Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1241: Reunion

Chapter 1241: Reunion

You know, this long knife is a middle-class spirit, so it was rubbed into sand by the child's pink and tender palm!

Many monks looked at the children's eyes as if looking at ghosts and gods.

"Is this kid demonized?"

A thought flashed through the mind of a monk.

At this moment, there were two figures coming out of Wu Feng, like Jintong Yunv, who were Tao Yan and Nian Qi.

These days, the two have been waiting near the gate of the mountain, and when they heard something, they rushed over.

The eyes of the two fell on the child, and they were shocked!

The child gave them a very familiar feeling.

If you look at it with concentration, you can tell that the facial features of the child are very similar to Su Zimo, but they have not yet grown up completely and cannot see it!

The child is the true body of martial arts, that is, the deity Su Zimo!

Funeral at the bottom of the Dragon Valley. After six years of practice, the deity has cultivated to the ninth transformation of martial arts.

Not to mention a Chinese artifact, even if it is an innate artifact, it can be broken into pieces with the power of the deity!

The advent of the deity was originally a different number.

Not in heaven, not in reincarnation!

The deity inherited everything from Su Zimo and specialized in martial arts.

However, after the nine changes of martial arts, if they want to continue martial arts, they can only continue deduction.

Neither Qinglian's true body nor the Dragon's true body had this energy.

In the perception of martial arts, there is absolutely no proper deity.

Therefore, the deity left Burial Dragon Valley, came to Jiufeng, and was planning to practice a period of time in Jiufeng, and wrote down many techniques and techniques of Jiufeng before deducing.

"My son?"

Tao Yan shouted tentatively.

"it's me."

The dear nodded.

Although he is only six years old, the demeanor revealed on his body is just like Su Zimo, without any childishness!

"I practice for a while at Jiufeng, and I will leave for Pingyang Town. Do you want to follow?"

Ben respected Tao Tao and asked.


Tao Yan agreed.

He was on Fengfeng, and there were no familiar people, but it was better to stay in Pingyang Town.

In his heart, he always felt that Pingyang Town was his home.

The deity also intends to return to the starting point of spiritual practice, return to that courtyard, continue to develop martial arts, and perfect martial arts!

That courtyard has an extraordinary significance to Su Zimo.



Su Zimo almost never slept, from leaving Fengfeng to crossing the northern region, stepping into the region of Zhongzhou, but it took only three days!

This speed can already be compared with the power of fit!

Although the news on Linghe said that the demon evil had called for Shura's time, but after one month, Su Zimo was still uneasy and came early.

Su Zimo distinguished the next direction and continued to hurry.

A day later.

Su Zimo came to the depths of the mountains, looked at the dense bamboo forest in front of him, descended, and entered with a pause.

In this bamboo forest, only the rustle of bamboo leaves blowing by the breeze seemed peaceful and peaceful.

After a while, Su Zimo's eyes penetrated through the heavy bamboo shadow, and he saw a spacious open space, where a simple wooden house was hit.

A figure leaned in front of the door.

This figure had black hair scattered casually on his shoulders, looking cold and cold, with a bottle of spirits on his feet, and a **** long knife across his knee!

Shura, Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen just raised the wine jar and was about to take a sip, but suddenly frowned, seeming to feel it, and said lightly, "Leaving hate, a month has not yet come, you are early."

Yan Beichen Yuanshen was traumatized, but still felt someone peeping in the bamboo forest!

However, he failed to detect who was coming.

Su Zimo walked out of the bamboo forest quickly, came to this open space, looked at Yan Beichen, smiled slightly.

Yan Beichen first stumbled.

Immediately, there was a rejoicing after a long absence in his eyes, and he couldn't help laughing: "Haha, it's Brother Su!"

"Brother Yan!"

Su Zimo called and hurried forward.

"Come and sit!"

Yan Beichen dragged Su Zimo's arm, pulled him to sit down, and scooped another pot of spirits in the storage bag, handed it to Su Zimo, and laughed: "Zhengchou no one will drink with me, you Come here, it's timely! "

The two were holding the jar, bumped and took a sip of spirits.

"You have not yet congratulated you on the creation of martial arts. Now it is just right, our brothers are here to stay drunk!"

Yan Beichen laughed again.

Su Zimo was feeling.

Not seen for many years, Yan Beichen has changed a lot.

There was a lot of humanity in his body. The original **** smell had become very pale and almost odorless.

Not surprisingly, this change should be attributed to one person.

At this moment, a white-shirted woman came out of the wooden house, her skin was fat, her eyes were like water, her two eyebrows were slightly raised, and she showed a hint of British spirit!

Su Zimo got up, pretending to be surprised, "Isn't this Qin Daoyou of Jianzong?"

Qin Pianran concealed Xiuluo's message to him, and Su Zimo naturally couldn't tell the story, so he pretended not to know anything.

Qin Pianran smiled slightly, a grateful expression appeared in her eyes.

She was about to speak, and Yan Beichen waved her hand and said, "Brother Su, don't pretend, it should be you who came here.

Su Zimo froze.

Yan Beichen said: "The timing of your coming is too coincident. I guess that I was worried about me before I told you to come over."

Yan Beichen is so smart.

The first time he saw Su Zimo, he guessed it.

"Beichen, I'm sorry."

Qin Pianran bowed his head slightly and said, "I, I ..."

Su Zimo knew that the matter continued to be hidden, and there was no need, so he nodded: "Qin Daoyou is also worried about the safety of the elder brother, and the elder brother does not need to blame her."

"People are worried about me, how can I blame her."

Yan Beichen laughed loudly, turned his head and held Qin Pianran's palm, and said, "Our brother hasn't seen each other for a long time. Now we are meeting again. I am very happy. Thank you for not having time."

Qin Pianran blushed.

In front of Su Zimo, the two were so intimate and she was a little embarrassed.

Su Zimo smiled and said, "It seems that my elder brother has been doing very well these years. I am envious of someone who is accompanying me every day."

After a short pause, Su Zimo said again, "But, brother, I have to talk about you. There is something wrong with your Yuanshen. Why don't you know that I will be heard?"

"It's no use telling you."

Shura shook his head and said, "This injury can't be cured."

Upon hearing this, Qin Pianran looked dark and said, "It's all my fault. If the nine-return soul Dan Dan hadn't served me, Beichen's injury would have been cured."

"It's okay, I'm not fine now."

Yan Beichen didn't care and waved.

"But your future cultivation ..."

Qin Pianran kept talking, for fear of stimulating Yan Beichen.

Yuan Shen is injured, it's even harder to get better!

"Who doesn't die? Even after training to fit together, 20,000 years later, you still have to drive to the west."

Yan Beichen said: "As long as I am with you, one day is worth ten thousand years! I still have thousands of years of Shouyuan. In this way, I will live longer than the Mahayana ancestor!"

Qin Pianran's eyes were flushed, and he was silent.

(End of this chapter)

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