Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1471: Rebirth

Chapter 1471 Rebirth

"Senior, what's wrong?"

Su Zimo asked quickly.

The storytelling old man felt that he was either laughing and scolding, calm or calm, or decisive, but never looked like this.

"The Bloodvines are here!"

The storyteller said something, his hands waving in front of him.

Suddenly, a mysterious and powerful force pervaded the void, covering the sky and covering the entire mysterious palace!

This force does not have a strong intention to kill, but it seems a bit mysterious and empty.

But in the face of this power, Su Zimo felt as small as the same dust and would be drowned at any time!

"Go to the library, don't come out!"

The storyteller shook his robe sleeves and pushed Su Zimo and Ji Fairy again into the library of the library. With a bang, the door of the hall closed!

In the hall, Su Zimo held his breath and his mind was a little nervous.

Read the story of the elderly storytellers, this time the people from the Bloodvine family are by no means easy to deal with, at least they are also strong ancestors!

You know, some of the fierce ancestors of the ancestors can even fight against the emperor of the human race!


At this moment, in the distant sky, a large cloud of blood-colored clouds floated, rushing at a fast speed!

In the blink of an eye, I came to the mysterious palace!


Even hiding in the library, Su Zimo and Ji Fairy can still feel the terrible and **** atmosphere outside, which is far beyond the combined environment.

Daming monk once said that in the battle of Liuxing Mountain, Teng Lingzi died, and tens of thousands of blood rattans survived, which is likely to shock the blood rattan ancestors.

This time, he was spoken again.

In order to kill him with a combined power, the Bloodvine Tribe sent the Mahayana ancestor out of the mountain!

Su Zimo listened intently, and felt a little nervous.

The blood rattan tribe, after all, was brought by him.

If a war broke out with the Mysterious Palace, many monks would fall, and Su Zimo's heart would be extremely guilty.

At this moment, a small hand took the initiative to pull his palm, warm and soft, so that his mind gradually calmed down.

Su Zimo looked sideways, seeing the bright eyes of Ji Fairy.

These eyes are enough to upset sentient beings and charm the world, but at this time, there is a touch of comfort and a touch of softness.

"It's okay. Some storytellers are here."

Ji fairy whispered quietly.

Su Zimo nodded and smiled slightly.

In the sky in front of the mysterious palace, the blood-colored floating cloud suddenly cracked a gap, and a thick, blood-colored vine like an ancient tree came out from it!

At the top of this blood vine, a face without eyes and nose, opened a large mouth of the blood basin, exposing the cavities inside, flashing cold light.

This blood vine seems to be inspecting something inside the mysterious palace, over and over again.

However, this blood vine seems to know something, always hovering outside Linglong to kill, and dare not cross the thunder pool!

The movements here have alarmed many mysterious monks.


The storytelling old man suddenly appeared in the air.

"Your blood ancestor ran to my mysterious palace to do something!"

The storyteller looked coldly at the blood vine in the air and said coldly, "Don't get me out!"

The storytelling old man is extremely powerful, you're welcome!

Under the scolding of the storytelling old man, the blood-colored clouds burst into disintegration, and the blood vine shrank back.

This blood ancestor does not look very big, but in his middle age, there is a strong blood and murderousness in his eyes, and his lips are scarlet!


The blood ancestor laughed strangely, and said, "It's a coincidence that the Emperor Xuan was guarding here. It's a coincidence. Between us, the Ming people don't say secret words, the barbarity is in your mysterious palace!"

"Is he in the mysterious palace, wouldn't you see it yourself?"

The storytelling old man was expressionless and sneered: "Since you have given him a killing order, and by the means of your blood ancestors, you still can't find anyone?"


The blood ancestor stared at the storyteller sullenly and smiled: "Finally, I also saw the breath of the killing order, here, but for some reason, it disappeared in an instant."

"Then you look for it, don't stay here in my mysterious palace, get out!"

The storytelling old man cursed again, and in his eyes, a bit of murderous power had been revealed!

It seems that the next moment, he is ready to start!

The blood ancestor felt something, took a few steps back, and sneered slightly: "Xuanhuang, I advise you, it is best not to swim in this muddy water!"

"Wu Wu this son, has been killed by my six gangsters!"

"Today, I can't detect the smell of wildness, but if my emperor of the Bloodvine family came, I would definitely find the whereabouts of wildness!"

"By that time, if you find the whereabouts of the deserted martial arts in your Xuanji Palace, your Xuanji Palace will be ready to withstand the anger of the six fierce clan!"


The storytelling old man suddenly stretched out his palm and stroked fiercely in the direction of the blood transport ancestor, drinking softly, "Big tear!"


The storytelling old man simply waved his hand, but the palm of his hand issued a terrifying force, and the entire void was torn in half!

"It's a supernatural power!"

The blood ancestor's face changed, and he fled.

But even so, he was a step slower!

He didn't expect that the storytelling old man was so strong that he would try to suppress him without saying a word!

This supernatural power came to him instantly!

The flesh of the blood transport ancestor was torn into countless pieces in an instant, and the blood mist was gushing!

The shattered pieces of flesh and blood, under the power of this great magical power, continue to explode, turning into pieces of blood mist!

This can already be regarded as a broken body!

Even if you are fit and powerful, you can regenerate with broken arms, but you can't heal.

But at this moment, a ray of blood rose from the blood mist and fled away.

The blood mist in mid-air quickly surged towards this blood light at a speed visible to the naked eye. In a blink of an eye, the flesh of the blood transport ancestor was healed and restored as before!

When Xuanji Gong Qun Xi saw this scene, they all burst into surprise.

"Presumably, this is the supernatural power that can be realized only in the Mahayana realm.

"It's scary! It's too difficult to kill Mahayana ancestors!"

Combined with great power and boundless mana, you can regenerate with broken arms.

Cultivate to Mahayana, that is the magical power, not to mention the broken arm, as long as the Yuanshen is not destroyed, even a drop of blood can be reborn!

Just now, the blood ancestor released the magical power of rebirth!

"Xuanhuang, don't be proud, my blood rat family will return!"

The blood ancestor had fled to a distance, but his voice came from far away, full of resentment and resentment!

The storyteller old man looked indifferent, looking at the blood of Yuan Yuan leaving, did not catch up.

"It's all gone!"

The storytelling old man returned to the mysterious palace and said something casually.

The mysteries of the Xuanji Palace were scattered one by one, but one by one was still excited and talking softly.

(End of this chapter)

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