Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1240: Shura is in trouble

Chapter 1240: Shura Has Difficulties

"What happened? You have to take a trip in person?"

Nian Qi asked curiously.

Su Zimo said: "Something happened to Brother Yan."

Nian Qi was surprised: "Xiu Luo Yan Beichen?"


Su Zimo nodded, recalling a past.

After the Qianhe Tea Party, many princes and priests from the ancestors came together and boarded Bailianmen to prepare for his trouble. Shura heard about this and rushed over without hesitation.

At that time, the philosophers of Dao and Dao were all famous for a long time.

Among them, there are even disciples like Xianjian Daojun and Yunyu Daojun!

Xianjian Daojun was the first in the last French Prime Ministers list.

Yunyu Daojun was second in the French rankings five thousand years ago.

Shura has just stepped into the realm of law, but he is still fearless, and the battle with Jiu Dadaojun broke out outside Bailianmen!

That battle was earth-shattering!

Among the nine kings, six were killed by Shura Shengsheng Town!

Although most of this is because in the Bailianmen, the fairy sword prince and the extreme fire prince were hit hard when they met, but the powerful means that Shura showed is still terrifying!

Su Zimo watched the war not far away, and that war is still unforgettable.

At that time, he had also spoken inquiries about Shura's injuries, but was brought by Suluo's understatement.

Unexpectedly, the injury left by Shura in that war has not healed yet!

One of the messages on this Linghe was to describe the injury of Shura Yuanshen.

Yuan Shen was traumatized and extremely difficult to heal.

Later, Su Zimo made a terrible calamity in the preaching place, and the situation was critical. Many monks who practiced the practice suggested that they should draw a line from Su Zimo.

However, Shura ignored the damage of Yuanshen and went to the hundreds of refining doors to protect Su Zimo's life!

Admired for Shura's temperament, an elder from Danyangmen presented Jiuzhu, the nine-returned soul saved for many years, to Shura.

Jiuzhuanhuidandan is an ancient Lingdan, which has been lost for a long time and is extremely rare. It is the best healing remedy for treating Yuanshen!

It is no exaggeration to say that it is priceless!

Shura took the ninth turn to the soul, but did not take it, but gave it to another person.

It is this person who sent this messenger crane.

In the battle outside the Bailian Gate, three people lived in the Jiu Dadao Jun. In addition to the two major disciples who escaped by chance, Xian Jian Dao Jun and Yun Yu Dao Jun, this one is the third person to survive!

Jianzong, Qin Pianran.

At that time, Qin Pianran was betrayed by the Emperor Jiandao and begged to die.

Although Shura had never said it, Su Zimo could see that Shura moved into a reclusive heart.

Shura, who is ruthless in his testimony, is a passionate person.

Known as the decent deity, the immortal sword Tao Jun who is affectionate and righteous, is a ruthless person.

This is really a great irony.

Su Zimo already felt that Shura treated Qin Pianran differently.

But he did not expect that Qin Pianran took the precious elixir that Jiu Zhuan returned Jiu Dan to Jiuzhuan!

Of course, this Linghe was not sent out because of Shura's injury.

It's because the magic gate Shuluzong has another evil spirit, who wants to replace the Shulu title of Yan Beichen and become the new disciple of Shuluzong!

The disciple of the title gave the book of war to Shura's hands.

In Shura's current state, he may be able to win against the ordinary Faxiang Daojun, but he will undoubtedly be defeated against this monster of evil!

Qin Pianran hoped that Su Zimo could go to Zhongzhou and help Shura survive the disaster.

At the end of the Linghe, Qin Pianran also said that this Linghe was sent out by him without concealing Shura.

Based on Shura's temperament, even if she encounters such calamities, she will not ask for help, but she is worried and doesn't want Shura to be in trouble.

She had already lost contact with Xianmen and Jianzong.

Shura has always been alone, there are no brothers and friends, but the enemy is a group!

She thought about it, and only Su Zimo could help Shura, so she sent out this Linghe.

Su Zimo received Linghe without hesitation, and immediately decided to rush to Zhongzhou!

Don't say that Shura is in trouble. If he knew that the damage of Shura's Primordial God had not healed, he would have set off long ago to find a medicine that could cure Shura!

"When is the son planning to leave?"

Nian Qi asked.

"Go now!"

Su Zimo has gone to Dongfu.

"Where is my son going? I will stay with you."

Outside the cave, Tao Yan also rushed over and said, "There are always trivial chores along the way. I'll stay with my son and help."

Su Zimo felt that Tao Yan just wanted to leave him.

"No need."

Su Zimo shook his head and said, "Both of you will stay here. In the next few days, there will be a five- or six-year-old child coming to Fengfeng. Just follow him."


Tao took a moment, but before the reaction came, Su Zimo leaped forward, his body's thunder arc flashed, and it disappeared instantly.

Su Zimo worried about Shura and was ready to rush to Zhongzhou as quickly as possible!

"What child is the boy talking about?"

Tao Yan blinked, looking confused, and asked Nianqi.

"I do not know either."

Nianqi shook her head and said, "I'll know in a few days. We'll just wait here."

Five days later.

At the foot of Laofeng Mountain, a five- or six-year-old child came with clear eyes, clear eyes, and deep sea like the endless mystery!

"Well, where's the kid running out."

"It's not easy for this child to come to this place in the mountains and forests without any problems."

In front of Laofeng Mountain Gate, several monk-building monks stationed at the gate looked over and looked surprised.

The child came to stand in front of the mountain gate, staring at a huge stone gate not far away, suddenly amazed.

"Why, do you want to come to Xifeng to worship?"

A monk with a smile laughed and followed the child's eyes, saying, "This stone gate is used to test the spiritual roots."

"I heard that when our desolate predecessor of Zongmen worshiped Zongmen, he measured all the stone gates! This stone gate was later built."

Hearing these arguments, the child remembered the past, and a smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"This child can come here, it is considered to be related to Ji Feng, why not let him test Linggen first?"

A monk said: "Child, you go through that stone gate, let's see."

The child laughed without saying a word, headed for Shimen, and walked directly.

Shimen has no response!

The base-building monks shook their heads slightly, looking slightly disappointed.

One of them said, "There is nothing without spiritual roots, and you can practice martial arts even if you cannot cultivate immortals!"

"Child, I'm Brother Martial!"

The man showed his strong arm and said, "I have cultivated to the third transformation of martial arts, copper skins and iron bones! Even the best weapons can hardly hurt me!"

As he said, the monk took out a long knife and chopped it on his arm, but only left a white mark.

The monk looked so proud that he handed the long knife to the child and said, "Child, why don't you come and hack me?"

"How old is this child? Can you pick up this knife?" The other person shook his head slightly.

At this moment, the child took the long knife, and the pink and white palm was gently squeezed, and the long knife in the hand was directly turned into a ball of iron!

Then he rubbed his hands.

This ball of iron turned into a grain of iron sand, scattered!

Scratching iron like mud!

The monks at the gate were stunned and horrified, unable to say a word!

(End of this chapter)

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