Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1486: Guardian cymbals (fourth more)

Chapter 1486: Guardian Puppet (Fourth)

Yu Luocha has realized that if she doesn't surrender anymore, Barbara will really refine her into ashes!

In Wu Wu's heart, there is no such thing as pity and compassion!

Somehow, suddenly, Yu Luocha's heart burst into grievances.

Since she practiced, she has terrible talents, and her face is also the crown of the whole family. I do n’t know how many arrogant and evil pursuits have been behind her.

Have you ever been bullied like this?

She is the young master of the Raksha clan and is extremely proud.

When she wanted to come, in this world, the people who could make her surrender could never exist!

Don't say that the people who make her surrender and deserve her are not one of the entire Rakshasa!

But the hegemony of the martial arts deity, Jade Luocha's belief has collapsed!

Since she practiced, she has never encountered such an unreasonable and overbearing person. For a while, she had no idea at all.

"Did I actually die in the hands of a prince of law?"

"This desolate martial art is abominable! Abominable!"

"Isn't there a third option?"

Between this line of life and death, Yu Luocha's mind was completely confused.

No one wants to die.

She has cultivated to this point. If nothing else happens, she will most likely enter Mahayana and become the ancestor. She doesn't want to die here!

But Yu Luocha was unwilling.

Is it really necessary to surrender to the desert?

Yu Luocha's faith has begun to shake, his expression is struggling, and he is caught in great pain.

The purple flame in the martial arts furnace, but did not mean to stop, began to burn on her body!

"Desolate, you are so abominable!"

Yu Luocha screamed!

This wild martial art even refused to give her more time for consideration!

Yu Luocha's eyes were slightly red, tears swirled inside, and stubbornly refused to fall.

at last!

Yu Luocha gritted his teeth and hated, "It's okay for me to surrender, but I will never betray the Raksha, nor will I hurt my people!"

She is the young master of the Raksha clan, and the blood of the Raksha clan flows in her body.

This is her bottom line!


Yu Luocha felt light all over, and the sense of crisis hanging on the line had disappeared.

The purple flame that had surrounded her had also disappeared.

She seemed to be back in that familiar world.

No more suffocation, no more heat.

The air is fresh.

At the stone table not far away, the martial arts master sat there casually, looking indifferent, and sipping tea leisurely.

The pink boy was quietly behind him.

Everything looks peaceful and peaceful.

Yu Luocha felt the joy of the rest of his life!

Even the most abominable person seemed to be pleasing to the eye.

But soon, Yu Luocha realized his situation.

She is now surrendered to the desert.

In theory, the Faxiang Daojun in front of her is her master!

However, she couldn't say the word "master".

Yu Luocha froze with a cold face, and said in a deep voice, "Desolate Wu, I surrender to you, but I will not call you master!"


The martial art deity said lightly, without being angry or forcing.

Yu Luocha frowned slightly, which was different from her expected reaction.

After a little groaning, Yu Luocha said, "Also, I will never do anything like tea and water!"


Martial arts deity is still these two words.

Yu Luocha froze for a moment.

Why did this wildflower suddenly become so talkative?

Immediately, she seemed to think of something. She couldn't help but slightly change her color, clenched her fists, and gritted her teeth: "Desolate, don't want to touch me! As a young master of the Raksha family, my body will never ..."

"You think too much."

Before Yuluosha finished speaking, he was interrupted by the martial arts deity.

This time, Jade Luocha was really confused.

You do n’t have to call her host, she does n’t have to pour tea or water, let alone her dedication, and she does n’t have to betray the clan ...

From this point of view, there is no loss in surrendering to the wild.

As soon as this thought rose, Yu Luocha's heart gave a light whisper.

She was in this situation, completely because of the desertion, how could such an idea arise!

Yu Luosha shook his head, his heart murmured: "It must have been burned a little bit confused."

At this moment, the martial arts master slowly opened his mouth and said, "I don't usually have any demands on you or restrict your freedom."

"Even if you feel powerful enough, you can challenge me at any time. As long as you can beat me, naturally you don't have to submit to me."

Hearing here, Yu Luocha's eyes lighted up and asked, "Are you serious?"

This is tantamount to giving her a hope!

As long as she can defeat the barbarity, she can get rid of this bondage!

"You don't have to question what I say."

Martial arts master said lightly.

"Then what do you want me to do?"

Yu Luocha asked in a deep voice.

The martial art deity said: "You set off now, go to Jiufeng, guard in secret, anyone who breaks into Jiufeng, you must kill them!"

"It's that simple?"

Yu Luocha still couldn't believe it.

This wild martial art made her surrender, but she just sent her to guard a gate.

"It's that simple."

Budo nodded.

Yu Luo looked at the martial arts deity with complex eyes.

She suddenly realized that she didn't understand the person.

After half a ring, Yu Luocha suddenly asked: "I want to know why you gave me an option and didn't kill me directly."

"Two reasons."

The martial art deity said: "First, you have blocked that Rakshasa outside Pingyang Town, and you do not kill mortals."

"Second, I save you for my life, I just want you to protect Jifeng."


Yu Luocha frowned slightly.


Budo nodded.


Yu Luocha hummed coldly and turned away.

For some reason, an inexplicable loss and irritability burst into her heart.

Before walking far, Yu Luocha turned around suddenly, looking at the martial arts master, and sneered: "Wan Wu, I didn't even make an oath, aren't you afraid I would flee back?"

"You run away, and I will of course catch you back."

The martial arts master has a flat tone, but what he says is extremely overbearing!

"It's still so abominable!"

Yu Luocha sneered, and turned away.

A gust of wind passed, and the figure had disappeared.

Thanks to the trailblazers for the reward of 10,000 book coins, and thanks to the wind season for several book friends for their rewards.

(End of this chapter)

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