Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1487: Half-ancestors gather (first)

Chapter 1487: Half Ancestors Gather Together (First)

"My son, just let her go like this?"

Tao Yan slightly tilted her head and asked a little confused.

"if not."

The Budo master smiled.

"Will this Jade Rakshasa reveal the secret of the son's deity?" Tao Yan was a little worried.

"will not."

The martial artist shook his head and said, "This woman is proud and proud, and I give her a hope, she will be obsessed with it, thinking that she can defeat me one day."

"not to mention."

The Master of Martial Arts smiled slightly and said, "I left a mark of Martial Spirit on her Yuanshen. If she is not honest and has two hearts, then there is no need to keep her."

At the time of the martial arts vision of the Jade Luocha refining by the Budo Honglu, the mark of the Budo master had already left this mark!

At that time, Jade Luo was suspended for a while, and his mind was chaotic, and he didn't notice it at all!

If the martial arts master finds any changes in Jade Rakshasa, he only needs a divine thought, and the Yuanshen of Jade Rakshasa will be burned to ashes by the fire of Wuhun!

The means of martial art deity are almost ghosts!

"My son, why did you let her guard Ji Feng?"

Tao Yan thought for a while, and then asked, "Is there any danger in Yun Feng?"

"do not know."

The Budo master shook his head and said, "However, Qinglian really practiced in the Kunlun Market. Before she appeared for so long, the Raksha clan could not bear it and started to think of Pingyang Town. Anyone staring at him It's not surprising that there are peaks. "

"Just in case, if no one has the best idea of ​​hitting Fengfeng, if someone really doesn't know the life or death, they can cope with the strength of Jade Rakshasa."

As the young master of the Raksha clan, Yu Luocha is cultivated as a united state, but even if the half-ancestor of the human race confronts her, he may not be able to benefit!

Unless it is the most powerful half-ancestor of the human race, it is possible to compete with her!

Today's Wu Feng is not even close to the door.

Even if there are any people, focusing on Lai Feng, the highest level of cultivation is just a fit, powerful, semi-ancestor.

Mahayana ancestors are on the high-level ancient battlefield, who would waste time and go to the Northern Territory to do such a thing.

"My son, I can also help protect Feng Feng!"

Tao Yan slightly raised her head and shook her fist.

Somehow, after martial art deity surrendered to Jade Luo Cha, Tao Yan always felt that his status seemed to be challenged.

The martial art deity smiled and said, "You have to guard me."


Tao stunned for a moment.

Does Martial arts deserve human protection?

"I'm going to break through."

The Budo master said something lightly, got up and walked towards the room, and said, "Taoyang, Pingyang Town will leave it to you."

"Don't worry!"

Tao Yan quickly responded.


Northern Realm, Liuli Palace.

Standing in front of a fairy mountain cave mansion, a middle-aged monk is tall, wearing a glazed robe, shining in the sun, shining with colorful brilliance, extremely gorgeous!

This person stood up in the air, shining with divine light on his body, like a god, with a terrifying breath!

Dust feather!

The half-ancestor of the Liuli Palace!

Chen Yu's life is also a legend.

He experienced war in his early years, his family was ruined, and he became an orphan. With his childhood, he was strong and tall. Coupled with his young age, he had a terrible temperament. He soon gathered a group of people to make a living.

Later, a Tao Jun in Liuli Palace saw his qualifications and stepped into spiritual practice.

Whether it is the Golden Dan Vision List or the Heaven and Earth Law Ranking List, Chen Yu was a top three existence that year and was hailed as one of the most powerful Tianjiao of that era!

Not long after.

In the distant sky, a cloud suddenly floated.

The four figures came from the clouds, and the breath emitted was not inferior to that of Chen Yu!

Four strong ancestors again!


Chen Yu laughed loudly, Yu Feng moved forward, and greeted him, saying: "Four Dao friends, don't come here!"

Of these four ancestors, they came from different schools.

The middle one is the half-ancestor of Emperor Fan of the mixed Yuan ancestors.

The other was thin and indifferent, and the whole person stood there, like a sword with a sheath and a sharp edge.

This is the land ancestor of Jianzong!

The monk on the far left, with a Chinese character face, looks majestic, and his body is faintly flashing with thunder, which is the empty half-ancestor of the Wind and Thunder Hall.

The monk on the far right is wearing a dark golden robe with a mysterious and intricate starry pattern on it.

These five semi-ancestors are regarded as fiercely famous. Each one who walks in the realm of cultivation must attract countless attentions!

What's more, five ancestors gathered together!

Among these five half-ancestors, even some of them were Tianjiao evil in the same life, who had fought and killed!

"I waited for my own practice to realize the magical powers. I did not see it for some time."

Di Fan Shen said: "In this life, if there is no wild Wu this son was born, it will certainly not alarm us a few."

"It's just that we're late."

Tianxuan taught the elephant half-ancestor to shake his head and said, "I heard that the battle of Xuanji Palace was so powerful that even the owner of Xuanji Palace was suppressed by him!"

"This is already a climate. I'm afraid I won't be sure when I join forces."

The empty ancestors of the Wind Thunder Hall sighed slightly.


The Emperor of the Emperor Jianzong sneered suddenly: "If you're afraid, I'll be a sword by myself! I'd like to see if it's his arrogant" Kill of Heavenly Sword "or my" Kill of Earthly Sword " Great! "

The elephant ancestors and the empty sky ancestors frowned.

They are all semi-ancestors with a reputation similar to that of the ancestral half ancestors. Now they are so ridiculed by the earth that their faces cannot be hung up.

"Well, we have a rare meeting here to deal with the desert, so don't fight with yourself first, it makes people laugh."

Chen Yu hit a round field.

The deceased half ancestor still looked disdainful.

You know, "Sword to Earth" is always in Jianzong, but this sword is difficult to understand and extremely difficult to cultivate.

From ancient times to the present, very few people can cultivate this sword tactic!

At that time, the sword emperor, in order to allow the monk Jianzong to improve his combat power, based on "Slaying the Sword of the Sword" as the basis, and promoted a "Sword of the Unborn".

This "Sword of No Life" is relatively simple to cultivate.

Of course, the power is far inferior to "Sword of Ground Kill"

The great earth ancestor does have his proud capital!

Among these five semi-ancestors, if they were really killed by life and death, the last one who might survive is the semi-ancestors of the earth!

The great earth ancestors have no deep hatred with Su Zimo.

When he came out of the mountain, there was only one goal-"Sword of Heavenly Sword" on Su Zimo!

If he can get "Sword of Heavenly Sword", he will surely be able to step into Mahayana territory. The future potential is also unimaginable!

"All of you, the main purpose of our trip to Jifeng is to persuade the deserted army to appear!"

Di Fan Shen said: "In light of the information I collected, this person takes seriously affection. If he knew this, even if he knew it was a trap, he would break in stupidly!"

"This is a good strategy."

Wuxiang Banzu nodded, and said, "If the deserted warrior appears, even if I join forces to suppress him, the strongest of the six fierce tribe will surely lock it!"

"When the time comes, the deserted martial arts will die!"

(End of this chapter)

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