Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1477: Enter Kunlun

Chapter 1477 Entering Kunlun

Yan Beichen caressed the demon hater beside him, and said quietly, "If I weren't away from hatred, would you still follow me?"


Li hate the sword seems to understand Yan Beichen's words, trembling and trembling.

It has determined that Yan Beichen is its master, no matter whether Yan Beichen is Lili or Shura, it will live and die with it!

"it is good!"

Yan Beichen's eyes gradually grew, and he proudly said, "I Shura, in this life, I will take you to the upper world to take a look! I Shura, we must also change our lives and change our lives!

After speaking, Yan Beichen deeply worshiped the storytelling old man and said, "Thank you seniors."

The storytelling old man nodded slightly, his face rejoicing.

He did take Yan Beichen very seriously.

In his heart, Yan Beichen's achievements may be even higher than the Lihe Demon Emperor!

Yan Beichen turned his head to Su Zimo, and Shen said, "Zi Mo, I will not be with you when visiting the Kunlun Market. You need to be careful."

"Relax, brother."

Su Zimo nodded.

Yan Beichen has his own way.

If he followed Su Zimo to the Kunlun Market, he might be tied up.

Now, seeing Yan Beichen's impermanence and Su Zimo completely relieved, there is no need to stay in the mysterious palace.

"Zimo, I ..."

As soon as Ji Fairy spoke, Su Zimo already understood her mind.

Su Zimo shook his head with a smile, and said, "You don't have to do this. You are the prime daughter of this life, how can you just run to Kunlun Market with me casually."

"If this matter is to let Su Nu Zong know, I'm afraid I will be chased and killed by Su Nu Zong's strong."

Jihuo nodded, and said, "You can rest assured that with me and Nianqi accompanying Zimo, we can always take care of each other."

"Master, Nianqi, don't follow me."

Su Zimo said, "This Kunlun market is not a good place. You don't have to accompany me to take risks."

"What did you say?"

Ji Huo stared at each other, and patted the storage bag, saying, "You boy, don't be affectionate. I have a treasure map. I went to Kunlun Market for this treasure map!"

"My son, I have already come, you can't leave."

Nian Qi pouted and smiled.

Su Zimo stopped talking, and the three looked at each other and smiled, all the emotions were in silence.

Now that he had decided to leave, Su Zimo did not delay any more. He bid farewell to Shi Jian and others, and was ready to leave.

The storyteller said, "You still have the blood rattan assassination order. If you leave the mysterious palace, you will be seen by the blood rattan."

"I tear the space and take you directly."

The storyteller said as he stretched out his palm, making a void in front of him.

The void seemed to be cut by a sharp blade, cracking a huge gap, dark and deep inside, with a gusty wind.

The storytelling gown shook his sleeves, rolled up Su Zimo, Jihuo, and Nian Qi, and jumped into the crack.

"Old man, bring me one, and I'll go there too."

When the crack was about to close, Lin Xuanji shouted, pulling the sleeve of the old storyteller and jumping in.

For a while, the sky turned.

This feeling is like using a large shift symbol, the eyes are dim, there is no light, and it is difficult to breathe.

It felt like just a dozen breaths of work. Su Zimo and others felt all light, their eyes were bright, and finally they saw the light again.

Although down-to-earth, everyone's hearts are a little heavy and extremely depressed!

The crowd looked subconsciously and couldn't help but be shocked at the spot!

In front of everyone, there is a rolling mountain range, and some mountains, like some fierce collision, were cut in half by students!

Some mountains have broken most of them.

Between this mountain wasteland, corpses, bones, and shocking!

Some of the bones have not been rotten so far, maintaining their original shape, with a long body and more than a thousand feet, they look like a dragon lying on the floor!

This is a dragon skeleton!

Thousands of dragons, which means that this is a real ancestral dragon!

Just on the edge of the Kunlun Market, everyone saw the corpse of the ancestral dragon!

It is hard to imagine how terrible the ancient war of the year was!

The crowd looked around.

Wherever you look, not only are the dragon corpses, but also the remaining fierce corpses, there are many unexplained soul corpses, covering the entire mountain!

Such a scene is too shocking.

The breath emanating from this ruin is too depressing.

If the Tao is unstable, in this kind of environment, it is very easy to collapse!

Ji Huo looked at the scene in front of him, and seemed to think of something, and sighed softly: "At that time, more than ten of us came to explore this treasure, but I didn't expect, but only I survived."

"One of the Taoist friends, it didn't take long for him to enter the Kunlun Market, and Taoist heart collapsed."

After a short pause, Jiuhu sighed again: "Actually, if I hadn't met Zimo, I would have died."

"In retrospect, what I experienced over the years is really regrettable."

The storyteller looked at the ruins and was silent for a long time before he said slowly: "Zimo, you practice well in Kunlun Market. On the side of the continent, you don't need to worry. I will do everything to deal with all the fierce as much as possible Get time for you. "

Su Zimo nodded.

He went to Kunlun Market, his life and death are unknown, and his future is uncertain.

He didn't even know if he could come back alive and when he would be back in the sky.

"Senior, take care of you!"

Su Zimo worshiped the old storyteller deeply.

"Brother Su, I am waiting for you to come back."

Immediately after leaving, Lin Xuanji, who was cynical, gave birth to a bit of perseverance.

Su Zimo waved his hand and stepped into Kunlun Market with Jihuo and Nianqi!

The three walked slowly, looking around with consciousness, tense, for fear of an accident.

The storytelling old man always looked at the three people outside the Kunlun Market. Until the three people disappeared, he returned to God.

"Old man, why do you suddenly become a little sentimental?"

Lin Xuanji frowned.

He knows too much about storytellers.

He could feel the pessimism inside the storytelling old man!

"With Brother Su's talents, there are dragons and phoenixes, and Qinglians. If they grow up, the fierce tribe will not be an opponent!"

Lin Xuanji is very optimistic.

The storyteller shook his head slightly and said, "I'm afraid, there's not much time."

"If you wait another 10,000 years, I believe that the barbaric army will surely reach the top and become a worthy existence."

"But now there are more and more clashes between the murderer and the cultivation world, and the actions of the murderer are more and more frequent. This last battle is coming!"

Lin Xuanji felt a moment of nervousness and asked, "Old man, how long do you have to estimate?"

"No more than a hundred years."

The voice of the storyteller was heavy.


Lin Xuanji finally understood why the storytelling old man was so pessimistic.

A hundred years, too short!

For practitioners, a hundred years are fleeting!

Not to mention entering Mahayana, Su Zimo can improve a small realm, it is already very good.

Step back and think, even if the deserted martial arts entered the Mahayana territory, how can they fight against the major fierce powers and the great fierce powers?

The storyteller murmured softly, "Do your best, listen to destiny."

Set up a flag and add more tomorrow!

(End of this chapter)

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