Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1239: Letter from Zhongzhou

Chapter 1239 Letter from Zhongzhou

"Taojun, a hundred tablets of sixth-order miracles, and a hundred Taojun magic instruments, have been regarded as the limits of my teaching."

The God of Xuantian Devotion secretly screamed bitterly and couldn't help but say: "Thousands of sixth-order miracles, thousands of top-notch Taoist magic instruments can't be taken out!"

Su Zimo said: "It doesn't matter if you can't get it out, you can use Ling Cao Xian Guo, Tian Cai Di Bao instead."

Xiao Ning said in a timely manner: "Huanglong Amakusa, Xuanyin Bamboo, Ganoderma lucidum, Yinguanghua, Zhenyuanlian, Wuyun fruit and other spirits and spirits are also acceptable."

Xiao Ning itself is the master of alchemy. For some of the main materials needed for the sixth-order miracle, naturally, it is a treasure, and it comes at random.

Su Zimo said: "Xuantian Deity and Dragon Tiger Pavilion are the same door. The history of Dragon Tiger Pavilion for more than 10,000 years is not just these things. Can't you get the Xuantian God Church?"

The God of Xuantian Deity wants to cry without tears.

Xuantian Deity can be taken out, but this is definitely a nuisance.

Inheriting the heritage for tens of thousands of years, just this one, half of it!

Too cruel!

Xingyue Suzerain and others were also shocked.

Now, Xuantian Deity is definitely hurting!

For thousands of years, I'm afraid it won't slow down.

The Sovereign Sovereign Suddenly said, "If my sect surrenders these things, the resentment of the Ghost Sect and Dao Jun ..."

"Of course it is a write-off."

Su Zimo said lightly: "As long as you don't provoke me in the future, I won't ask you any trouble."

"it is good!"

The Ghost Sect nodded and said, "With the promise of Daojun, my Ghost Sect would be cut off.

Some ghost ghost lords opened this head, the Seven Killing Sect, the Blood Mist View, and the Yuwen family did not hesitate for a long time, and they all agreed to come down.

The **** of the Xuantian Deity can only surrender, saying: "Taojun, so many treasures, we must not get them now, we must return to the Zongmen to prepare for it."

"I give you a month."

Su Zimo said slowly: "After this period, I will visit in person!"

Xuantian Deity chief laughed.

This is a naked threat!

After Longhu Pavilion was visited by Suzi Modenmen, it was removed from the Northern Territory. Can Xuantian Deity resist it?

"Jun Wudao is a well-deserved name. Facing so many of our forces alone, we can still calm down the scene and control the situation, which is more terrible than I expected."

An elder Xingyuezong was a little emotional, said Zhuan Yin.

Xingyue Sovereign also preached: "The Dragon Tiger Pavilion at the top ten of the Northern Territory was removed, and Xun Feng is afraid to rise!"

"So many resources and treasures are all gathered at Jiufeng. The essence of this sect is no less than that of many of us."

"Yes, what Feng Feng lacks right now is fit power. If there is fit power, then I will hopefully be one of the new ones at the home conference!"

"A desolate prince is worth ten combined powers!"

The Sovereign of the Ghosts and others did not stay in Longhu Pavilion for a long time, and left in a humble state.

Under Su Zimo's aura, they felt extremely depressed and had to leave early.

The Sovereign Xingyue Sovereign, the Huoyun Valley and the Murong Family, etc., stayed in Longhu Pavilion for a while before leaving.

In this month, Su Zimo was always in Dragon Tiger Pavilion and did not leave.

At the end of the month, the Ghost Sect, the Seven Killing Sect, the Blood Mist View, the Xuantian Deity, and the Yuwen Family all came to the door and presented thousands of six-tiered Lingdan and thousands of top-grade Taojun artifacts. !!

Su Zimo gave all these treasures to Wu Feng.

These things can't get into his eyes.

For the magical instruments, he has the good fortune lotus platform, the Xuanci mountain, and the Ming king rosary.

Moreover, his Qinglian real body, shoulder-to-shoulder ingenious monarch weapon!

The only thing that could interest Su Zimo was the many cheats left by Long Hu Ge.

These things are of some use for deduction of martial arts by the deity, and all of them have been carried to Jifeng!

After that, Su Zimo stayed temporarily at Pufeng.

Monkeys and others ran to Crazy Lion Ridge to continue to dominate the king.

One year later, Xiao Ning left, preparing to return to Danyangmen, Zhongzhou.

Yeling offered to escort.

In fact, Xiao Ning has cultivated to the point of returning to the virtual world, and by her current combat means, it is enough to protect herself.

But Xiao Ning still didn't refuse, and laughed and should come down.

Su Zimo has long felt the chuckle between the two, and has not stopped.

Over the years, as an elder brother, he did not take good care of Xiao Ning, thanks to Ye Ling.

What's more, this kind of thing is enough as long as you are happy.

Xiao Ning left, and Su Zimo continued to meditate in Wu Feng.

In an instant, it was another five years.

For the past five years, Wu Feng has been extremely calm.

After the First World War of Longhu Pavilion, the deserted Wu stepped into the realm of law. Everyone knows that there is an old monk who buried Longgu behind him. No one dares to provoke him!

The changes in the realm of cultivation are not small.

The most obvious change is that all beings practice martial arts and have stepped into practice!

She Feng alone, these years, has recruited thousands of monks who practice martial arts.

A series of changes have taken place in the northern world ’s cultivation world because of Su Zimo's rise!

Dragon Tiger Court was removed.

And the rise of Feng Feng has attracted a lot of admired monks, Jin Dan real people, Yuan Ying Zhen Jun, Huixu Taoists, and even the Fa Xiang Dao Jun want to worship the gate!

Of course, the power of fit still doesn't exist.

In the end, none of Feng Feng's strength was fit.

Secondly, the combination of power and strength is not bound by the sectarian gate, let alone Fengfeng, even if it is a super sectarian gate, there may not be any resources suitable for the integration of cultivation.

They want to take it a step closer, but might as well look for some ancient relics, the sage caves, and maybe get some chance encounters.

About the Da Zhou Dynasty.

In fact, more than ten years ago, the Da Zhou Dynasty had annexed Da You, Da Xia and Da Shang, and unified the Northern Territory.

In these years, there was no war between the dynasties, and the people recuperated and recuperated.

Under the control of Ji Yaoxue, the wounds left by the witch scourge gradually healed, showing a peaceful and thriving weather.

On this day, Su Zimo was in a retreat, feeling a little bit, suddenly waking up.

It didn't take long for a knock to sound.

"Come in."

Su Zimo said.

Although he has been away from the ancestors for many years, his cave is always reserved for him.

The gate of Dongfu opened, and Nianqi came in and said, "My son, a spirit crane flying in is looking for you."


Su Zimo frowned slightly and took over Linghe.

The lingering crane has a faint aroma, apparently from the hands of women.

Su Zimo glanced.

The address on Linghe shows Zhongzhou!

Su Zimo opened the Linghe, soon read the content inside, and murmured, "I did not expect it to be her."


Nian Qi asked curiously.

Su Zimo smiled and said, "Barely an acquaintance, he has one side."

After a pause, Su Zimo rose up and rubbed the palm of his hand, and the Linghe has turned into powder, saying: "I must go, go to Zhongzhou!"

(End of this chapter)

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