Eternal Sacred King

Chapter 1504: kneel! kneel! kneel!

Chapter 1504: Kneel! kneel! kneel!

Under the leadership of the gray-haired man, Su Zimo went all the way.

The great power of the Kunlun people who followed him looked at the eyes of the three, with obvious hostility, and surrounded the three, seemingly afraid that they would escape.

After a long time, a large and magnificent palace emerged in front of it, hundreds of miles in length, luxurious atmosphere, one brick and one tile, all made of the best natural treasures!

The architectural style in the palace is also quite ancient.

A group of patrolling Kunlun passed by the crowd and saw the gray-haired man with a respectful look. He knelt to the ground and shouted, "I've seen the Lord!


The gray-haired man nodded, his face calm and imposing, and he waved, "Get up."

After hearing this, the Kunlun people on patrol got up and left.

The gray-haired man turned his head, glanced at Su Zimo and said coldly, "You remember, when you saw Kunlun, you bowed down and saluted!"

Hearing this sentence, extremely hot face disdain.

Who is he?

The most top master of masters on the continent, I do n’t know how many fits come to ask for masters.

He is still powerful and side by side, so powerful, how can he kneel casually!

"What the master of Kunlun, the shelf is big."

Jihuo sneered in his heart, but didn't say it.

Nian Qi was expressionless.

She only listened to Su Zimo's words. If Su Zimo made her kneel, she would kneel.

Su Zimo's expression was calm, and he could not see the mood, nor the thoughts in his heart.

The gray-haired man raised his eyebrows slightly, sneered, and said, "Don't blame me for reminding you that this is Kunlun Market! Kunlun Market has the rules of Kunlun Market!"

"I don't care what great role you have on the continent. When you come to Kunlun Market, you will be a dragon and you must lie down!"

"In Kunlun Market, those who don't follow the rules will kill without amnesty!"

Su Zimo still said nothing, and did not respond to the threat of the gray-haired man.

Neither afraid nor angry.

Su Zimo's idea is simple.

If the Lord of Kunlun is the night spirit, then everything is easy to say.

Ye Ling naturally did not let him kneel.

If the Lord of Kunlun is not the night spirit ...

In this world, no one can force him to kneel.

Not even Mahayana ancestors!

The gray-haired man led Su Zimo and others to continue through the palaces, and a huge altar emerged in front of them, standing tall.

Around the altar, there are countless creatures of different races.

But every living creature is wrapped in a gray ribbon around their waists, and their cultivation is different in their realms. At a glance, there are at least ten million people!

Among them, there is no lack of combined power, semi-ancestor strong.

These creatures are all Kunlun!

The army of so many powerful creatures is very disciplined, tidy and aggressive, and it looks very shocking!

Even on the continent, there has never been such a scene.

You know, a super monk monk counts gas trainers at most, but it is no more than a million people.

So many Kunlun people can be roughly divided into five huge teams, occupying different areas, and surrounding the altar.

Among them, four teams stood in front of them with a terrifying semi-ancestor who looked distinguished.

"In order to annihilate this rebellion in Kunlun Market, the host gathered ten armies. Here are five of them. The remaining five have been fighting with the traitors in front.

"The four ancestors you saw were the leaders of the four armies."

Su Zimo glanced.

The leader of the fifth army is vacant. It is no accident that the gray-haired man next to him should be the leader of the fifth army!

So many powerful creatures gathered together, condensing a powerful aura, echoing around the palace!

Tens of thousands of Kunlun people launched at the same time, I am afraid that they can step into any piece of power, half strong ancestors!

Even Jihuo and Nianqi, when they saw such a huge scene, were secretly scared and slightly discolored.

Of the three, only Su Zimo always looked indifferent and never changed.

Of course, the most conspicuous is not the surrounding Kunlun army.

But a few people on the middle altar.

In the middle of the altar is a seat made of huge bones. Each bone is a keel. Even in the past years, it still exudes powerful dragon spirit!

This is the real dragon chair.

There was a man sitting on the dragon chair.

This is a bald man with a big body and a strong majesty, but just sitting there casually seems to be the master of the world!

Ten million troops, listen to one's life!

"This is the Lord of Kunlun!"

Said the gray-haired man proudly.

In Su Zimo's eyes, there was a touch of disappointment.

Originally, he thought that the Lord of Kunlun might be the night spirit, but he did not expect it, but he was a stranger.

Although there were many creatures around this altar, he did not find the figure of the night spirit.

Su Zimo narrowed his eyes and looked at the Lord of Kunlun.

The body of this Kunlun master exudes an extremely evil breath, as if it were a huge abyss, which can devour everything!

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

The Kunlun Lord is not a human race, but he can't see what the Kunlun Lord is.

Behind the Lord of Kunlun, there were still three men in white robes, handsome in appearance. Although disguised, Su Zimo recognized the identities of the three at a glance.


The dress of these three men is exactly the same as the Protoss who died in his hands in the exquisite secret realm!

Su Zimo remained calm.

At this moment, the gray-haired man had taken Su Zimo's three men to the altar.

"Gou Xuan, you are back."

The Lord of Kunlun smiled and said something.

Su Zimo frowned slightly.

The Lord of Kunlun smiled, his ears almost grinning, and they were so big that they looked a bit creepy!

"Meet the master!"

The gray-haired man called "Hou Xuan" quickly fell to his knees, respectfully saluting.

The three of them were motionless.


The Lord Kunlun's gaze turned, the smile on his face disappeared.

"External, why don't you kneel when you see the Lord of Kunlun!"

Hou Xuan asked fiercely, fiercely.

"Kneeling! Kneeling! Kneeling!

Tens of thousands of creatures below burst into roars, demons were soaring, they were so powerful, they were shaking!

With such a strong mentality as Jihuo, I felt tremendous pressure at this time!

"No such habit."

Su Zimo's expression remained unchanged, and he said lightly.

There was a hint of murder in Hou Xuan's eyes, and he subconsciously looked at the Kunlun Lord sitting on the dragon chair.

Kunlun's master was expressionless, and slowly closed his eyes.

Gou Xuan understood, his face was emaciated, and he jumped up from the ground with anger and blood, and rushed towards Su Zimo.

"Since you don't kneel, give me death!"

The hair of Hook Hyun's head was congested, and suddenly squirmed, turning into small gray snakes, exposing stinky fangs, spitting snake letters, and biting at Su Zimo!

(End of this chapter)

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