Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1485: Surrender, or die! (Third)

Chapter 1485 Surrender or Die! (Third)

Heiduo Raksha died too soon!

Jade Rakshasa was stunned by the Supreme Master's ten lords. He hadn't been able to calm down for a while. Hetuosa Raksha has died!

The martial art deity looked indifferent, his eyes turned, and fell on Yu Luocha's body.

The Supreme Faith behind him also made the same move. Two gods shrouded in the light, Yu Luocha felt a tremendous pressure, and there seemed to be no secrets all over his body!

"Submit, or die!"

The martial arts master slowly spoke.

The Supreme Faith also speaks at the same time, this voice is deafening, and in this world, there is endless echo!

Even when the Jade Rakshas arrived here, the martial arts demon had already started the nearby formation and had long isolated this place.

Otherwise, it's just that the fighting between the two sides spread and Pingyang Town will be enough to be razed to the ground.


Yu Luocha seemed to have heard a big joke, and she was extremely angry, saying, "Even if you are a ten-legal master, is a monarch who is a master of the law worthy of me?"

Yu Luosha's body flickered, holding a machete, rushing towards the martial arts deity.

The men of the Raksha ethnic group were born with blue-faced fangs, and wings and horror.

However, the women of the Raksha clan are unusually beautiful, have no flesh wings, and the shape of sharp nails just looks a little taller than ordinary people.

Although there are no meat wings, the speed of Yu Luosha's body is even faster than that of Heiduo Luosha!

The speed of the Raksha race is the first among the nine fierce races!

Even the Jinwu tribe are slightly inferior.

However, this Supreme Master of the Martial Arts deity, wherever the eyes can see, the void collapses and twists. Taking a random step, it is shaking the mountain!

This supreme aspect of the law is just to breathe out, it will form a mana hurricane, condensing a terrifying spell!

Raise your hands and cast your feet, all spells!

Suddenly, the mana of this heaven and earth has completely boiled!

No matter how fast Yu Luosha's stature is, he needs to have enough space to move around.

But in this world, there are endless spells, and each one is amazingly powerful, she can't dodge at all!

"How can that be possible!"

Jade Luocha's expression was uncertain, and there was a twinkling of panic in the beautiful eyes.

"A man's time and energy are limited. How can he practice so many spells!"


Supreme Master Xiang punched over with a huge air current, and this punch seemed to break the sky into a hole!

Jade Rakshasa is inevitable!

"Desolate, you deceive people too much!"

Yu Luocha suddenly screamed, spurred the blood, and squeezed his hands with a method to hit this huge fist!

At the same time, Yu Luocha's eyes were bright, and he turned the machete in his hand and sang lightly: "The annihilation of the world!"

A shadow of a knife flashed and chopped into the fist of the Supreme Faith.


The eyes of the martial art deity are fixed.

In the eyes of others, this is just a cut from Yu Luocha.

But in his sight, Yu Luosha cut off hundreds of swords at least in an instant!

Hundreds of knives are chopped out very fast, with almost no interval, but all of them are stacked together to form a shadow of a knife!

The outbreak of this secret technique directly increased the power of this knife several times!

This sword is indeed qualified to be called extinction.


Many of the spells hit the fist of the Supreme Master of Martial Arts, like a stone sinking into the sea, without causing any slight waves.

Then, the shadow of the sword came, chopped on the fist of the Supreme Faith!


A loud noise!

The non-forward striker is full of energy, and the void trembles!

This annihilated Rakshasa was smashed and crushed with a punch by Supreme Master!

There are cracks in the fist of the Supreme Fa!

This knife, after all, hurt the Supreme Law!

As the young master of the Raksha clan, Yu Luocha is also a crushing master of martial arts. This is by no means an easy generation.

"Break me!"

A secret technique of Yu Luocha failed to break the Supreme Phase, urged the blood again, and the sound of the tide came from the body.

Then a vision rose behind her!

Jade Raksha is worthy of the evil in this life of the Raksha clan, and it has cultivated blood vision!

Around the Jade Rakshasa, five Rakshasa daughters emerged, all born beautiful and flawless, dressed in tulle and charming in shape, but looked indifferent, staring at the martial arts deity, without any emotion!


Jade Luochao whispered.

The five Rakshasa girls who were beside her shot at the same time, and the annihilation of Rakshasa broke out!

Five swords are coming!

This time, even the Supreme Master of the martial arts could not escape, and was severely chopped on the body by the five annihilation of the world!

Click! Click!

The body of the Supreme Law gradually cracked.

No matter how strong the Supreme Phase is, there is a limit. Under the continuous killing impact of the Jade Luocha, the Supreme Phase can't support it!

In a blink of an eye, it collapsed!

"Ha ha!"

Jade Rakshasa is surrounded by five Rakshasa races, like the stars and arches, and sneers: "Wawu, your ten feet are broken, I'll take a look and see what you take me to submit!"

"A blood vision?"

The Budo master said faintly: "I do too."

The words didn't fall, and the figure of the martial art deity suddenly disappeared!

Yu Luocha's heart was stunned, and his spirit was instantly tense, exuding divine knowledge, and constantly searching the surroundings, but he could not find the trace of the martial arts deity at all!

"Desolate, where are you!"

Jade Luo Cha was a little nervous, urging her bloodline vision, and the five Luo Cha Cha daughters guarded her tightly.


Yu Luocha felt that the temperature of the entire sky and sky suddenly rose, and in the void, purple flames flared and the flames were burning!

The vision of the martial arts deity is a huge flood furnace!

You can incubate a hundred classics, and you can also smelt ten thousand ways, smelting the world's martial arts furnace!

Yu Luocha can't see the martial art deity, because she is already in this huge flood furnace!

This is the confrontation of blood vision!

Make a sound!

The body of a Raksha's daughter next to Jade Raksha was setting off a blazing fire, soaring to the sky!

Just in a blink of an eye, the Rakshasa daughter condensed by this blood vision was reduced to ashes!

Yu Luocha's complexion was pale!

She had realized that she was caught in the other's bloodline vision!

"Submit, or die!"

The voice of the martial art deity sounded, filled with endless majesty, and overbearing, and did not give Jade Luocha a third way at all!

Either surrender or die!

"As a young master of the Rakshasa, how can I surrender to you!"

Yu Luocha sneered sneerly, "Desolation, go dreaming!"


Between Ziyan surging, another Rakshasa girl turned into nothingness and disappeared!

call! call! call!

But between a few breaths, the Raksha's daughter next to Jade Raksha has been refined by the martial arts furnace!

This means that the blood vision of Jade Rakshasa has been burned to ashes by the martial arts furnace!

"Submit, or die!"

The voice of the martial art deity resounded again.

And this time, in addition to the endless majesty, there is also a trace of absolute, cold and murderous!

(End of this chapter)

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