Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1286: Martial arts blast furnace

1286 Martial Arts

Pingyang Town.

Not long ago, Su Zimo's deity, the true body of Martial arts, has returned to this place from Jifeng.

He has all learned the secrets of Gong Fa in Wu Feng.

In the familiar courtyard, the deity sat under the peach tree and could not help recalling that night many years ago, a woman in a blood robe stood here, wearing a hazy moonlight, and led him into spiritual practice.

Everything looks like another life.

The deity gradually closed his eyes.

He is ready to break through Dan Road and enter the next realm!

After Dan Tao, whether it is the immortal Buddha, or the practice of the demon tribe, they all have the same goal. They all use the qualitative change of Jin Dan to communicate the world and congregate the gods.

The same is true of martial arts.

In the next realm, the deity named it Wu Wu Jing.

Martial arts spirit is the soul of martial arts!

Corresponds to the realm of the yin **** in the secret book of the desolate king, and corresponds to the elementary infant realm in the magical method of immortal Buddha.

Of course, the deity is constantly improving martial arts. According to the cultivation in the "Wu Jing", there are still some differences between his martial spirit and ordinary Yuanshen.

Under the peach tree, the deity sat still, as if it had been petrified.

Gradually, the deity even lost his breath!

Tao Yan swayed the branch gently, if he could not feel the vitality in the deity, he would have thought that the deity had already sat here.

The deity is the fruit of martial arts, condensed.

"Wu Jing" was created by him. He has already cultivated the ninth change in the nine martial arts changes, the power of the dragon elephant!

The deity has never played against anyone, and no one knows his combat effectiveness.

In short, Su Zimo, who was still in the Golden Dan Realm at the time, practicing the Secret of the Desolation King, was inferior to the deity in physical power and blood power!

This inner Dan breaks the void and the martial arts condensed will become what no one knows, even the deity does not know.

This process is no stranger to the deity.

boom! boom! boom!

The look of the deity remains the same, the surface is motionless, but a shocking sound comes from within the body!

Nedan constantly pounds the void!

This process may fail.

If Nedan is not strong enough, he will break through and fail.

But for the deity, Nedan, who has cultivated to the power of the dragon elephant, cannot stop any void!

It didn't take long for the void barriers in the body to be broken!

The sea emerged!

Nei Dan broke into it, blended with the soul in the sea of ​​knowledge, and gradually gathered a martial spirit!

Strangely, this martial spirit is not a human figure, but a purple flame, exhaling a heart-breaking breath!

Tao Xiu was still guarded by her deity, but at the moment when Wu Wu was condensed in her deity, she felt a throbbing heartbeat, terrified into a human figure, her body flickered, and she hid in the corner of the courtyard with a look of uncertainty.

The purple martial spirit flame cultivated by this deity, even Tao Tao in the state of law, felt a burst of fear!

After a long time.

It was this purple flame in the sea that was constantly changing and gradually formed.

The appearance is the same as that of Su Zimo, but the body is burning with a purple flame!

as expected!

The demon slowly opened his eyes and nodded.

His martial arts is very different from the practice of immortal Buddha and magic in front of Dan Tao.

The immortal Buddha demon uses the physical body to absorb the heaven and earth aura to practice.

But martial arts regards their physical body as a world, and continues to dig out the power in the physical body.

From the performance of the deity, if you can cultivate to the ninth transformation of martial arts, and then step into the martial arts realm, the martial arts soul is likely to have a kind of power at the beginning!

This kind of power is extremely extensive. It is closely related to the monk himself. It may be a flame, a weapon, a fierce beast, or even a part of himself.

The martial arts soul gathered from the deity is born with martial arts fire!


On behalf of the saint, the imperial spirit, supreme!

The deity condenses the purple martial arts fire because the deity is preparing to treat his own body as a huge flood furnace in the cultivation method in the second half of Wu Jing.

There is an old saying, the heavens and the earth are furnaces, the things are copper, the yin and yang are charcoal, and the fortune is craftsmanship.

This deity regards martial arts as a flood furnace, cultivates one hundred classics in one furnace, and integrates all kinds of methods into one body. It combines the strongest flame in the world to be smelted and smelted to achieve true martial arts!

This group of martial arts fire is the foundation of the martial arts furnace!

In the future, the deity does not need to sacrifice any magical instruments. His physical body is a martial arts furnace. This is his magical instrument!


When this group of martial arts fire condensed, it began to burn the martial arts real body.

At the same time, the fire of Wuhun began to melt over the years. All the magical techniques that Su Zimo had browsed, whether it was the immortal Buddha or demon, were all melted by the fire of Wuhun!

The exercises of Daming Temple and Fahua Temple.

Too false.

Dinghai volume, tide volume.

Great Demon King's Secret.

More than thirty passages in the stone statue cemetery.

Infinite exercises are contained in this martial arts furnace, and they are continuously refined, deduced, and comprehended. All the mysteries and essences of these exercises are incorporated into the true body of martial arts!

The terrible thing about Budo Honglu is that there is never a limit!

As long as the deity obtains enough exercises, he can integrate them into the martial arts furnace, smelt them, and become a force he can control!

In other words, the power of the deity will rise every time you smelt a mystical skill!

Moreover, under the constant burning and quenching of the fire of Wuhun, the true body of martial arts will become more powerful and more horrible, and there is no upper limit!

Even more frightening is that today, the deity is only in control of a martial arts fire.

With the increase of his control of the flames, the power of the martial arts flood furnace will naturally double.

Of course, it is not a flame that is qualified to become the flame that burns the martial arts furnace.

If you want to smelt a hundred classics, burn the martial arts furnace, and forge the true body of martial arts, you must be the supreme flame between heaven and earth!

The fire of Wuhun is just the first.

The future path of spiritual practice has been determined, and the deity takes a sigh of relief and continues to practice.

The martial arts furnace has just condensed, it is still fragile, and its power is not enough. If you want to smelt a hundred classics and smelt all kinds of methods, it will take a long time.

At the same time, Qinglian Zhenshen had also rushed back from Zhongzhou to Beiyu.

Sensing the situation of the deity, Su Zimo finally relieved himself.

At this point, Su Zimo had already served Taiyi Caohuadan, and his cultivation had risen to the late stage of the French state!

This time, he returned to the Northern Territory and was preparing to retreat at Yunfeng.

Although this trip to Zhongzhou was short, he has had several vicious battles in succession. He has learned a lot and is ready to use this retreat to break through to the French state as soon as possible!

Today, his three heavenly and heavenly figures have all grown to a height of nine feet!

Only one step away from the Supreme Fa phase!

Of course, the retreat this time to break through to the state of law is only one of the purposes.

Su Zimo had another idea.

Jiuzhang Supreme Dharma, is it really the limit?

Everyone who sees this chapter ...

(End of this chapter)

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