Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1262: Power

Chapter 1262: Stupid Power

time flies.

Fighting in the back room, there is no sign of stopping!

With the birth of many treasures, more and more monks fell into madness and even lost their minds, completely red eyes!

Originally, there were more than 500 monks in this secret room.

Just after half a column of incense, only half is left!

Over time, the number of monks in the backroom has decreased dramatically!

Even Su Zimo sniffed the **** gas emitted from the secret room, and there was an impulse in his heart, and he wanted to kill all the monks in this secret room and put all the treasures in his pocket!

But he still has a hint of reason.

The situation right now is not normal!

In other words, from entering the ancient temple to the beginning of the Taichung Temple, the whole process is a little weird!

Su Zimo always felt that he seemed to have overlooked something, and the primordial **** in the sea began to recite the Buddhist scriptures, trying to keep it as clear as possible.


At this moment, a loud noise came from one wall of the secret room, and cracks appeared on it, which continued to spread and expand!


With a loud noise, the wall collapsed and the dust billowed.

On the other side of the wall, there are a group of monks fighting for the treasures, fighting!

Hearing the sound of the wall collapsing, the monks on both sides of the battle stopped for a moment and looked over.


Just then, a roar came from the other side of the wall!

It can be said that the road of the enemy is narrow.

Who would have thought that the wall of this secret room suddenly cracked, and on the other side, it turned out to be Elder Lei Lie of the mixed Yuanzong!

Elder Lei Lie's shirt was stained with a lot of blood. He had obviously just experienced a big war, and he had a strong intention to kill.

On the left side of Elder Lei Lie, there was also a powerful fit walking through the air. The whole person was like a sword with a sheath and a sharp edge, staring at Su Zimo's face.

Swordsman Power!

On the right hand of Elder Lei Lie, there is a mighty power stepping on Lei Guang, his eyes are like electricity, murderous, come out of the air!

Power of the Thunder Palace!

The power of the three super gates is here!

The superb power of Super Zongmen is horrible and far beyond ordinary power.

Su Zimo is only in the middle of the state of law, and there is a big realm in addition to the small realm!

He can suppress ordinary fit powers.

But against the power of these super sects, whether they can win is still unknown!

"Desolate, I see where else can you escape this time!"

Elder Lei Lie sneered.


Su Zimo also sneered slightly, and said, "On the three of you, you want to kill me?"

If it was in the early days of the French Realm, he still didn't have the confidence to compete with the combination of the three super sects.

But now, he is in the middle of France, and his combat power has skyrocketed!

The three heavens, earth, and heavens have all grown to the height of Hachijo!

"A big deal!"

The elder Lei Lie sighed, and immediately came to Su Zimo's body.

This is the most powerful mystery of Mixed Yuanzong!

At that time, Emperor Xu was able to sweep the same level by virtue of this big bastard.

Elderly Lei Lie ’s palm is obviously much stronger than Emperor Li. In his palm, he truly condenses the world and the earth!

When this palm shot came down, Su Zimo felt that he was not fighting with people, but was fighting against the whole world, and could be crushed and crushed at any time!

"Sword of shocking fortune!"

Jianzong was able to wave his sword.

A dazzling sword light came down like a horror, not to be overlooked!

There are many kendo traditions in Jianzong, but the most powerful are Wusheng Jiandao and Jinghong Jiandao.

The Wind and Thunder Hall did not use any mysterious magic, directly exploded the blood, holding a huge hammer, a flash of lightning arc flashed on it, hit Su Zimo's head and fell down!

Three Masters can shoot at the same time!

The power of terror, surging like a tide, is suffocating!

too strong!

These three powers are more than one level stronger than the combined power that just fell in the hands of Su Zimo!

Under such pressure, Su Zimo was screaming in the sky, three figures flew in his body instantly, and quickly climbed. In a blink of an eye, he had reached Hachijo!

After Hachijo, there was no pause, and he soon grew to the height of Hachijo!

Heaven and Earth!

Qun Xiu was shocked.

Even some monks who had been fighting together stopped for a while, staring blankly and looking around.

"how is this possible!"

"Desolate world, not two, but three!"

"In the middle of the phase of the French phase, three heavens and earths of the heavens and the earth are condensed. This is terrible! In the same level, who is the barbaric opponent?"

Normally, those who can practice a world of heaven and earth, can be said to be against the heavens and evils.

Like Su Zimo, directly exposing the three heavens and the earth is beyond the cognition of many monks!

Even Elder Lei Lei was startled!

The thunder and lightning method, holding a long whip, pumped the elders according to the storm that came over.

The whip flickered with the power of thunder and lightning, and made a crackling sound in the mid-air, with a devastating atmosphere and anomalous movement, entangled towards the elder arm of Wind Thunder Hall.

Elder Wind Thunder Hall holds a sledgehammer.

Among weapons, any weapon with an axe or hammer is the most powerful.

The thunder of the thunderbolt body is soft and changeable, just to restrain the sledge hammer of Elder Wind Thunder Hall!


The whip didn't shake the sledgehammer at all, but like a spirit snake, fell on the arm of Elder Wind Thunder, entangled a few times, and a powerful thunderbolt broke out!


Feng Lei Dian snorted loudly, feeling a sting in his arm, like a needle.

There was a shock of shock under his eyes.

He is fit, and that's it.

I dare not imagine what the consequences would be if the arm of the prince of Daoism was entangled in this long whip!

It is estimated that the vitality of the entire arm will be destroyed instantly!

the other side.

Faced with Elder Lei Lie's palm, Ru Laifa bowed his eyes and lowered his eyes, treasured solemnly, chanting a mysterious scripture in his mouth, and also found out his palm.

The palm of Rulai ’s body seems to be covered with a layer of gold foil, glittering with thousands of golden lights, colliding with the big mixed Yuan palm!

The two palms collided!

Rulai's body trembled slightly, but her feet were motionless.

Su Zimo is also as stable as a rock, secretly tugging at the fundamental seal to resolve the impact and remaining power of Dashangyuan.

And the magical body of heaven, facing the power of Jianzong.

The sword of Jinghong is indeed shocking.

However, this sword light was caught in the rolling black magic, the speed was getting slower and slower, and there was no more shocking state, and it was crushed by the sickle of the demon!

The combined power of the three super sects, the first offensive, was sacrifice by Su Zimo, three heaven and earth, and all the resolution!

At this time, Su Zimo was standing in the middle.

The three heavens and the heavens, like the giant spirits of ancient times, guard him, waving his arms, and fighting against the three powers!

At this moment, Su Zimo seems to have three heads and six arms!

(End of this chapter)

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