Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1297: You should die!

Chapter 1297: It's Time For Your Life!

"You have also heard that Aranebu knows that this beast is a taboo in the ancient times of disaster, and even wants to save it, why is Aranebu willing?"

Secretly asked.

"Amitabha, the Emperor of the Wilderness, this matter is of great significance. If this taboo grows up, I am afraid that it will cause countless **** winds on the continent!"

Wuxiang Temple monk slightly shook his head.

"Yes, I can't let it go!"

"This beast is ferocious and murderous. If you let it go, there will be future troubles. Who can survive the desolate continent!"


In fact, many monks do not understand the taboos at all, and they have no deep hatred with Ye Ling.

Standing out now is nothing more than fear of the night spirit.

Su Zimo laughed suddenly, looked mockingly, looked around, and said, "You said that he was cruel and innocent, and that the killing was natural. I would like to ask you, in the Vientiane City, the Raksha and Protoss massacred the monks. Who is standing in front of the human race and suppressing the foreign race! "

"Is it you, is it you?"

Su Zimo pointed at Qun Xiu and asked loudly!

Group repair silent.

No one responded.

Although most of the monks present have not experienced the battle in Vientiane City, it is also generally clear what happened in Vientiane City.

In that battle, if it were not Su Zimo and Ye Ling, the human race Tianjiao would cover up the entire army and bury its bones in Vientiane City!

"Even if the ancestor of the Night Spirit was murderous and cruel in the ancient times, what does this have to do with him?"

Su Zimo said: "I have watched Ye Ling grow up since he was a child. Although he is good at killing, he never kills for no reason!"

Still no one spoke.

Su Zimo's eyes awaited.

There are dense monks standing in the valley of heaven and earth, and there are many gates, and the forces are gathered, but the faces of most monks are unconvinced.

No one wants to listen to what he said.

In the hearts of many monks, they have long been preconceived.

Su Zimo shook his head slightly.

He knew that there was no need to explain any more.

"Hehe, it's light."

Tian Yan taught sneer: "The rivers and mountains are easy to change, and the nature is difficult to change. Killing and blood are flowing in the blood of this beast. By the time he opens the killing ring, it will be late!"

"Desolate, you have to think clearly, don't be confused!"

Out of good intentions, Piaoxuegu Shen said, "Even if you can't bear to see him in trouble and want to rescue him, it's impossible."

"Today, the heroes are gathered, not to mention the Faxiang Daojun present. Look at the immortal gate, the Buddhist gate, the magic gate, and the five left roads. How powerful are these super gates?"

"Don't say you can't save Yeling, even if you rescue him, you can't escape!"

Not only the fire, but also the power of Piao Xuegu.

This time, there are so many ensembles of Xianmen such as Jianzong, Yuanyuanzong, etc., I am afraid that it is to deal with Su Zimo!

There is already a Tian Luo Di net here, and even an ant cannot escape!

As long as Su Zimo dares to take the shot, he will surely die!

The most important thing is that killing Yeling today is the general trend.

Whoever stands up and blocks will be crushed into pieces!

Extremely hot.

Nor can the Bailianmen behind him!

Under the general trend, the winner is the winner, the loser is dead!

"Show me Xiaoning, you can't let her leave half a step!"

Danyangmen said slowly.

"Yao Yan, you are not allowed to shoot."

Su Nu Zong said slowly.

What Su Nuzong and Danyangmen can do is not to help each other.

The current situation is extremely obvious. Whoever dares to help the deserted soldiers will become the enemy of the super sects such as Jianzong and Mixed Yuanzong!

What's more, this event was presided over by Xuanji Palace.

Xuanji Palace's position in the heavenly continent is aloof, and most monks will not question it.

Extremely dignified look.

He didn't expect that today's events would turn into a situation without any room for maneuver!

"Brother, you ... go."

At this moment, Ye Ling's throat moved and she spoke a word.

The iron hoop that was originally clasped on his neck contracted again, and a sharp thorn pierced deeply, blood flowing out.

Under the limits of the **** lock, every word that Yeling has to endure endless suffering!

However, he still looked up, regardless of the laceration of the wound, looked at Su Zimo in the distance, and said, "Brother, they are going to deal with you, you, don't be fooled!"

"Yaling, rest assured, I will take you away!"

Looking at the blood on Yeling, Su Zimo's eyes became colder, and the murderous spirit around his body had almost condensed into substance!

On the sky, huge stars emerged faintly.

"Well, brothers are affectionate."

Xian Jian smiled coldly and said, "So good, I will send you two to Huangquan today!"

"Today's matter, no one else, let me go!"

Su Zimo's whole person has become murderous, and he whispered, "Today, I will take the night spirit away. Whoever dares stop me, I will kill anyone!"

"A big breath!"

The hybrid Yuanzong sneered, "Whoever you think you are, you just want to be the enemy of the world!"

Tianji said faintly: "I also say one thing, whoever helps the barbarians is the enemy of the entire cultivation community, the entire human race, and all the peoples of the world!


The fairy sword laughed: "Desolate, you still can't protect yourself, and you want to kill, it's ridiculous!"

"Xian Jian, it's time for your life."

Just then, an indifferent voice suddenly came from outside the crowd, some husky, some low, but a fearsome magic!


The fairy sword panicked and shouted subconsciously.

This sound sounded familiar, but he couldn't believe it.

"Who dare to stand up at this time?"

Qun Xiu also turned his eyes and looked around.

In the void not far away, a black robe monk came slowly, with white hair and shoulders, black eyes, his hands down, and a magic sword dangling in his right hand.

"Ah, it's Shura!"

"What Shura is Yan Beichen!"

"Isn't Yan Beichen already dead? Shura swords have returned to Shura sect. Today's Shura has someone else."

There was a rush of discussion in the crowd.

Su Zimo glanced at Shura with a pain in his heart.

I haven't seen it for nearly a hundred years, and Shura's hair has become gray. I don't know what kind of pain he has suffered all these years!

"You, the wound of your primordial ... how is that possible!"

Xian Jian looked at Yan Beichen who was walking slowly in disbelief, with incredible colors in her eyes and screamed.

He suddenly realized that Yan Beichen's Yuanshen had recovered.

"Yan Beichen, you step down for me! You are a monk from Shulazong, don't involve the whole Zongmen because of you!"

A Faxiang Daojun from Shuluozong stood out, looking cold, yelling at Yan Beichen.

Shulu Zong's power did not stop, it seems that this matter should be taken for granted.

"who are you?"

Yan Beichen turned his eyes and asked expressionlessly.

"I am a Shura!"

The Faxiang Daojun had a proud look, flipped his palm, and held Shura's knife in his hand.

"You also deserve Shura?"

Yan Beichen slashed with his backhand, and fell off according to the head of the Faxiang Daojun!

Black Mang burst into the air, exhaling a breath of death!


This self-proclaimed disciple named ‘Sura’ had not responded yet, and was cut in half by Yan Beichen with one stroke, and he was destroyed!

(End of this chapter)

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