Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1313: Scarlet Butterfly

Chapter 1313: Scarlet Butterfly

Although the blood of the six fierce tribes is distinguished and powerful, except for the protoss, none of the other five fierce cultivators practice the bleeding vein vision!

As long as the protoss grow to a certain age, they can form blood visions without practicing.

The purer the blood of the Protoss, the stronger the blood veins condensed!

This is exactly the power of the Protoss blood!

"Kill me!"

The cold spirit quickly calmed down. With a command, the blood was urged to the limit, and a tall and magnificent pyramid emerged under him, hundreds of feet tall, exuding thousands of golden lights, overbearing wantonness, ancient mystery. !!

Beneath the pyramids, there are hundreds of millions of souls kneeling down, densely packed, unable to see the margins at a glance.

Each creature clasped their hands together, looking up at the pyramid above their heads, singing and praying constantly in their mouths, looking religious.

The tops of billions of souls spread out a thin line of gold, all converging to the top of the pyramid, and there was a god-like existence on it!

It is the cold spirit god!

boom! boom! boom!

The remaining protoss are also offering blood vessel visions!

In a short time, dozens of ancient pyramids descended, suspended in the void, and the world shook!

The monks watching from a distance are horrified!

Between them, they seem to be back in the ancient times. In the tragic years of slavery by the protoss, a kind of fear from the deep veins is breeding in their hearts.

Even some fit powers are pale, feeling chest tight, and some breathless.

In the ancient times, the human race was kneeling on the ground. The humblest and smallest member of the billions of souls lives as ants!

Today, this scene is back!

Even though Qun Xiu had fled far away, after the arrival of dozens of pyramids, Qun Xiu felt a strong pressure!

Some monks even have the urge to kneel down and worship!

Qun Xiu is unimaginable. Su Zimo, who is at the center of the battlefield and besieged by dozens of ancient pyramids, will be under pressure!

No matter how strong the red-haired alien race is, it is only the state of law, the blood vision of the state of law, can it resist so many visions of the gods?

What's more, there are several Protoss powers!

"Evil sins, even if you practice the bleeding vein vision, in front of my God-type vision, your group of beasts is the cockroaches and dogs, and they are vulnerable!"

The cold spirit shouted.

"Don't talk to him, kill him as soon as possible!"

Prince Jinwu said loudly.

boom! boom! boom!

Almost at the same time, the six major fierce clan shot, dozens of ancient pyramids, carrying a huge majestic momentum, bumped into the real body of the dragon clan.

The nine demon kings are naturally fearless and set off at the same time, colliding with dozens of pyramids!

The barren cow plows the sky, raises the horns, and overturns a pyramid!

The stone bear was huge and leaned up, hitting the pyramid, almost knocking the pyramid apart, and cracks appeared!

The python circled the pyramid, circling up, opened the mouth of the blood basin, and swallowed a pyramid to the stomach!

The blood ape straddles his chest, steps forward, raises his fist, and smashes, imposingly!

The **** foal collided, the ghost tiger bites, the wind leopard shuttles, the dragon king swings its tail, and the spirit turtle Zhenhai!

The nine demon kings broke out with amazing combat power, blocking dozens of pyramids!

Bloodline vision fight, shocking!

But the situation is still extremely unfavorable to Su Zimo!

Because he is not only facing the Protoss.

There are also five strong men!

Although the Nine Demon Kings temporarily resisted dozens of pyramids, the strong ones of the remaining five fierce clan took advantage of the situation and defeated the Nine Demon Kings every day!

Two fists make it difficult for four hands.

There are too many strong men in the six hordes, and the Nine Demon Kings can't resist it!


At this moment, there was a sound of Jin Ge's fighting next to him. It was very crisp, but extremely harsh, like a sharp sword, piercing the eardrum!

Li hate the sword has been cut in the lock of the gods!

Tianshen Suo seemed to feel any excitement, and suddenly burst out a dazzling golden light, powerful force, poured into the Li hatred sword, trying to pop away Li hatred sword.

And this power has also stimulated the Li hate the sword!

From the body of Li Hengdao, there is endless magic, dark as ink, constantly eroding the God Lock!

The two weapons started to compete, and no one was willing to bow their heads!

Although Lihengmao is an imperial weapon, with the power of Yan Beichen, it is difficult to exert the true power of Limai.

However, Tianshen Suo's constant stimulation of the Li Heng Mo Dao, on the contrary, inspired this handle!

This is no longer a battle between monks, but a battle between two weapons.

Su Zimo believes that Tenjin Lock is definitely not an opponent of Lishen Modao, but it takes time to cut off Tenjin Lock!

On the other side, the Nine Demon Kings can't hold up anymore!

"All of you, these animal visions are at the end of the crossbow!"

The cold spirit was as powerful as a rainbow, said loudly.


As soon as the words fell, his pyramid descended and shattered the Dragon King of the Barren Sea directly. The vision collapsed and turned into a crimson red demon.

boom! boom! boom!

After another, the remaining eight demon kings did not support it for a long time, and they all collapsed.

The dragon's true body looked cold, suddenly opened its mouth, took a sharp breath, and the whole chest bulged high, swallowing up all the demons formed by the nine demon kings, and swallowing them slowly.

The crimson enchantment surging and changing around the dragon body.

Seeing the nine demon kings disintegrating, the six fierce tribes set out and killed the dragon's true body.

Seeing that it was about to rush forward, the power of the fierce tribes such as the Hanling God, the third Prince Jinwu, and the Witch suddenly changed, and the body was subconsciously stopped!

They felt a strong sense of crisis and just felt scalp!

The roaring demon around the dragon's true body seems to be breeding something terrible!

"Don't go!"

The cold spirit shouted quickly.

They practice to fit together and can sense this danger.

However, many of the fierce princes of Daoxian Dao were not afraid, did not stop, and continued to rush towards Su Zimo.

When they heard the reminder from the cold spirit god, it was too late!

Under the gaze of their eyes, the demon surged behind the dragon's true body, and a blood-colored butterfly gradually emerged, with blood-stained wings stretched out, and two rounds of bright full moon printed on it, like a pair of cold eyes , Watching the six fierce people!

This blood-colored butterfly is not too big.

Compared with those hundreds of feet tall pyramids behind Han Lingshen and others, the difference is too much, as small as the same dust.

But this **** butterfly came, and the whole valley of heaven and earth fell into a dead silence in an instant!

thump! thump!

Some monks who stood in the distance watching the battle did not kneel when the Nine Demon Kings came down, and when the ancient pyramids came down, they also came over.

But this blood-colored butterfly came, these monks could no longer support it, the blood veins were frozen, their legs were soft, and they all fell to their knees!

Qun Xiu even raised an illusion.

What fierce family, what taboo, what fit power, Mahayana ancestors, in front of this **** butterfly, are all ants!

If there is a **** in the world, it can only be this blood butterfly!

(End of this chapter)

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