Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1484: Ten feet! (Second more)

Chapter 1484 Ten Feet! (Second more)

Heiduo Raksha heard the word `` Barbarian Martial Arts, '' and hesitated for a moment, then reacted.

"He is by no means desolate!"

Heiduo Raksha sneered: "The Wilderness has stepped into the body, and everyone in the world knows that, I guess, this one is just a clone of the Wilderness!"

Yu Luocha nodded.

This is the most reasonable explanation.

Generally speaking, if a monk cultivates the art of avatar and attains the realm, it will be lower than the deity, and the combat power will be reduced a lot.

"Originally, I just wanted to come to this town of Pingyang and eat some small fish and shrimp. I didn't expect to catch a big fish here!"

Heiduo Luosha grinned: "Desolation, you are just an avatar of the state of law, dare to fight with me! Even if your deity comes, I can make him alive!"

Yu Luocha said faintly: "I have heard that there is a dragon and phoenix clone in Huangwu. I did not expect that you have a third clone."

"Since your deity is hiding, I will destroy your avatar today!"

Originally, Yu Luocha was not interested in this town of Pingyang.

However, now that I've found the arrogant's avatar, this trip is not worthless.

The martial art deity looked indifferent, saying: "I did practice the avatar, but you said something wrong."


Jade Luo Chaxiu raised her eyebrows slightly.

The martial arts master slowly said, "To be precise, the body of the dragon and the phoenix and the body of the green lotus are just my avatars. What you see now is my deity!"

Jade Rakshasa and Black Tudor Rakshasa stunned slightly.


Immediately, a black burst of laughter erupted in Heiduo Raksha, saying, "Barbara, barbara, you think this kind of crap, I will believe it?"

"A deity of the state of law? I can crush you to death with one finger!"

"is it?"

Martial arts sip a cup of hot tea in one sip and slowly get up.

An extremely terrifying momentum erupted from the body of the martial arts deity. It was just a simple movement to get up, but it affected the world!


The void is shaking!

Behind the deity of martial arts, a ghost suddenly appeared, soaring into the sky!

Heaven and Earth!

At the beginning, even in the North Sea polar region, the martial arts deity played against the three demon monsters in the combined body, and he had not used the heaven and earth law.

Because there is no need for that.

But this time is different.

Although these two are in the realm, they are one of the fierce Rakshas!

One of them is the master of the Raksha clan, whose terrible combat power can even easily kill the half-ancestors of the clan!

"Ha ha."

Heiduo Raksha sneered: "The method of heaven and earth is actually dare to take it out. Even the Supreme Law can not stop me from punching!"

Yu Luocha did not laugh.

In this fast-rising Fa phase, she felt a breath that made her all tremble!

how can that be!

A statue of heaven and earth, how could it threaten her!


Just in a blink of an eye, the martial arts world heaven and earth have already risen to the height of Jiuzhang!

But this world of heaven and earth is still growing rapidly, there is no tendency to stop at all!

"Is this deity of desolate deity also cultivated to the height of nine feet?"

Yu Luocha frowned slightly.

At the beginning, in the Battle of the Heaven and Earth Valley, Qinglian Zhenshen used the heavens and the earth and the law of the heavens and the earth, killing the combined power of the fierce tribe!

Of course, Jade Raksha is not afraid.

Jiuzhangjiu's world, although a little tricky, is not a threat to her!




An extremely high shadow rose into the sky, exuding a terrifying atmosphere, standing in the sky, looking like a torch, like a god!

Immediately, under the gaze of Jade Rakshasa and Hetuo Rakshasa, the nine heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens and the heavens once again climbed a foot!


The world is shaking!

A thick unmatched coercion shrouded it. This power surpassed common sense and broke the limit. It is difficult for even this world to accommodate this Fa phase!

In the empty space around the heaven and earth, there are even cracks!

Ten feet!

Ten feet!

In the realm of cultivation, nine is an extreme number. Even if Qinglian is the true body, the three Supreme Masters are combined to reach the height of nine feet and nine, without breaking this barrier.

But the deity bred a hundred sutras in the martial arts furnace, smelted ten thousand ways, and condensed the ten ancient heavens, earth, and heavens that shook ancient times and unprecedented times!

If it is said, there is really a saying of "Supreme Supreme".

That heaven and earth phase can be called the Supreme Phase!

There is no one heaven and earth law that can prevail above it!

Even the four Supreme Masters of the Great Monk could not stop the majesty of this Supreme Master!

The existence of the martial arts deity is a strange number!

No one can show his future!

Yu Luocha's complexion suddenly turned pale.

Jiuzhangjiu and Shizhang, although only a foot difference in height, this is a world of difference!

The Supreme Master of the Martial Arts deities, bowing slightly, looking down at the Black Tuo Raksha and Jade Raksha, their eyes shone like two rounds of scorching sun.

Under the watchful eye of this Supreme Dharma, Heiduo Raksha felt his own smallness for the first time.

That feeling is like being stared at by a real deity, and it seems to be suppressed at any time so that the bones are gone!

"Raksha clan? In my eyes, they are ants!"

The martial arts master slowly opened his mouth, sounding like Hong Zhong Daluo, majestic and immaculate!

"What about Shizhang, after all, it's just a Falun Gong!"

Heiduo Raksha has spurred the blood in a frenzied manner, and the sky is roaring. Between his hands, two cold-blinking scimitars have been added, and his wings are agitated. He wants to use his body skills to deal with this Supreme Master.

"You can't help it!"

The martial art sneer sneered slightly, and with a sense of consciousness, the Supreme Faith behind him suddenly stretched out his palm, suppressing it towards Heiduo Raksha!

This huge palm is simply a dark sky!

The terrifying coercion, the violent power, pouring down, the speed of the black Tuo Raksha, under the shroud of this power, has become extremely slow!

Under the suppression of the Supreme Dharma, the black Dharma's body is already useless!

He can only choose to go against the Supreme!


Heiduo Luosha roared, spurred the blood mana, raised the double knives in his hand, and chopped it towards the palm of the Supreme Faith!


The blades of Heiduo Raksha were chopped on the palm of the Supreme Dharma, and the voice of Jin Ge was heard, and no kill was entered!


Heiduo Raksha is discolored!

Ten feet high in heaven and earth, the mana has been condensed to this point, indestructible, and powerful instruments can't hurt him!

Huge power poured into the body of Heiduo Raksha along the machete!

puff! puff! puff!

Heituo Raksha's arms burst and burst into a mist of blood.

Immediately after, his upper body, chest, legs, and skull, under the suppression of this terrorist force, burst into pieces and turned into a mist of blood!


The giant palm of the supreme law suppressed it, and directly pressed Heiduo Rakshasa to the ground, turning it into a ball of blood, and the Yuanshen did not have a chance to escape and died on the spot!

Martial arts shot.

With just one hand, the combined power of the Raksha clan is completely suppressed!

(End of this chapter)

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