, looking sad and dignified.

The little fox was red-eyed, apparently just crying.

"Brother really is, for the sake of the Laozizi martial arts, so tired that his life is exhausted!" Linghu angry.

Upon hearing this, the little fox cried again.

Ye Ling suddenly said: "Actually, the situation may not be as bad as imagined. I heard the elder brother say that he still has a true body!"

"Even if his Qinglian body fell, his elder brother did not die."



"Whether it's true or not, let's go to Pingyang Town first. I heard that some young people in the human race are going to **** the relics of the elder brother!

The monkey cursed grinningly.


Monkeys and others also immediately started.

In fact, Su Zimo left Funeral Dragon Valley and did not go to see his relatives and brothers, such as Xiao Ning and Monkey, for his reasons.

His condition is already very poor, and the long journey from Funeral Dragon Valley to Pingyang Town is already the limit.

Without so much energy, go to Kuangshiling, Jifeng and Dazhou King City.

Moreover, his current state is nothing more than two endings.

One, the breakthrough failed.

As Ye Ling said, even if the breakthrough fails, he still has the dragon body.

The most important thing is the deity!

He was not dead at all.

He went to say goodbye to Xiao Ning and others, but it only increased his sorrow and was unnecessary.

In the second case, the breakthrough was successful.

It is even more unnecessary to say goodbye to Xiao Ning and others.

At this time, there was an undercurrent surging outside Pingyang Town.

In Pingyang Town, under the guardianship of Tao Yan, there is still peace and quiet, and the people in the town are still living normally and have not been affected.

In the courtyard, Su Zimo's breakthrough has reached the most critical moment!

State of Law.

In fact, it is a summary of past practice.

All the laws are unified, and what is condensed is the law of heaven and earth!

The reason why the heaven and earth are powerful is because this respect has incorporated all the insights, essence and strength of the monks' past practice!

Normally, this summary process is extremely lengthy and exhausting.

Some monks break through the realm of law, let alone 50 years, even 500 years may not succeed!

But Su Zimo's situation is different.

In the preaching place, he received more than thirty stone statues. Before deducing martial arts, he had already summarized the practice of the three gates of the Immortal Buddha and the Demon, and he had already got through!

Without such a summary, it would be difficult for him to develop martial arts.

Therefore, this process is the most difficult for others.

But for Su Zimo, there is no obstacle!

Although his physical body and qi and blood have faded, his cultivation of realm is rising rapidly, infinitely close to the state of law!

The derivation of nearly 5,000 years has not been in vain after all.

The years of precipitation and grinding have already melted the barriers of the state of law. What Su Zimo has to do is just to walk over easily!

This breakthrough will be the easiest time since Su Zimo's practice!

(End of this chapter)

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