Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1263: Might of Fire

Chapter 1263

"The sky!"

"Imperial Sword!"

"Wind and lightning strike!"

Mixing the three combined powers of Yuanzong, Jianzong, and Fengleidian, and shooting at the same time, the top magic of Zongmen broke out!

The powerful mana of combination is absolutely boundless!

Even the most common ordinary spells, released with the power of fit and power, will erupt in horror, let alone this top-level spell.

Su Zimo's eyes were magnificent, and his expression was fearless. God's mind controlled the three heavens and the earth, waved six arms, and slaughtered with the three powers!

boom! boom! boom!

Every time the two sides collided, a deafening sound erupted.

The three elders Lei Lie are from the super sect, and they are practicing the most top-level skills and secrets. With all their hands and feet, they can break the mountain and the river is cut off!

This is the true power of the fit!

Their physical bodies seem to be integrated into the heavens and the earth, and they cannot be shaken at all!

Su Zimo's heaven and earth, like the giant spirits of ancient times, just barely contend with the three powers.

With each confrontation, the three heavens and the earth are full of shock!

"The power of combining with these super sects is still worse."

Su Zimo's heart was dark.

If he can grow up to the height of nine feet or nine feet, I am afraid that these combined powers can be suppressed!

Su Zimo was not clear. At this time, although the three elders Lei Lie had the upper hand, the terror in his heart had reached the point where it could not be added!

All three of them are from one side of the Super Sect!

With their combat power, even if it is their own power, it is not a problem to suppress the hundred powers of the same rank.

But now, a prince of Daxiang can be one enemy and three!

Moreover, although they have the upper hand, no matter how they urge the spell and explode the hole cards, it is difficult to break these three heavens and the earth!

These three heaven and earth phases are more solid than any heaven and earth aspect they have ever seen!

"It's really hard to imagine how this desolate army has cultivated to this point."

The thought flashed in Elder Lei Lie's mind.

Prior to that, they also heard some news about Su Zimo, what top vision, what preaching place, kill many disciples, and what kind of barbarism.

But deep in their hearts, Su Zimo was not really regarded as an enemy.

They are fit and powerful!

Even if Su Zimo stepped into the realm of law, they would be a big distance away from them. This is simply an insurmountable nature divide!

At this time, the elders of Lei Lie really felt the terribleness of Su Zimo!

The barbarian princes who are in the state of law can already compete with them, such as the strong ones. If the barbarians step into the realm of integration, wouldn't the continent land go sideways!

Elder Raylie finally understood one thing.

The Emperor Vatican half-ancestor of Zongmen, regardless of his identity, strangled or returned to the deserted King of the Desert, not only because the tribe of the clan was killed!

Another important reason is that Emperor Fan felt the terrible potential of the desert!


You must take this opportunity to kill the desolation here!


At about the same time, the three ensembles were able to spur qi and blood, spur the mana to the extreme, and suppress it towards Su Zimo!

As long as they can break through the defenses of the three heavens and the earth, they can get close and rely on the physical blood of the combined power to completely kill the deserted Wu!

Although Qinglian's body was hard, she could never stop her powerful body.

"Abi hell!"

"Feisha walks away!"

"Purple electricity storm!"


Su Zimo, under the protection of the three masters, continuously changed magic tricks, and hit more than thirty spells in one breath!

Suddenly, the mana in the entire hall was boiling!

boom! boom! boom!

Elder Lei Lie was startled.

Where did they think that Su Zimo's counterattack turned out to be so fierce, let alone melee? Under the impact of these more than thirty spells, they couldn't keep their body steady and kept back.

"So many spells ..."

When a monk saw this scene, his expression was shocked, and his tongue was secretly dumbfounded.

These spells, just one of them, are enough to cause countless Tao Jun to fight.

Unexpectedly, Su Zimo burst out more than thirty in one breath!

What strength is this?

The power of the three ensembles was pushed back by Su Zimo!

And his counterattack has not stopped!


Three flames suddenly appeared beside Su Zimo.

Red, Xianmen Road fire.

Golden, fire of Buddha.

Black, magic gate fire!

Three flames emerged, and the temperature in the entire hall suddenly rose!

Su Zimo urged Yuanshen, and the three flames quickly moved closer together.

The fire of Samadhi comes!

Many monks retreated,

Some monks had originally fought in another battle, but the spell had just condensed and was burned by the scorching heat of the Samadhi fire!

"go with!"

Su Zimo snapped a whistle, and hit the fire of Samadhi to Elder Lei Lie.

"This little flame, it's still a shame!"

Elder Lei Lie sneered slightly, reaching out his big hand, trying to crush the flame.

"This little flame will kill you!"

The words didn't fall, Su Zimo's eyebrows ignited a fire of Yuan Shen, and instantly fell into the fire of Samadhi.

Road fire soars!

Simao Road Fire!

This increase in power is not a 12% increase, but it has doubled directly!

It is just that the fire of Samadhi does not really threaten Elder Lei Lie and others. With one punch, they can extinguish the fire of Samadhi.

However, the power of the Simi Road can't carry the physical power of the body!

"No! It's been calculated!"

Elder Thunder's look changed.

Su Zimo's fourth elemental fire was released when Elder Lei Lie held the fire of Samadhi in his hands.

At this point, Elder Lei Lie wants to close, it is too late!


This flame burst instantly in the palm of Elder Thunder's palm, bursting out a terrible flame.

The flesh and blood on the palm of Elder Lei Lie was burned so loudly that he even exposed the sensen bones inside, shocking!


Elder Lei Lie turned pale and screamed.

The fire of the Simi Road was burning extremely fast, spreading along the palm of his hand, toward the entire arm!

His sleeves instantly turned to ashes.

The entire arm was shrouded in fire.


Elder Lei Lie frantically stimulated Qi and blood, trying to suppress the madness of fire on his arm.

However, his blood has not yet reached the blood-like tide, collided with the fire of the Simi Road, and made a sound of crickets, forming a standoff!

This stalemate, for Elder Lei Lie, is more torture!

His half of his arm was still burned by the fire of Simao Road, and the flesh and blood above it had been burned to death, leaving only a section of bones!

I have to say that the power of the flesh is really terrible.

With the power of Simi Road, he could only incinerate the flesh and blood of Elder Lei Lie, but it was difficult to burn his bones to ashes.

Elder Lei Lie's eyes flashed a ruthless look.

He pulled out a cold long sword with his backhand and was ready to break his arm to resolve this pain!

(End of this chapter)

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