Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1478: Evil spirits (first)

Chaotic Sword God Chapter 1478

Kunlun Market.

The three of them, Su Zimo, marched all the way, getting more and more frightened. The surrounding environment became more and more spooky and haunted.

On the ruins of the Dagan Empire, it was only ten thousand years ago that had a strong evil spirit.

Coupled with the inseparable ghost, many evil spirits and wicked spirits have been born!

For the Kunlun Market in front of Dagan Ruins, it is that fireflies are better than Haoyue, and dripping water is better than the ocean. It is a cloud difference!

The evil spirit here made Su Zimo all feel a little discomfort for a long time.

In all ages, it is no wonder that any evil spirits have been bred in such a strong and powerful spirit!

Su Zimo's three are full of vitality and blood, powerful mana, and surging. General ghosts know very well and dare not approach.

But gradually getting deeper into the Kunlun Market, the ghosts occasionally flashed in front of the three!

The blood on the three of them is also a great supplement for them!


The evil spirits in front swelled quickly into a large black mist, wandering towards the three of them, and swallowed them all up!


He snorted extremely fiercely: "The broad daylight is just a ghost, so dare to come out and hurt people!"

The voice did not fall, pinching the tactics with extreme fire, moving forward a little.

A crimson fire burst out and instantly fell into the swirling dark mist!

Lightning and the power of flames are quite restrained against such evil charms.

What's more, the flame of extreme fire was formed by the condensing of the Red Flame Heart Sutra, and most of the combined powers could not bear it!

It's just that this flame of light was submerged in the black mist, but it just stopped the black mist a little, and it didn't cause any waves!

The black mist continued to surge towards the three!


There was a creepy laughter in the dark fog!

"How can there be any daylight in this ruin! There is always no darkness here!"


The voice just fell.

In this dark mist, a huge skull suddenly appeared, a hole in his eyes, a bloodthirsty light surged, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed down towards the three!

"court death!"

The tactics of the extreme fire changed again, three groups of flames emerged, directly condensed the Sanmad Dao, hit the past!

The power of the Samadhi fire is more than double that of the previous flame!

The fire of Samadhi fell into the skull's mouth, and a raging fire ignited instantly. The black mist around the skull was burned into nothingness!


The skull's hair growled extremely painfully, but no matter how he urged the evil spirit, it was difficult to extinguish the fire of Samadhi on his body!

However, within a few breaths, the skull of the skull had been burnt and crackled, and cracks appeared!

"Dare you step into the Kunlun Market, just don't want to go out alive!"

The skull said fiercely: "The fire here will surely attract more evil spirits, you just wait to be swallowed!"

The words did not fall, the skull suddenly burst, scattered pieces of bones, and quickly turned to ashes.

Jihuo sighed and said, "At the time when our party came to this place, we were killed by most of these evil spirits and ghosts. In the end, when we entered the treasure land, only three people remained."

After this, the three were more careful and moved on.


Before walking far, Nianqi's eyes turned and fell on a black fruit, her eyes brightened.

This fruit baby has the size of a fist and is dark on the outside, but it is bright inside, like a large and delicate grape.

"It's an evil fruit!"

An extremely hot cry.

Seeing Su Zi's concealed face exposed, Jiuhuo explained: "This evil spirit fruit is extremely rare, and it can only be bred out through countless years only in the strongest part of the evil land."

"For most monks, it is a poisonous fruit. If swallowed, it will definitely die! But if you step into the Mahayana realm and experience the terrible fire of the three major disasters, you will serve the spirit fruit It works wonders! "

"The success rate of crossing the robbery has been improved by at least 30%!"

Such a spiritual fruit is certainly absent on the continent.

Because, the conditions for wanting to produce evil spirits are too harsh, and even the environment like Dagan Ruins cannot be born!

Only possible at Kunlun Market!

As the storyteller said, in Kunlun Market, danger and opportunity coexist.

Su Zimo didn't say anything, but frowned slightly, looking down at this strain of fruit, thoughtfully.

Nian Qi has stepped forward, ready to pick this Shaling fruit.

"do not move!"

"Be careful!"

At this moment, the two sounds sounded almost simultaneously.

The first warning was made by Su Zimo.

The second one is a strange voice.

At this moment, the metamorphosis suddenly started!

The ground under Nianqi's feet suddenly cracked, and a pair of children's sharp cold lights flashed, slaying towards Nianqi's figure!

Hearing Su Zimo's warning, Nianqi had long been prepared to jump up and look down.


In the crack on the ground, a huge red-backed cricket crawled out, tens of feet long, chasing Nianqi in the air and biting!

This practice of red-backed puppets has been cultivated to a perfect condition!

If it is among the eight demon realms, it is also a terrifying beast!

Although Nianqi has just stepped into the fit state, half of the blood in his body is flowing. He screams, spurs the blood, runs the mana, and in the palm of his hand, a dazzling sword is condensed.


Nianqi held the sword in both hands and chopped down severely towards the red back below!


This great sword stood on the red-backed cymbal, but was unable to cut into it, but stirred up a series of Mars!

The red-backed cormorant likes to eat and corrode. In this ruin, I have practiced for many years, and my shell is already inaccessible, and fire and water will not invade!


Nianqi didn't panic, she spread the big sword, and directly stimulated the vision of bleeding veins. An ancient atmospheric pyramid appeared in the air, countless souls, and worshipped under the pyramid!


The pyramids crouched towards the back, cracking down fiercely!

Red-backed cricket whistled.

Although its body is not afraid of sharpness, this pyramid carries extremely terrifying coercion, weighing as much as possible, suppressing it and smashing its body in half directly!

Black blood splatters!

The black blood in the red-backed tadpoles is highly toxic and can easily poison a combined power.

A red-backed hawk opened a big mouth, sprayed a dark poisonous mist, and then shook his upper body, and then got back into the seam to escape.

Nianqi is in the blood of the Protoss, and under the wash of qi and blood, these poisonous mists and venomous blood can't get near!


Nianqi fell in shape and rushed down in no time. He grabbed one foot with his bare back and pulled it straight out of the seam!

Among the nine fierce clans, the flesh and blood of the protoss are on the top, and they are no different from the dragons!

Although the body of the red-backed cricket is huge, it is incomparable to Nianqi in strength!

After Nianqi pulled out the red-backed cricket, he fell to the ground fiercely, and the pyramid came down again, suppressing it, and pressed the red-backed cricket directly into a ball of **** mud!

This counterattack was extremely powerful, showing Nianqi's extremely powerful means and talent for combat!

Even Su Zimo looked and nodded secretly.

(End of this chapter)

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