Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1472: Kunlun Market

Chapter 1472 Kunlun Ruins

Although Su Zimo and Ji Fairy are hiding in the library of the Book Hall and using their consciousness, they can still sense the outside scene.

The two looked at each other and could see the shock in each other's eyes!

The power of Mahayana has completely surpassed other realms!

Below Jin Dan Realm, most of them are killed by melee and spiritual art.

Above Jin Dan Realm, there are many more means, such as spells, mysteries, laws of heaven and earth, Yuanshen battle, etc.

For Mahayana ancestors, the most powerful thing is supernatural power!

Supernatural power is also the biggest sign that distinguishes you from the strongest in the ancestral home and the power of fit!

The magical power that the storyteller released freely seemed nothing, but the power was extremely terrifying.

Even the ancestors of the Bloodvine family were torn into a mass of blood!

"It's all right, come out."

Just as Su Zimo and the two were thinking wildly, the voice of the old storyteller sounded, and the door to the library opened.

"Thank you for your help."

Su Zimo came to the old storyteller and worshiped deeply.

"It's all right."

The storyteller shook his head slightly, but there was still a hint of anxiety in his eyebrows.

Su Zimo's heart moved, and he vaguely guessed what, he asked tentatively: "Senior, Xuanji Palace has no way to resolve the killing order on me, right?"


The storyteller didn't hide it, nodded.

Su Zimo suddenly remembered the scene when the ancestor of the blood luck came outside the mysterious palace. The blood ancestor did not seem to be sure he was in the mysterious palace!

At this moment, I only heard that the old man Shu explained: "I saw a killing order on you, and I used a magical power to temporarily block your breath and blind it!"

Su Zimo was stunned.

After the storytelling old man talked badly, his hands waved in front of him, permeating a vast force over the mysterious palace.

It turned out that the old storyteller had already released a magical skill at that time!

The storyteller said: "Under the cover of this magical power, even the Mahayana ancestor of the fierce tribe, I will never find you, but ..."

After a pause, the storyteller said, "If the Emperor of the Bloodvines comes, or the Emperor of the Eyes of the Heavens comes, I will not be able to hide this magical power."

Su Zimo's eyes darkened.

On this desolate continent, the storyteller old man is definitely one of the most powerful monks he has encountered so far.

But even storytellers, there is no way for Xuanji Palace.

This means that even if there are other sects, such as Jianfeng and Bailianmen, there is no other way!

Although the continent is large, there is this killing order, but there is no place for him!

"so what should I do now?"

Ji Fairy was anxious, and asked, "Senior, you have a lot of magical powers, there must be a way."

"Senior, since Xuanji Palace has no choice, I will leave tomorrow."

Su Zimo thought for a moment, said Shen Sheng.

In all fairness, Su Zimo didn't have any clue and didn't know where he should go next.

But he stayed in the mystery palace, there would be no benefit except to implicate the mystery palace.

"Unexpectedly, the Battle of Six Star Mountains put me in such a situation."

Su Zimo murmured in his heart.

Although he got the worry-free wood, he was also issued a killing order, and he will always be chased down by the Bloodvine Clan. There is no time at all, and there is no place for him to refine and practice!

The end of this Qinglian real body is already doomed.

This is a dead end without solution!

The storytelling old man stared at Su Zimo suddenly and asked, "Are you sorry?"


Su Zimo froze for a moment, and immediately came to understand that the storyteller was asking him if Liuxingshan regretted the war.

Su Zimo laughed abruptly and shook his head: "Without regret, even if I come again, I will kill Liuxing Mountain!"

"It's worth deserting."

The storytelling old man nodded with satisfaction and sighed.

"Actually, it is not impossible to break the killing order on your body and break the deadlock." The storyteller said suddenly.

Su Zimo was pleased and asked quickly: "Please show me the seniors."

The storyteller old man narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "There is an unknown place on this continent. Even Mahayana ancestors, the great emperors dare not set foot!"


Su Zimo asked: "The emperor of the major fierce families, dare not set foot?"

"There is a forbidden area for the major murderers!"

The storyteller said something amazing.

In the realm of cultivation, the saying that the Nine Nine Forbidden Areas of the human race are spreading is actually the habitat corresponding to the nine Nine fierce people.

Now, for the first time, Su Zimo has heard that there is a place on the continent, which is a forbidden place for the murderer, and even the emperor of the murderer dare not set foot!

"Senior, do you mean there ..."

Ji Fairy seemed to think of something, and looked subconsciously to the west.


The storyteller nodded and said, "The land of the West, Kunlun Market!"

"Kunlun Market."

Su Zimo murmured softly.

The name was extremely strange to him.

"What the **** is there?"

Su Zimo couldn't help asking.

"No one knows what is there, what is there."

The storyteller shook his head and said, "But one thing is certain, there is the final battlefield of the Archean War!"

War of the Ancients!

Su Zimo was shocked.

The storyteller said, "To be precise, it was originally called Kunlun. Because of an earth-shattering battle, it became a huge ruin, and it was called Kunlun Market in later generations."

"According to legend, in the War of the Ancients, the taboo of Dragon and Phoenix and the taboo of Peng Peng, led the eight fierce clan, countless races to attack Kunlun, and the war of the ten thousand led by the taboo.

"Huh? Wait!"

Su Zimo's heart moved, and he suddenly asked, "Senior, should be the nine gangsters?"

The storyteller shook his head and said, "According to the record of the exquisite ancestor, at the beginning of the ancient times, there seemed to be only eight gangsters."

"The Protoss appeared only in the late Archaic era, and it was not a climate during the Archean War."

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

For some reason, he always felt that there was something unusual hidden in it, but for a while, he couldn't figure it out and had no clue.

The ancient war narrated by the storytelling elders is somewhat different from the Elders of the Candle Dragon tribe.

After all, that was something that happened during the ancient times.

Not to mention that the war has been going on for a long time, even if it was the robbery of thousands of monsters and the robbery of stars in 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, it is difficult to know the truth.

The only certainty is that the battle of Taikoo was indeed extremely fierce, much more fierce than the war between the human race and the nine fierce warriors in ancient times!

Countless races have been killed in the Battle of the Ancients.

The three taboos did indeed fall in that battle!

Nine fierce tribes were severely injured.

The archaic era was therefore ended.

Later, it entered the ancient times, and the human race took advantage of the situation, and the cultivation civilization gradually flourished, ushering in a glorious prosperity, and finally the ancient war with the nine fierce clan broke out.

(End of this chapter)

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