Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1287: Ancestor passed away

Chapter 1287: The Patriarch Passed Away

During this time, the cultivation world is not calm.

The Taichu ancient temples in Zhongzhou, Yunyu Daojun, and Jianzong's powerful fall have all attracted a lot of movement.

When Xianjian returned to Jianzong, he released news that Yunyu Daojun died in the hands of the deserted martial arts.

It is natural for Xian Jian to be able to make the Wu Wu and Yun Yuzong go against each other.

This news caused a lot of shock in the cultivation world!

Another disciple named in the hands of the deserter!

Soon, more news about the deserted martial arts king came out.

It is no secret that the deserted war has condensed three heaven and earth.

Regarding these rumors, Su Zimo did not take his heart into mind and returned to Xifeng, and began a long retreat.

There is no time for cultivation, and in a flash, 97 years have passed.

This day.

In a cave house at Jiufeng, there was a sudden loud noise!


A horrible breath burst out, and Jiu Feng was trembling constantly, countless broken stones rolled down, and even the monks in the retreat were alarmed and went out of the customs one after another.

"It's my son!"

Nianqi stood in the air and looked at this cave.

Not long after, the sky was full of people, full of people, and built up a realm from the foundation to the realm of law.

"Did Elder Wu Wu break through again?"

"This is how many years have passed. The talent of Elder Wu Wu is too terrible. I have been trapped in the late phase of the state of France for a thousand years, and I still have nothing to do with it."

"How can you compare to Elder Wu Wu!"

In Zhefeng, Su Zimo has already been appointed as the elder of Zongmen by the old crane.

Most of the monks who visited Luanfeng came here to hear the legends of the deserted Wudaojun.

What's more, Su Zimo once spread the whole world in half of the Wu Jing.

Among all martial arts monks, Arama is their most respected person!

It is the deserted martial arts that allows these mortal people without spiritual roots to have the opportunity to break the fetters of fate, no longer be threatened by demons, and no longer trampled by the spiritualists!

This shock lasted for a long time before it calmed down.

After half a ring, a figure appeared at the gate of Dongfu.

Blue shirt, black hair.

It is Jun Wudao, Su Zimo!


In the air, many monks on the mountain peaked in congratulations.

Su Zimo bowed his head and smiled.

"My son, after a while, the battle of the French Prime Minister will start. You have broken through to the completion of the French Prime Minister.

Nian Qi said with a smile.

She bears the blood of the Protoss, and she practiced at an extremely fast speed. Now, she has also cultivated to the late phase of the French phase, which is only half a step away from the completion of the French phase.

"Is the battle of the French list?"

Su Zimo murmured softly.

At this moment, Su Zimo felt something, his face changed, and he looked towards the West.

Su Zimo's expression changed, and he opened his mouth slightly, and there was a deep pain and resentment in his eyes.

"My son, what's wrong?"

Nianqi noticed that Su Zimo looked different and asked in a low voice.


Su Zimo sighed and said, "I'll go to Longgu."

The words didn't fall, his body turned into a golden light, and he had disappeared over the peak of the mountain.

The bottom of the dragon valley was buried.

Su Zimo descended and, before coming to the ancient temple, pushed open the ruined temple door.

The old monk with sorrow sitting in front of the hall with his legs crossed on his knees, looking at Su Zimo at the door, with a kind smile on his face, and said, "You are here."


Su Zimo looked sad, and stepped forward, kneeling in front of the old monk.

"Child, don't have to."

The old sad monk stretched out his dry and thin palms, and stroked Su Zimo's forehead softly, "I have lived for nearly 100,000 years. I have seen too much and experienced too much. "

The sorrowful monk has reached the limit!

"Master, look, Ming Wang Rosary is complete!"

Su Zimo quickly took off the complete Ming Wang rosary and placed it in front of the old monk.


The old sad monk looked relieved and nodded.

In the eyes of the old monk, there was no regret, no perseverance, no attachment, and calm water.

"I heard that you have condensed three heaven and earth phenomena, to what extent have you cultivated? Can you cultivate the Supreme Law?"

"Remember to have the opportunity to go to Nanming Lantern Temple to see Mingzhen, I don't know how the child is doing now."

The old sad monk chatted with Su Zimo, they were trivial and insignificant things, and there was no parting.

Gradually, the mournful old monk lost his voice.

No earth-shattering, no vision came.

The mournful old monk walked calmly.

He still had a kind and gentle smile on his face.

However, those wise eyes will never open again.

A generation of ancestors, Shouyuan 100,000 years, still can not escape the chase of years, sitting here.


There was a sound of chain in the backyard of the hall.

A tall, majestic figure came over, with red hair.

Before the sad old monk left, the red hair ghost never showed up.

It is not that the red hair ghost has any grievances against the old monk.

On the contrary, the relationship between the red hair ghosts and the old monk was extremely deep.

Su Zimo understands that the red hair ghost just doesn't want to see the old monk departed with his own eyes, and doesn't want to experience the sadness of leaving.

"The old bald donkey is gone, and I should leave."

The red-haired ghost rarely sighed and sighed.

In fact, the chain of his body had been broken for a long time, and it wasn't him who was the culprit in the catastrophe. He could have left.

But he stayed here until the old monk passed away.

"Just bury him here."

The red hair ghost said.

Su Zimo nodded, holding the corpse of Yuanbei, and came to the cemetery behind the main hall, where he was buried.

Su Zimo put all the ancient books in the ancient temple into a storage bag, and was ready to bring them back to Jifeng.

Burial over Dragon Valley.

"Are you going back to the Dragon Race?"

Su Zimo asked.

The red hairy nodded and said, "Without my protection, you should be careful in the future and don't be stupid."


The red-haired ghost waved his hand and turned away.


He frowned slightly, turning his head slowly, looking at the void not far away, his eyes fixed slightly, thoughtfully.

"what happened?"

Su Zimo asked subconsciously.

"It's nothing, it just seems to be sensing something."

The red hair ghost shook his head and muttered, "Xu has been staying at the bottom of the Dragon Valley for too long, and has some nerves."

With that said, the red hair ghost walked away and soon disappeared over the burial dragon valley.

Su Zimo stood for a long time at the edge of Burial Dragon Valley before sighing deeply and turning away.

Shortly after he left.

A void not far from Funeral Dragon Valley suddenly twisted, and a figure appeared.

The red hair ghost is right, there is indeed a person there!

It's just that this person even concealed him!

The man was wearing a large plain robe, and his black hair covered most of his cheeks, showing only one eye, looking at Burial Dragon Valley, with a complex look.

Based on a long time, this figure deeply worshiped in the direction of Burial Dragon Valley and turned away.

(End of this chapter)

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