Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1298: Outbreak of war

Chapter 1298 Outbreak


The audience was uproar!

No one expected that Yan Beichen would shoot.

Everyone did not expect that Shulu Zong's disciple, Shura of this life, did not even block Yan Beichen!

"Too cruel, this is **** Shura with evidence!"

"Shura went crazy, even killing the monks in his ancestors, it was really reckless and cold-blooded!"

Many monks looked dreadful and whispered.

"Yan Beichen, what are you doing!"

Shura Zong's power was furious, and he pointed at the monk Zongmen who had just fallen, and said loudly: "You kill him, I can ignore it. Shura's dispute is to kill him. But today, you must not interfere!

"Do you want to be the enemy of the entire cultivation world!"

"so what?"

Yan Beichen asked lightly.


Shura Zong was able to speak for a while.

I am afraid that only Su Zimo can understand Yan Beichen's mood.

Qin Pianran fell into the sky, and Li hate the sword to recognize the Lord, Yan Beichen received the "Li hate sutra", inherited all the inheritance of Li hate the emperor.

He hated the sky and eyes, hatred the earth and ruthlessness, and hated the cultivation world for not letting them go.

Why bother with the cultivation world!

If there is one person in this world who is fearless and has no scruples, it is Shura Yan Beichen!

Yan Beichen looked at Xianjian slowly and said, "Xianjian, I have waited so long for you to finally come out."

Over the years, Yan Beichen has been waiting for opportunities.

Although he inherited the Li Hen Jing, he did not lose his mind.

Hastily killing Jianzong, not only can not avenge Qin Pianran, he will be buried in it.

On this day, Yan Beichen waited for nearly a hundred years!

Yan Beichen will never miss this opportunity!

Just as Su Zimo thought, whoever dares to stop him will kill anyone!

"Sura, even if you step into the fit and want to kill me, it is impossible!"

As soon as Yan Beichen took a shot, Xianjian already sensed it, Yan Beichen was already a great fit!

However, Xianjian thought for a while, and the major gates gathered, not to mention the mixed gates such as Yuanyuanzong and Tianyijiao. Even his Jianzong, this time, more than 30 combined powers came!

Yan Beichen is just the beginning of the combined state. Even if the combat power is strong, how many combined powers can it withstand?

What's more, there are six strong men who are hiding around him!

Yan Beichen's eyes turned and fell on Tianji's body again, and said, "Our whereabouts, you pushed the show, tell the fairy sword."

Yan Beichen is not stupid.

He had long wondered how his whereabouts with Qin Pianran could be leaked.

Behind this, there must be another expert!

Now, seeing Xianjian and Tianji join forces, he already has a guess in his heart.

"What about it?"

Tianji still had a smile on his face.

"I have sworn that I will not let anyone who is involved in the death of the flutter!"

Yan Beichen said: "After the fairy sword, it is your chance!"

As soon as the words fell, Yan Beichen's body moved, and the whole person disappeared into place, turning into a rolling magic, dark as ink, and raging towards the sword sect camp!

"Brothers, stop me!"

The sword looked calm, Shen said.

Although he was fit and powerful, Yuan Shen was hurt, and he did not dare to shake Yan Beichen at all. He could only ask Jianzong for other powerful help.

"Master, don't worry, it's just a demon in the early stage of the fit, not to be afraid."

A Jianzong sneered, leaped with his sword, came into the air, and chopped down fiercely towards the magical spirit below!


The sword is bright, with a sharp edge, it seems to cut the whole world in half!

Fa Xiang Dao Jun, who was present, did not even see how the sword sect was able to make a sword, but just looked at it from a distance and felt his eyes tingle!

The power of a sword is so horrible!


The magical energy below is turbulent, do not evade, and directly swallow this sword light!


The sword lord's power changed.

His sword, like a stone ox into the sea, was swallowed up by a group of magical energy without a trace!

On the contrary, this group of magical energy became more terrible, and quickly fluttered, hitting the sword sect powerfully!

"Jing Hong Jiandao!"

The Jianzong gave a powerful slap, waved the sword in his hand, and suddenly issued a blast of sword gas, stunning and vulgar, sharp and sharp, all stabbed into the magical magic that hit him!

The magic air just paused for a little while, spreading up, under the comment of countless eyes, opened a huge black hole, and dragged the sword sect into it!


There was a scream in the magic.

Immediately afterwards, a corpse fell out of magic.

The Jianzong was able to stare at his eyes with black blood on his cheeks, and his eyes were filled with endless fear, as if he had suffered a huge shock before he died!

Not staring!

"Li hate magic?"

As soon as Tianji stared, he recognized the origin of this group of magic for the first time and exclaimed slightly.

Hearing these four words, Qun Xiu's look changed.

The Lige Demon Emperor is too famous in the cultivation world.

Among the emperors, the name of the Lige Demon Emperor is not weaker than the Emperor!

"You join hands and don't have to fight alone with him!"

Xian Jian quickly reminded loudly.

Many sword sects also responded with great power, one after another.


Suddenly, the whole world was shrouded in violent sword atmosphere, and the void seemed to be cut into pieces!

Kendo is the most killing.

Jianzong is also a place of pilgrimage for all Jianxiu.

More than thirty swordsmen were able to send out swords, and the killing power that erupted can be imagined, so that the monks present felt a throbbing heartbeat!

Many Taoist monarchs retreated, for fear of being affected by the sword.

"Live hate!"

There was a husky, low-pitched voice in the magic air.

Immediately afterwards, a black knife like black ink emerged between the heavens and the earth, enchanting, exuding endless hatred!

Hatred and hate, endless!

Dangdang Dangdang!

The Li hate sword collided with many long swords, and a series of Jin Ge's clashes erupted, and Mars was splashing!

In full view, more than thirty long swords were bounced off by the sword of hatred!

On each of the long swords, there was a faint layer of dark fog, the light was much dim, and the power was greatly reduced, and even the sharp edges converged!


"Sura's combat power has reached this level? More than thirty swordsmen are so powerful that they can't hurt him!"

"Heir of the Book of Li hate, and at the same time he was responsible for the Book of Shura, Yan Beichen is probably stronger than the Lihe Demon Emperor of that year!"

Jianzong's feet were in chaos.

At this moment, Su Zimo had already set off and rushed towards Yeling!

"Stop him!"

"Desolate, I'm always staring at you, give me your life!"

Numerous ensembles of Xianmen, Buddhism, and Demon, such as Mixed Yuanzong, Tianyi Religion, and Wind Thunder Hall, shot one after another and suppressed it towards Su Zimo!

"Zimo, I'll help you!"

At the last moment, Xiehuo stood up.

Although there are many fears, in any case, Su Zimo has a life-saving grace for him!

If there were no Su Zimo, he would have died away!

For this reason, Xiehuo can't watch Su Zimo fight alone!

"Extreme fire, your opponent is me!"

Just then, a murky, cold voice sounded not far away.

Immediately afterwards, a figure stood in front of Jihuo.

(End of this chapter)

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