Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1312: The vision was shocking!

Chapter 1312: The Vision Is Shocking!

Even when the six major fierce powerhouses saw Su Zimo coming to Yeling, they did not panic.

Because they knew that as long as the gods' locks could not be unlocked, Yeling couldn't leave the place!

Su Zimo also knew that it was not that the natural lotus was not strong enough, but because the original green lotus was destroyed, and now there is only one lotus, and the strength is naturally much worse.

"I don't believe it, I can't open a broken lock!"

As soon as Su Zimo's thoughts moved, the dragon's true body had already been sensed. When he felt that there was not much mana in his body, he would no longer release the "barren", his eyebrows opened, and a bronze square tripod appeared.

This bronze Fang Ding was obtained by Su Zimo in the ruins of Dagan. The origin is unknown.

Although Ding's body is covered with cracks and has been abolished, but the broken Ding's body is extremely hard, and no magic weapon can hurt it!

This bronze Fang Ding was used by Su Zimo in Vientiane City and many monks have seen it.

Bronze Fang Ding is sacrificed, and the relationship between the dragon body and his body is almost certain, and it cannot be concealed.

But now there is no other way, just move out of the bronze Fang Ding!

The blood and blood in the dragon's true body surged up, picked up the bronze Fang Ding, broke out all strength, and smashed it down towards Tianshen Lock!


A loud noise!

The Tenjin Lock is intact, but instead emits a dazzling golden light, a powerful counter-shock force, almost overturning the dragon's true body!

How strong is the physical blood of the dragon?

But even so, his entire arm was shaken and bloodless.

Ye Ling's neck and limbs were stabbed again by many spikes. Scarlet blood surged out, but Ye Ling clenched his teeth and did not say a word!


The Hanling God proudly said: "My **** family is a treasure, how can you allow this broken copper and iron to touch, the greater your strength, the stronger the anti-shock force that bears the **** lock!"

As soon as the words fell, the six fierce powerhouses, including the Hanling God, besieged again.

Without ‘desolation’, the six fierce clan powerhouses no longer have any scruples, one by one murderous, staring at Su Zimo, the dragon real body and night spirit in the center of the battlefield.

The situation is becoming more critical!

If this is not enough, Su Zimo will have to account for all three!

"Well, the bronze Fang Ding seems familiar."

"It seems that in Vientiane City, Jun Wudao once used this tripod to dominate the Protoss."

"What is the relationship between this red-haired alien and the deserted king?"

Some practitioners have discovered anomalies.

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes and thought about countermeasures.

The more critical, the more calm you must be!

Just then, Su Zimo's ears sounded a deep, hoarse voice: "Zi Mo, back away!"

It's Yan Beichen!

Su Zimo retreated subconsciously and looked towards Yan Beichen.

At this point, Yan Beichen had just fallen into a feeling of self-blame and resentment, just sobered up, holding the magic sword of hate, her pupils were dark, and she stepped forward.

Su Zimo's heart moved.

The Hanling God once said that the lock of this god, even the magic weapon of Mahayana ancestors, could not be broken.

But Li hate the sword is not a magic weapon, but an even stronger weapon than the magic weapon!

The weapon of the emperor is the emperor!

Yan Beichen took no action and cut it with a knife!

Li hate the sword turned into a black awn, chopped down towards the **** lock.

At the same time, the six fierce powerhouses also killed and shot.

"Desolate, I see what else you can do!"

"First slaughter this red hair animal and see what he is!"

The strong men of the six fierce clan screamed, murdered, and took a sigh of anger in their hearts.

They are the archaic fierce tribe. Where they have suffered such losses, they have been forced back by a spell!

At this point, Yan Beichen took a shot and cut to the **** lock.

Su Zimo's nine heavens, nine heavens and earth, and the world, have been bruised and wounded so far, and they can't stop the six fierce strong men.

The dragon's true body looks like a torch, the blood and blood in his body surge, and the sound of the roar of the tide is heard, the breath continues to rise!


"Blood like the tide!"

"So strong blood!"

The six fierce powerhouses are also stunned in their hearts.


The cold spirit looked fearless, and said coldly: "It's just blood like the tide, what fear is there, and my blood has cultivated to this point!"


There was a sound of roaring tides in the body of the Hanling God.

However, the momentum of the dragon race is still rising rapidly, and there is no tendency to stop!

Around the dragon's true body, the crimson demon tumbling rolled violently, and among the blazing flames, a horrible horror was quickly condensed, and the eyes were vivid and lifelike.

Demon King!

Stone Bear Demon King!

Anaconda King!

Blood ape demon king!

God foal demon king!

Hell Tiger King!

Wind Leopard Demon King!

Desolate Dragon King!

Zhenhai Ling Turtle!

The Nine Demon Kings were born in the fire, as many as they came, filled with a strong breath, sharp teeth, demon pupils flashing a ferocious light, and surrounded the real body of the Dragon!

Although there are only nine demon kings, in the face of the siege of the six major fierce powerhouses, the momentum is not exposed!

"Blood vision?"

Qun Xiu, who fled to the distance, felt the movement here, couldn't help but glanced back, can't help but feel dismayed!

"It's desert martial arts, this red-haired alien is definitely a desert martial arts monarch!"

This blood vision was so amazing that only Su Zimo had ever been released on the continent.

Although the blood vision in front of him seems to have two more horrible demon kings than what Qun Xiu knows, everyone knows that it is absolutely impossible for others to cultivate this vision, except for the deserted monarch!

"Did this red-haired alien be the clone of the deserted Wudao prince!"


Thinking of this possibility, Qun Xiu could not help but take a breath.

this is too scary!

Just a barbarian prince, he is so powerful.

And this red-haired alien is more terrifying!

If the two are the same person, how does that person exist?

"It is really possible!"

A monk said in a condensed voice: "Don't forget, the blood of the dragon tribe of the deserted martial arts disappeared completely after the battle in the preaching place. Now it seems that he is likely to condense this avatar with the blood of the dragon tribe. ! "

"It's truly an eternal evil!"

On the battlefield.

The strong of the six fierce clan are also startled!

The blood vision of the nine demon kings in front of them shocked them as much as the ‘barren’ spell!

Is this a blood vessel vision?

What kind of blood vision, there will be such a big movement, will release such incomparable, cruel and terrifying nine monsters!

Many of these monsters are the most common races.

But looking at these monsters, even the power of the six fierce clan felt a throbbing heartbeat!


At this moment, the Dragons really opened their mouths, and the nine demon kings also opened their mouths at the same time, and a loud roar broke out!

There is silence in heaven and earth!

The six fierce powerful men were all roared, terrified and lost their voices, and even forgot to breathe!

Among the closest fierce clans, the French prince Daojun couldn't bear the roar, but Qiqiao bleed, Yuanshen died, was killed on the spot, and the body fell from the air!

Finished the fourth yard, broken feeling!

(End of this chapter)

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